Out of Tower Chat

Azure Sky] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9893-quirkyangel/ said:
Also I've been making scenarios in my head, and there are a few particular characters that I don't see him winning against:

1. Selicity

2. Tok

3. Daz after Shinsoo training

4. Illiam after Shinsoo training

5. Aerum
You don't need to strong to be the best seed in the scout position^^
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[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Oh I thought you had a problem with his level of power xD


Sel is a competitive person. Once the position test rolls around, she'll be aiming to be the best seed in her group. Her only competition would've been Illiam since all other npcs are nameless fodder. But, now, with another scout added to the mix, things have gotten harder for my kitten^^
QuirkyAngel said:
Sel is a competitive person. Once the position test rolls around, she'll be aiming to be the best seed in her group. Her only competition would've been Illiam since all other npcs are nameless fodder. But, now, with another scout added to the mix, things have gotten harder for my kitten^^
Isn't that better? More fun for Sel :D

Umm...will Sel by chance develop some sort of rivalry thing against Ningor? Looks like it.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Isn't that better? More fun for Sel :D
Umm...will Sel by chance develop some sort of rivalry thing against Ningor? Looks like it.


Maybe. Sel doesn't like being beaten so it's quite possible. We'll see^^
Rantos said:
Me doesn't see what you friend means?
QuirkyAngel said:
The Galleon“How cold,” Evelyn replied playfully. “After all the time we’ve been together? I’m your guide you know. How can you not the trust the person who’s showing you where to go?”

The questions were rhetorical and Evelyn didn’t expect an answer. Argeus’s response showed he wasn’t as simple-minded and honorable as he appeared when he offered Evelyn his arm. Evelyn was glad for that fact. It would make guiding him that much more interesting. Harder as well, though Evelyn had never really been one to turn away challenges.

“The key isn’t important. It’s what’s inside that’s important.”

Without another word, Evelyn stuck the key in the lock and turned. Instead of the lock opening, as one would normally expect, the chains simply vanished. Suddenly the chest burst open a black blur whizz past them. Reacting quickly, Evelyn trapped stopped the tiny shadow and trapped it in his lighthouse. He brought the green cube closer so Argeus could see what was inside.


“This is a dream fairy,” Evelyn explained. “A rare and dangerous creature that lives on the 108th floor. Dream fairies are parasites that tends to jump from host to host, feeding on the dreams of its victims, expounding their worst fears, and producing nightmares so realistic that even powerful rankers can be driven mad should they be host to it for an extended period of time. Once they enter the mind of their victims, they are notoriously difficult to catch. Most aren’t even aware of their presence.”

The dream fairy inside the green suspendium, titled its head and pressed its hands flat against the wall that kept it confined. It pushed, its little wings fluttering, as it tried to break through its prison. After a couple seconds of useless effort, the thing pouted and flipped its hair. Evelyn smirked. “I’m going to release it and let in cause mischief in the second floor testing area.”

Green eyes flickered to Argeus. The Satyr’s humanoid form would serve him well. “I told you that I’m prepping the stage for you. This little beauty will do its part in reeling in the allies you want. I’ll make sure of that. The rest is up to you—whether they become comrades or enemies. Not trusting anyone in this tower is wise. However,”

With a single wave of his hand, the lighthouse disappeared, taking the dream fairy with it. “The path you walk on isn’t meant to be traveled alone. You’d do well to remember that.”

It would only lead to death. FUG wasn’t an organization to be taken lightly. And, if truth be told, he’d grown a little attached to the tree man he was nurturing. Only time will tell if his efforts would produce an entertaining fruit. Evelyn returned to his seat on the edge of the bed. Crossing his legs, Evelyn grinned at Argeus. He patted the spot on the bed beside him. Just a simple invitation really. What he had to tell Argeus was going to be long and it would probably be more comfortable for the Satyr to sit. Though whether or not Argeus decided to sit with him or not mattered little to Evelyn. He continued speaking regardless.

“FUG isn’t just a simple organization. It’s much more than that. It’s a religion. An ideology created by people who are dissatisfied with the tower as it stands. People who are dissatisfied with Zahard’s rule. They blame the king of the tower for their imprisonment. They believe that his death and the death of his family will free them.”

Having worked with FUG in the past allowed Evelyn to see the inner workings of its members. That was the conclusion Evelyn came up with. Even though FUG evolved and expanded over the years, gaining new members, the foundation from what it was still the same. “And because they are more than a simple organization, you can’t just kill them by taking out their members. Not even cleaving off the head will do the trick. Take a tree for example.” Evelyn’s snake eyes glinted humorously. “You don’t remove a tree by cutting off the leaves or branches. It’ll only regrow. What you do is you pull it out from its roots.”

Evelyn licked his lips before continuing. “FUG is driven and kept alive because they have hope that the immortal Zahard can be killed. Their hope exists in the form of their gods. Have you heard of them? People who break the rules of the tower? People’s whose very existence threatens the tower’s stability? People like myself, Helios Prime, Urek Mazino, etc. who do not need the permission of guardians to manipulate shinsoo? We are the Irregulars. Our existence provides hope for FUG who hopes break the iron-rule of the ‘tyrant’ king. In order to truly eliminate FUG, to wipe it from the tower, you need to remove us. But, it just so happenes, that the allies you need to defeat FUG are irregulars as well.”

The irregular guide chuckled. “A hopelessly convoluted situation, right? That’s okay. I don’t expect you to understand. Nor do I have the time to get into such deep matters with. It would only confuse you and make things more complicated than it has to be. So I’ll keep things simple. The first thing you have to do to defeat FUG is to meet FUG's greatest enemy, King Zahard. And in order to that you have to make it to the to the ‘top’ of the tower. Focus on that for now and everything will fall into place.”

Uncrossing his legs, Evelyn leaned back slightly, his palms rested against the soft sheets and his ebony hair falling over his shoulders as he peered lazily at the revenge-driven Satyr.

“Anything else you want to ask before I tell you our next destination?”
Rantos said:
lol. Evelyn does like to talk alot^^ Though the main reason I didn't cut off at the fairy is because I wanted to get through everything quickly.

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]If Len and Freya are trying to make Areum feel sorry for them they're going to have to try a lot harder than that xP

They should try turning on the tears.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]If Len and Freya are trying to make Areum feel sorry for them they're going to have to try a lot harder than that xP

They are not. They are merely trying to be belivable. Whether or not Areum feels sorry for them is of no importance.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]They are not. They are merely trying to be belivable. Whether or not Areum feels sorry for them is of no importance.

then they probably could have chosen wiser words

areum is very...


[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]then they probably could have chosen wiser words
areum is very...


She'll not like Evelyn then.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]then they probably could have chosen wiser words
areum is very...


Oh come on...Lumiere didn't talk that much. And most people would be interested in befriending a Guide xD
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Oh come on...Lumiere didn't talk that much. And most people would be interested in befriending a Guide xD

I don't think it's the length. She might just not care for the tragic backstory...
I mean, she doesn't mind conversation, yeah, she just really really really doesn't care about the life story of a stranger, no matter how tragic or not tragic it is xP
QuirkyAngel said:
I don't think it's the length. She might just not care for the tragic backstory...
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]I mean, she doesn't mind conversation, yeah, she just really really really doesn't care about the life story of a stranger, no matter how tragic or not tragic it is xP

Even if she doesn't, that was not the point of Len's acting. He wants to see, hear, and feel her reaction on an empathic level. To give him an idea about future psychological weaknesses to exploit.

...I got the chance to learn about that in detail by watching the Italians in the city that I live.
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[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Even if she doesn't, that was not the point of Len's acting. He wants to see, hear, and feel her reaction on an emphatic level. To give him an idea about future psychological weaknesses to exploit.
...I got the chance to learn about that in detail by watching the Italians in the city that I live.

Hmm, I see...

What if she responds with false sympathy? What can he extract from that?
QuirkyAngel said:
Hmm, I see...
What if she responds with false sympathy? What can he extract from that?
Every human is empathic, but when we reach a certain age in our childhood we instinctively shut down our empathy mechanisms, because we can't handle the overflow of emotions from other people. But we can reactivate that empathic ability by entering a state of emotional neutrality (there is a technique for that). Also once you shut down your visual senses, your empathic ones grow stronger. Even then it is most likely that you'll feel the emotions of the person who is the closest to you physically. But since Lumiere, Feya, and even Daz (manipulative mode on) are emotionally neutral right now, the one whose emotions Lumiere will feel will be Areum.

Now let me bust a myth here...Empathy isn't as amazing an ability as you see it in movies. You can feel a few basic emotions coming from a person. Namely sadness, anxiety, fear, joy, and anger.

If Areum responds with false sympathy, Len would be able to tell, by reading her empathic state. If she feels any emotion which is different from the basic sadness, then she's lying. If she feels nothing , then Len will understand that she is manipulative just like them.

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