Out of Soul Chat

Oh... that. Well, the funny thing is Pariah decided he hates me and so all of his content is slowly being removed from the rp because he's making copyright claims. The banner is something he provided. I am working on getting another banner made though.
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Heh, sounds like someone's a little salty. Gotta love the internet. If i still had a way to id volunteer my services but like usual i cant.
-wanders in-

Still alive. I've been off toying with photo-shop things/wattpad things during my few days off for spring. Sadly, my spring break is over now >.<

I probably could post something for 'Kota... I might, dunno.
I'm alive.

[QUOTE="Lilllysaurus Rex]Hi...
I'm not so sure if i should come back yet...

Come back whenever you're ready. But just know, you can always drop in the ooc chat just to say hi :)
@DaughterofAthena I dont know how but out of the entire time ive been on RPN youve managed to make an RP where i kind of adore the characters i made. Never quite felt this way about a creation before. Also, sorry if they disrupt your concert some ;<
So im looking to do one post, summing up day one, them finding the cafe add for jobs and making it home all in one go, would the flyers for the cafe be floating around everywhere? or would there be job board at the school for students? Also how far away from said school would be cheaper apartments. As i picture it now, they live in a one bedroom appartment that is super small.
Kaine said:
So im looking to do one post, summing up day one, them finding the cafe add for jobs and making it home all in one go, would the flyers for the cafe be floating around everywhere? or would there be job board at the school for students? Also how far away from said school would be cheaper apartments. As i picture it now, they live in a one bedroom appartment that is super small.
As for the cafe, I am in the process of remaking it. The owner will actually be at the concert soon if you would like to run into him there. We are unable to use the character who was previously intended to run the cafe.

As for where apartments are, you can honestly put them wherever you want and I won't mind.
DaughterofAthena said:
As for the cafe, I am in the process of remaking it. The owner will actually be at the concert soon if you would like to run into him there. We are unable to use the character who was previously intended to run the cafe.
As for where apartments are, you can honestly put them wherever you want and I won't mind.
OK cool. I'll just have them find a flyer about a soon to be open cafe, which can lead into the girls finding him. I think that'll be awesome. Plus depending on the cafe idea you have in mind, the way their are dressed might possibly draw his attention, though i dont know as thats on you :P

The rest sounds like a plan though. Hopefully doesnt take me two hours to post.
Kaine said:
OK cool. I'll just have them find a flyer about a soon to be open cafe, which can lead into the girls finding him. I think that'll be awesome. Plus depending on the cafe idea you have in mind, the way their are dressed might possibly draw his attention, though i dont know as thats on you :P
The rest sounds like a plan though. Hopefully doesnt take me two hours to post.
The cafe owner will be at the concert with his family so it is quite possible that the girls could draw the attention of one of his kids. I am planning on having fun with 2 little kids... xD
DaughterofAthena said:
The cafe owner will be at the concert with his family so it is quite possible that the girls could draw the attention of one of his kids. I am planning on having fun with 2 little kids... xD
That sounds super fun. I'm sure the girls would just go crazy for a little chibi of themselves or something. xD They are there to have fun in general after all.
Kaine said:
That sounds super fun. I'm sure the girls would just go crazy for a little chibi of themselves or something. xD They are there to have fun in general after all.
Fun will only last for so long. Make the most of it while you can. xD
DaughterofAthena said:
Fun will only last for so long. Make the most of it while you can. xD
yeah yeah i know. Oh and on a random note, i may have accidentally hinted in the girls bio that their mother was a secret agent (meister) for the DWMA >.>; though the specifics are up to you probably should the need ever arise for her to be found. :D !
Oh man. After note sleeping well and having a hectic couple days i just died typing on the couch. Literally brain shut me down, slumped over, didn't realize i even passed out. mid paragraph. Ugh. Yay hour power nap. back to work.
SummerWolf said:
Sure, we could do that. ^-^ It might actually work out better than separate posting and could be interesting.
It's easier to have a conversation in a collaborative post than it is in separate posts. Are you free right now? If so you can join me here.
@DaughterofAthena Only reason i tagged you in my death city post was because i had a nurse speak. It was kind of assumed to be your npc, but at the same time i didnt want to control her, thus why its short sweet and behind some cuirtains. Can be assumed it might be someone else, and also because i referenced the cafe undergoing remodel, thus why it was having a reopening, which might be entirely wrong. wasnt sure what you were aiming for. i will edit as needed. =x Sorry for being a pain in your rump.
I'm going to attempt to get a post out tonight, but there is a chance that might not happen. Other things going on, including babysitting a really hyper 5 year old. >.<
Violet Obsidian]I'm sorry [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/40-kaine/ said:
@Kaine[/URL] but I'm also not. Warren has to be Warren and it was too tempting to resist.
I'm afraid to go read what came after... :<

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