Out of Soul Chat

Deadeyelee said:
His j's sound like Y's, and his th's sound like sh's
Aside from that he sounds English. :P
Adorable. Seriously adorable. (:3)

...when you say he sounds English, do you mean like Jack? Or do you mean American English?
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QuirkyAngel said:
Adorable. Seriously adorable. (:3)
...when you say he sounds English, do you mean like Jack? Or do you mean American English?
Like Yack. He learned to speak English from English English speakers but it's faded quite a bit shanks to living in the u.s of a
@Exanis Just to clarify, you can totally follow Aiko. :P Just don't want to make it feel like I'm totally abandoning Jason, just playing Aiko how she would. Think I was clear enough in the post but still couldn't help but feel bad. ^^;; lol

@QuirkyAngel Just tagged you in the post incase you like Ella to catch sight of Aiko before she would end up arriving. Aiko hasn't actually gotten up to the group quite yet but I figured if someone was to spot Aiko ahead of time, she would. ^^
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@Hanarei Jason is just bored and wanted to bug someone. Neither he nor I would really care at being abandoned, cause that just means he's gonna move on to his next victim.

But thanks for the thought.

Before I even write up a CS, can someone give me a recap? Also, if a character I make gets accepted when the plot is underway, how am I introduced? Do I just come into the foreground? Or do I have to be new?
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Genon said:
Before I even write up a CS, can someone give me a recap?
How much of a recap do you want? I can get fairly extensive if you want to go back to details pre-hosted project... but you don't have to know everything that happened. Right now the important thing that you know is that there is a concert happening in Death City. It was planned pretty last minute, but other than that, nothing odd that you need to be aware of. Xander knocked out Professor Hiro Mitsaki, but none of the students know about that yet... because they're all at the concert.

Genon said:
Also, if a charfacter I make gets accepted when the plot is underway, how am I introduced?
This could be done a multitude of ways. You could show up late to the concert and say you were late for literally any reason of your choosing.

Genon said:
Do I just come into the foreground? Or do I have to be new?
Again, it's up to you. If you say you are not new, then you could say you have simply been away on a mission. Or you could say you had a family emergency that caused you to miss the past week of school. We're pretty flexible on these kinds of things.

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