Out of Soul Chat

go read the post. its up. All i could think of for concert was like 70's lsd fueled disco raves. However, if when someone tries to touch or do something they will both have a rude awakening. Immature girls ftw right?
Kaine said:
If they cant make warren blush, im pretty sure hes gay. just saying. xD
QuirkyAngel said:
I don't know...I mean, I've rped clueless characters before...=P
That and Warren is... well... Warren. Who knows how he's going to act...
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QuirkyAngel said:
I don't know...I mean, I've rped clueless characters before...=P
Zenaida said:
That and Warren is... well... Warren. Who knows how he's going to act...
QuirkyAngel said:
There's the innocent response. The cocky response. The clueless response. And, in Kalin's case, the indignant response ( ;) )
Yeah from the few posts i read of warren, honestly i figure he will blow the girls off, which i think might make them like him more since it means hes not after them simply for looks, or really knowing him, after them at all. haha. But i think the promiscuous route is what they always take with knew people. its kind of a show they do to figure out whos worthy of their attention.
Kaine said:
Yeah from the few posts i read of warren, honestly i figure he will blow the girls off, which i think might make them like him more since it means hes not after them simply for looks, or really knowing him, after them at all. haha. But i think the promiscuous route is what they always take with knew people. its kind of a show they do to figure out whos worthy of their attention.
Then I'm glad Jack was gentlemanly enough to cover his eyes when Lauren's panties were shown^^
QuirkyAngel said:
Then I'm glad Jack was gentlemanly enough to cover his eyes when Lauren's panties were shown^^
well fortunately for you that was well before i figured this. plus it really depends on the people. I have a pretty loose fit about who will be friends with them. Really tis up to interactions. The only person im dreading them running into is Aiko. Think her and Sarah are gonna clash something fierce. Plus as far as rules and our characters go, 15/16 is prime age for exploring sexualities. The best part about that is it doesnt have to be about sex xD . there are so many intimate things you can do to make things interesting. Flirting is one of those B]

EDIT: oh and trust me, you will be seeing much more of both their panties. Im a total pantie fiend. Like seriously, they are just clothing, yet they invoke such glorious reactions.
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I figured, but I wanted to be absolutely sure, haha.

Now I need someone to eventually just pull on Zarren and try to get him off. xD
Kaine said:
@Sunbather Random question. how do you get the long avatar picture. Is it only a perk for certain people based on certain actions?
No, I don't think there's really a height limit, just if your picture is very wide it is automatically cropped so it doesn't go out of proportion. c:
Hanarei said:
*Aiko most mature girl ever*
i still fear the day the twins meet her. she seems very full of herself as far as appearances and attitude go, and im afraid shes gonna see the girls as competition. :<
I'm going to try and get up a Kalin post today.

Felix will be more difficult, he's a bit out of my comfort zone. He'll go tomorrow when I have time.

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