Out of Tower Chat

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Yeah, sure, they were kind of ugly. But that didn't really matter. Well, it kind of mattered.

Len Lumiere: "While I don't find you particularly ugly, young lady of the Eurasia family, I'd like to point out that you're not exactly Androssi Zahard"
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Len Lumiere: "While I don't find you particularly ugly, young lady of the Eurasia family, I'd like to point out that you're not exactly Androssi Zahard"

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Considering the current speed... if you wanna wait to introduce your char in the main... you'll have to wait more than 3 months.

Naaahhh it's fine. A lazy butt like me can wait that long...

I'll probably change my mind in a week or so anyways
The One Eyed Bandit]Areum: [URL="http://cliparts.co/cliparts/8iE/b9y/8iEb9yj4T.jpg said:

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Considering the current speed... if you wanna wait to introduce your char in the main... you'll have to wait more than 3 months.

I can't tell if you're being serious.

On another note, I'm re-reading ToG to regain my hype and now I have a sudden desire to make a Princess...
QuirkyAngel said:
I can't tell if you're being serious.
You think I'm joking?

I made the RP on February 29th, we actually started rping in March. After 4 months, we completed 3 pages xD

The One Eyed Bandit]Areum: [URL="http://cliparts.co/cliparts/8iE/b9y/8iEb9yj4T.jpg said:
Too bad Len can't see himself in the mirror... xD He can only determine how you look like through his Radar Sense.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]That-
*smirks like an asshole*

Is the second half of the joke :^)

I knew that xD It just means that he'd be unaffected by it.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Yo dawg, I'm excited for Diamond is Unbreakable to end so I can spend an entire weekend marathoning it.
giogio hype is real tho

Part five's protagonist is Dio Brando's illigitimate son, Giorno Giovanna...
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Yeee, I know abot my Lord's lineage

I read that in Akatsuki's voice from Log Horizon xD
@Rantos If they ever meet, I have a feeling Evelyn would like Illiam. Maybe. Depends on the situation I suppose. Similar people don't necessarily like each other after all...
QuirkyAngel said:
@Rantos If they ever meet, I have a feeling Evelyn would like Illiam. Maybe. Depends on the situation I suppose. Similar people don't necessarily like each other after all...
Is Evelyn the kind of person to kick down a door because he doesn't want to be bothered with opening it?
Rantos said:
Is Evelyn the kind of person to kick down a door because he doesn't want to be bothered with opening it?
lol. Depends on his mood at the time. But I'm going to say no, mainly because he wouldn't think kicking a door down would be easier than opening it...unless it was locked.

Though he would kick it down if he knew it would annoy Yaga--rather he would get someone else to break it for him. Evelyn doesn't care much for rules either.
I think Illiam may actually end up disliking Evelyn. Ya know, the whole stealing his pet's eye doesn't sail to well xD

Man, Illiam is just not earning any Rankers favors xD
Rantos said:
I think Illiam may actually end up disliking Evelyn. Ya know, the whole stealing his pet's eye doesn't sail to well xD
Man, Illiam is just not earning any Rankers favors xD
Sel doesn't like Evelyn either =)

Nor is she particularly fond of Yaga or Keylow. We'll see.

Btw, are you planning on replying to IC2 or can I post Evelyn elsewhere?
Rantos said:
Illiam is a fan of Yaga. Hence the pet name.
I will get to IC2... sooner or later...
Okie dokie. I shall wait.

lol. Illiam...kicking the door down was not the best way to win brown points with your soon-to-be teacher^^

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