Out of Soul Chat

Well, once again, i had this epic emotional post of Lauren being overwhelmed by it all and them going down to dance randomly and POOF. Ps4 monster said fuck you, fuck your time, and suck it beezy. Post gone, Time Wasted, Fury activated. Goku charge initialize.
Kaine said:
I dont undersant WHY of all things on the ps4 that shift+delete makes your post vanish. >:(

DaughterofAthena said:
Am I the only one slightly terrified at the fact that someone is giving Zarren sugar on a stick?
*shrugs* I think I enjoy being slightly terrified. Sends a pleasant chill down my spine^^

Edit: Though...that might actually be anticipation. Not sure :P
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@Refaulted My posts up. Sorry, I forgot to add a tag in for you in the actual post when posted. Just wanted to make sure you know. ^-^ Also sorry if it's not up to par. I wasn't really sure what to write for most of it.
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Zenaida said:
@Refaulted My posts up. Sorry, I forgot to add a tag in for you in the actual post when posted. Just wanted to make sure you know. ^-^ Also sorry if it's not up to par. I wasn't really sure what to write for most of it.
No worries. I saw it. And I'm sorry most of what Daemon had said was mainly about food. Doesn't give a lot of options for dialogue, I guess. '>_< My bad.
Refaulted said:
No worries. I saw it. And I'm sorry most of what Daemon had said was mainly about food. Doesn't give a lot of options for dialogue, I guess. '>_< My bad.
Nah. Tis all good. Even if there was more to respond to, 'Kota still probably wouldn't have actually said very much. That's just how she is when meeting new people for the most part.
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Zenaida said:
Nah. Tis all good. Even if there was more to respond to, 'Kota still probably wouldn't have said very much. That's just how she is when meeting new people for the most part.
Well, Daemon is probably going to not give up so easily on talking to her, as long as that is okay with you.
DaughterofAthena said:
So does that mean you're postponing getting mad at Malacai?
The way people wrote things, I don't think he had the chance to see Malacai be a jerkity jerk.
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DaughterofAthena said:
Am I the only one slightly terrified at the fact that someone is giving Zarren sugar on a stick?
What? You think a self-obsessed cat made of black blood who occassionally considers himself a rockstar on a sugar rush is a bad thing? Please...

Boop! Aiko has managed to make two enemies of sort. Hotaru just happens to gel against Aiko... mostly since she is taking attention that could be on her away. :P
Hanarei said:
Boop! Aiko has managed to make two enemies of sort. Hotaru just happens to gel against Aiko... mostly since she is taking attention that could be on her away. :P
my first thought was "that's a 13 yr old boy, you can have him"
Strange things are happening, no stranger would it be... if we met at midnight in the concert square!

Hype, hype, hype! Stuff's in progress people!

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