Out of Tower Chat

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Sure, she has some to spare.


How durable is the toothbrush?
Rantos said:
How durable is the toothbrush?
Just slightly more durable than a normal one. It just has a spell on it that puts pressure on your body.

We do know that spells exist in ToG after all.
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Illiam's going to need more then just one then.

If the vigorous night of scrubbing doesn't break it...

Scratch that, the vigorous night of scrubbing will break it.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Fixed.

Nothing will ever be the same again. You monster.

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I'll make it so that the bots have some to spare as well.

The bots also just have like general cleaning supplies yeah?
Rantos said:
Nothing will ever be the same again. You monster.
The bots also just have like general cleaning supplies yeah?
They will bring the supplies if needed.

And Rantos...you're up-to-date with ToG and didn't know that? xD

But you're obviously joking...


Rantos said:
I have never once seen a spell used in ToG...

Hoaqin uses one to do the Voldemort-Horecrux thing and Sachi Faker is a spell-caster, something which was stressed out many times. His Shinsoo vines with thorns are the result of spells which he chants in his head. Dude, pay atention to details xD
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]
Hoaqin uses one to do the Voldemort-Horecrux thing and Sachi Faker is a spell-caster, something which was stressed out many times. His Shinsoo vines with thorns are the result of spells which he chants in his head. Dude, pay atention to details xD

I never recall any of that.

Rantos said:
I never recall any of that.
From wikia:

Sachi is said to possess outstanding physical ability and "special" Shinsoo controlling abilities. Also it is said that he is "absolutely" powerful at "one-vs-many" battles.[5] It is stated that he is among the three strongest D-rank Regulars.[4] He notes that he experimented with "forbidden spells that deal with souls" and lost an eye as a result of a "sin" he committed.[6]

Sachi possesses a wand with wich he can directly attack or cast a special spell.

Silence of Rose: Sachi trained for hundreds of years to master this spell. When he uses this spell, his left eye starts to glow. When using this spell, tendrils emit from the wand, which bind the target and won't release until it dies.
Azure Sky]From wikia:[SPOILER] Sachi is said to possess outstanding physical ability and "special" [URL="http://towerofgod.wikia.com/wiki/Shinsoo said:
Shinsoo[/URL] controlling abilities. Also it is said that he is "absolutely" powerful at "one-vs-many" battles.[5] It is stated that he is among the three strongest D-rank Regulars.[4] He notes that he experimented with "forbidden spells that deal with souls" and lost an eye as a result of a "sin" he committed.[6]

Sachi possesses a wand with wich he can directly attack or cast a special spell.

Silence of Rose: Sachi trained for hundreds of years to master this spell. When he uses this spell, his left eye starts to glow. When using this spell, tendrils emit from the wand, which bind the target and won't release until it dies.

You know wikis can be edited by anyone. That could be false information you are reading.
Rantos said:
You know wikis can be edited by anyone. That could be false information you are reading.
I just used it because it's faster than searching for the scans...



And the ToG wikia is very well made. I am certain it is correct...because it was mentioned in the comic as well...

Hell, the characters even talk abou how awesome it is to have a spell-caster on their side xD

How could you not remember such information?...I mean, it stands out like a sore thumb.
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(is having a lot of fun with this)

I think you need some glasses buddy.

They obviously said in the web comic how awesome is was to have a... smell caster...

I'm out of ways to act ignorant.
Rantos said:
(is having a lot of fun with this)
I think you need some glasses buddy.

They obviously said in the web comic how awesome is was to have a... smell caster...

I'm out of ways to act ignorant.

Do you have anything else left to say, Rantos-kun? :D
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Quirk hasn't reached the Hoaqin part so she wouldn't know about the spells yet :P


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