Out of Soul Chat

Arkytior said:
Kaine how many rps did you think I was in?
you have to remember i come from a time before you. Back when RPN was first started their was this RP called Witches & Warlocks One of its most prominent members was the person Esme, whom you all know as ex mod/admin back before she was a mod or even an admin. Their one liner RP, sometimes more like a 3 worder, racked up 10,000 posts in like the first few weeks of it being active. This RP start to finish, was huge, had dozens of players, twice as many characters and covered 3 generations of OC's, their kids, and their kid's kids. So racking up posts is not hard depending waht type of RP you're in. Thats why my account is sad, cause im sitting at like 2,800 posts over 6 years. xD
Refaulted said:
So, less than 43...at least 42, then.
Wrong :P

Kaine said:
you have to remember i come from a time before you. Back when RPN was first started their was this RP called Witches & Warlocks One of its most prominent members was the person Esme, whom you all know as ex mod/admin back before she was a mod or even an admin. Their one liner RP, sometimes more like a 3 worder, racked up 10,000 posts in like the first few weeks of it being active. This RP start to finish, was huge, had dozens of players, twice as many characters and covered 3 generations of OC's, their kids, and their kid's kids. So racking up posts is not hard depending waht type of RP you're in. Thats why my account is sad, cause im sitting at like 2,800 posts over 6 years. xD
I refuse to go near one-liner rps. That's what the original FT turned into and it was terrible. Some of us banded togrther and made a longer version in PMs

Sorry we didn't give too much to work with just yet, but going any further would've been overkill... we won't leave you to sit on just this for too long...
Let's do this!

Kalin is currently The Kid. (And not in the bang bang have a nice day way)

Oh blessed combat, please release Kalin from the shackles of Tropes, and deliver him from Mary Jane. Amen.
Looks like I'm going into the concert with just Kalin. I guess I'll find another time to intro the French Miester.

Oh, and me.
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Deadeyelee said:
Looks like I'm going into the concert with just Kalin. I guess I'll find another time to intro the French Miester.
I will go read your character over now.

I'm sorry things have been moving so slow as far as acceptance goes. Expect a PM from me soon.
im always here, but no one thinks anything i say is interesting so i tend to just keep to myself. Lol. =/ not really anyones fault, just same crap as always, no ones interested in the things i am. Peeps and their real life responsibilities, where as i tend to hate the real life so i hide here. Yay. 8]
I'm on spring break this week so I have no real life responsibilities aside from work. It's a nice feeling.

All of my responsibilities at the moment are to my roleplays.

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