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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]

Ryan stood their shocked. He also noted not to anger the farmer at all! Ryan begins to follow the farmer, "W-where are we going?" Ryan still grips the bat as he follows the farmer like a lost puppy.
The farmer respond as he attempt to open the door, the hinges were jammed.

"Weeell... grh, you motherfuck- OPEN YOU FUCK!" he tore down the door, the wood had been weakened anyway and was looking into renovations though that didn't matter anymore. He cleared his throat as they both passed an SUV with another survivor party waiting on what to do. The groans of the undead were distant though could be heard, it was unsettling, that and the darkening skies. Everything was filtered a nightly, pale blue. Wayne threw his bags over the side of his own parked box Chevy and the essentials between the only two seats of the truck.

"I was thinkin' of doing some free shoppin' and maybe cruise the highway a bit, sort shit out, relax..." he chuckled to himself as he opened the driver's side door and sat himself at the steering wheel, turning the key in the ignition then pulling down the lever behind the steering wheel to shift into drive. The engine spat then roared, purring as it vigorously bumped on every rock and bump in the dirt road.

"Perhaps look for others or whateveruhumhrm," he trailed off from speech mumbling an inaudible sentence as his ornaments on the rear view mirror lashed about and the truck vibrate.

"CDs in the glovebox kiddo, pick one, any, EXCEPT JEFFERSON AEROPLANE YOU KEEP THE FUCK AWAY FROM THAT HIPPY SHIT," he cleared his throat.

"Whatever your call," the farmer focused on the road.
Ryan smiled, as he entered the passenger seat. he jumped when the old farmer yelled at him. "I think I'll just let you pick." Ryan keeps the baseball bat near him as the old farmer was getting ready. "Can I call you farmer?" ,Ryan said. Ryan sat uncomfortable as he puts the seatbelt on by instinct. "And are we going to leave them?" Ryan looked at the group of survivors
"Mhhhhhhh yep, fuck 'em they can follow just REMEMBER YOUR TURN SIGNALS ASSHOLES," Wayne muttered another inaudible sentence. He leant forward into the glovebox retrieving a few CDs and cases, he examined a few, throwing what he deemed "hippy trash" out the window. He placed a CD into the slot and let it play.

Scissor Sisters - Laura plays.

Wayne adjust his mirror, glancing back at the SUV.

"Youuu can call me Dale, or Wayne, whatever the fuck you prefer kid," Wayne began to hum the chorus, nodding his head and tapping the steering wheel. They passed by multiple corpses that wandered freely, roaming the freeway.

"Say what's happn' with you kid?" his tone was gruff, almost intimidating though despite his violent and obscene nature, there was a goodwill about him.
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Ryan stared out the window, while the question rolled in his head. "I-I swimmed the Missouri river. Killed five of those monsters. I don't know where my two older brothers and my younger sister is at. I also don't know where my parents are at. I'm by myself and I don't even know what's in my bag either." ,Ryan said. He took a deep breath and looks at his bat. Then he realizes he could look through his bookbag. He threw the bag in his lap and begin to search through it. He made a mental list of the following items:

4 bottles of water

3 cans of food and some dried fruit.

A roll of nylon rope

A box of ceral

A small kitchen knife

Couple pair of pants, socks, and shirts

Ryan begin to look in the side pockets and in the small pocket in the front. He found this:

Some medicine bottles

A picture of his family

A pocket knife

a pencil and paper

and some ammo for the pistol.
((Yeah, same here. By the time I wake up or something hopefully @LostInTime will have responded lol, good night sleep tight don't let the dead bite :3))
"The gunfire is nothing to worry about. If they have weapons, then we are safe. Unless they have ill intentions." Ethan took a look in the rear-view mirror, seeing a few undead following them from not too far away. He turned the truck off the highway and onto the back roads that led to the farm. "They seem to be wasting a lot of ammunition though. Just be prepared for the worst." The gunfire seemed to be getting louder with every passing second. "Call ahead on the radio, so they know we are--" He slammed on the breaks. They had come into view of the farm, and all the undead that had surrounded it. There was no survivors to be seen, and it seemed that the place was lost. "Shit. So much for the safe haven." He turned to Jackson, a worried look on his face. "Plan?"


((So @Neuton and @Opium have left the farm, right? Confused as to whether they passed us or not. If so I will edit the post.))

(((Also, you guys post a lot. xD )))
Wayne pulled up on a quiet, desolate part of the freeway for some breathing space as the sky was now a deep blue, the clouds merely silhouettes plastered amongst the sky. The farmer turned the ignition, shutting down all instances of the vehicle as the engine slowly died, like a slowing fan. The farmer spoke before the boy inquired anything.

"Weeee lost the radio, 'least I lost my radio. BBBYYACK TO THE FARM," the turned the key once more and more viciously pulled down the lever, he browsed through the song playlist before settling at an option.

Scissor Sisters - Laura continues to play.

Wayne sped down the freeway, purposely striking each corpse that was in the way, the impact sent them souring to the side or being flung overhead. The farmer rammed through debris and took violent swerves almost being launched from his seat whilst the boy sat there stunned and lost for words. Wayne began to sing along to the radio.

"This will be the lasstttt time, I ever' do your hairrr," Wayne grasped the boys arm, shaking him back and forth as he howled the chorus. It was humorous at first, until Wayne swerved almost deliberately into a passing survivor. A human. He slowed and looked back at the bloodied mess and yelled out,


They reached the farmstead they left prior moments ago and charged into the dirt driveway, the front of their box Chevy was christened with blood, washed over with a few lumpy objects of gore that stuck to the grill. There was a huge dent and a busted left light. Wayne kicked open his door as a mass of undead were ever closer than before, literally pressed against the picket fence surrounding his estate. Some tumbled over and began limping forward.

Just as the other two survivors were about to leave they caught a glimpse of the Chevy, noticing the farmer and an... almost traumatized boy in the front. He spread open his arms revealing a bloodied mess of his shirt, it was dried blood from earlier though still gave off the wrong impression.

"Mhhhh, what'r you doin' on my farm huh? Ohhhh, mhh right, I see," he made muffled tones of pleasure, his voice grew alluring and deep, "Right, right, you're cowboys...?" he paused, they stared at him.

He still wore the helmet that had "PUSSY KING" roughly drawn in appalling handwriting with a sharpie on the front. Had remained there from '68 in 'Nam.

Wayne act casual, as if nothing were wrong despite the approaching horde.

@Neuton @burninglog @LostInTime
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"What.....the......hell....." The English teacher breathed, crouched inside his classroom. "Was that?!"

It defied logic.

It defied life.

It was walking towards him.

Alarmed, Arthur pulled out his shotgun and pointed it at the defying force's head.
"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE OR I'LL SHOOT!" It didn't listen; Arthur scowled and shot at it. Again and again and again. "Stay. Away. From. My. Classroom!" Eventually, it fell over, overwhelmed by the amount of bullets. Arthur stared silently at the fallen creature and carefully.....very carefully....walked over to take a look at it. It was disgusting. He got out one of the generic walkie-talkies that he often used to report students and switched it to "intercom mode". "Hello? Is anyone alive in this building?! This is Mr. Saedor! Is anyone alive?!"

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All of a sudden Striker heard the sound of gun shots. He quickly ran to see where the noise was coming from, upon turning a corner he found he had somehow made his way back to the school."Oh come on! How did I end up back where I started?" He asked himself annoyed that he had done all that walking only to end up back at the school."Well I heard gun shots better check it out, better than staying out here alone." Striker decided and ran into the school."Hello anyone here?" He called just loud enough for anyone nearby to hear him. @femjapanriceball
"Hello, anyone there?" Arthur heard a voice say. He stood up, away from......whatever that thing was.

"Yes!" he screamed. "Where the hell is everyone? What the hell's going on? Is anyone else alive?!" He walked out of the classroom, searching for the owner of the voice. "Striker! Is that you?! Thank God....it's me, Arthur!"

@Solemn Jester
"Arthur! Oh god I'm glad to see you I thought everyone was dead." Striker exclaimed as he walked up to Arthur. He then heard the sounds of groaning and foot steps and his eyes widened."Listen we need to get out of here I'll explain everything once we're safe OK? Let's go!" Striker said as he grabbed Arthur's arm and began to pull on him towards the exit of the school. @femjapanriceball
Arthur nodded and ran through the halls, still somewhat confused about what was going on. "I'm certainly glad I ran into you, and not one of those things again. Still......no idea how I got here." Then he remembered the last thing he did before he was knocked out; getting his brother and son out of there.....fast. He looked down; he hoped they were safe. Well, at least he hadn't ran into another one of those things. What had his students called them? Zombies. Now he remembered. They had played video games like this when they were supposed to be paying attention, and it was even popular when he was a youth. However, Arthur had been more interested in Stephen King than zombie video games.

@Solemn Jester
Striker made his way through the street, and hide in the alleyway he had been in previously. Arthur being pulled along as he did, breathing heavily Striker attempted to catch his breath."OK now let's talk about what the hells going on." Striker finally declared upon regaining his breath."Well the worlds gone to hell, people are turning into zombies. Ummm and I don't think we're safe here. I heard a guy on the radio saying something about heading north of Jamestown. I was heading that way but ended up getting lost. All the drama kids..their all dead. I walked in on them tearing each other apart." As Striker remembered the even his eyes began to fill with tears. All that's happened had finally caught up to him."Oh god Arthur I don't know what I'm suppose to do!" He cried as the tears began streaming down his face."I couldn't do anything to stop them from dying! From....from turning into those things! Now its just me and you and who knows what the hell the rest of the worlds like?" @femjapanriceball
Arthur covered his mouth, shocked. "Striker........I'm so sorry....I.....if your students are all dead, does that mean...." He shook his head. "No. It can't just be you and me. I'm almost certain." After a moment, he hugged his coworker, a look of grim determination. "And if it is just us, then I say we fight as hard as those kids probably did. Until our very last breaths. Right?" Arthur nodded, knowing what he had said had made perfect sense. He had always been mature, and he wasn't going to stop now. He had known Striker since Day One, after all. He was practically his best friend.

@Solemn Jester
Striker wiped the tears from his eyes and regained his composer."Yeah your right thanks Arthur I needed that. I'm glad I have you as my best friend, if I had to be with anyone now its a good thing it's one of the few people I like." Striker said his eyes red from crying."OK so what's the plan? Maybe we should get out of here and go find the guy on the radio?" Striker suggested as he checked to make sure the coast was clear for the living dead. @femjapanriceball
[Won't be on until later bc, big surprise, im actually a farmer irl and have priorities, take care evryone see u all later xx ]
"Right. He said north of the city, right?" Arthur put his shotgun back into his belt. "Guess we'd better get going before another group of zombies come along. Do you have a weapon?" he added hastily. "I don't want to find out that you've been unarmed and I don't think we can fight with only one person. I got lucky that time around." After a minute, he sighed. "Sorry. I'm a hot mess today."

@Solemn Jester
"Don't worry I got us covered." Striker said as he opneded up the bag he had been carrying with him. It had food and medical supplies along with a razor blade, lots of different kinds of wire, and a revolver with about 50 rounds."OK so the zombies are attracted to noise so let's not use the pistol unless absolutely necessary. The wire might be somewhat useful, but the only real weapon we can use is the razor blade."Striker laughed nervously and scratched his head."I suppose I don't exactly have us covered. @femjapanriceball
"Right," Arthur said again. "Looks like it's up to my shovel, then." He walked over to his favorite tree, the place where he usually read books, and got out his shovel. "I suppose it will work for now.....but it isn't exactly a top-notch anti-zombie weapon. We can find something better later. For now, it would be a good time to find a base; perhaps something out-of-reach." Using his shovel, he began scratching plans in the dirt. "Like.......a treehouse! Can those things climb?"

@Solemn Jester
"Not likely I found one of them walking into a closed door." Striker said as he watched Arthur work."But that would take to long we can't make a tree house. Those things would find us ,and rip is apart before it got finishe. Plus we don't have anything to build one with. Unless you plan to find a treehouse out here somewhere, or know where one is." Striker said making sure no walking dead had joined there little planning session. He wasnt going to let one of them sneak up on him. @femjapanriceball
"Oh, I know, all right," Arthur said, grinning. "My son—" He trailed off; his face fell. The memory was too painful. But he had to regain himself. He was supposed to be mature and ready for anything. He took a deep breath; his voice was significantly lower. "My son built one with his friends a while back. I helped him. It's.........not far. You know how big my backyard is. Remember? The willow tree in my backyard." He nodded. "It might be a bit difficult, and we will probably have a run-in, but it's the best chance we've got."

@Solemn Jester
Striker put his hand on Arthur's shoulder to comfort him."Yeah I know come on let's go, no rotting carcass is gonna stop the dream team." Striker said making a muscle and grunting noises to show his manliness. @femjapanriceball
Arthur chuckled; Striker sure knew how to cheer him up. ".....Yeah. That's exactly what we are; the Dream Team!" He grinned and lifted his shovel, slinging it over his shoulder. "Guess we'd better get going." He began walking then after a moment, paused. "Hey, have you seen my wife around? I'm really worried for her." His question was shortly answered when he saw her shuffling towards him......her carcass, that is. Arthur froze. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! AMELIA, NO!" He backed away, his face pale. He opened his wallet and took out a picture of them together, comparing the picture to the zombie.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.aa7b24306a96bfe63a7102342ae89df6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.aa7b24306a96bfe63a7102342ae89df6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It was a match. Arthur swallowed.
"A-Amelia....?" She continued shuffling towards them. Arthur looked sadly at his shovel and sighed. "I'm sorry."

Then he hit her with it—hard. She fell over. Arthur slumped to the ground, tears falling down his face. "Amelia......I'm sorry......I'M SO SORRY!"

@Solemn Jester



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