Out of Soul Chat

SephirothSage said:
Phew... Sorry for slowness. My life has been busy.
No worries. There wasn't much you would've been able to join in on anyway. We had a bit of a slow period. Hopefully things pick back up again.
Sunbather said:
Would you be okay with me doing the Journal stuff too? I'd be nice to have a record of what my character's have done. I used to have this in TG, but never even thought of it here, haha. It's really clever. :)
Uhm. Not sure why you would need my permission to do this. O.o ? You seem far more qualified to do it than myself. I was simply trying to make my characters more detailed so i have motivation to stay active. Me and motivation </3 each other. No ones fault. Just a personality flaw on my part.

@DaughterofAthena Heh. I've seen a concert or two through iHeart back before it sucked. It seemed looked rock concerts were no different than the rest. Casual clothing it is xD !
Deadeyelee said:
But Im not reaaady
What do you mean you're not ready? You can post in the concert thread and still catch up with other stuff too. You don't have to wrap up stuff before you post in the concert thread.
Hanarei said:
DARN IT YOU MUST BE AT THE CONCERT SO WE CAN UNLEASH... *cough* I mean, yes the concert will be fun! Head right over!
I get the feeling you are having fun terrifying people, Hana-Duck.

Anyway, good morning Soul Eater friends!
Good morning.

Hanarei said:
DARN IT YOU MUST BE AT THE CONCERT SO WE CAN UNLEASH... *cough* I mean, yes the concert will be fun! Head right over!
I've got one more scene to write before Jack and Ella head to the concert.

Deadeyelee said:
Guuuuuuuuuh. I wanna post something but Idk wat
Write anything. Write fluff. Kalin looks for job in death city. Kalin sees concert flier in dormitory. Kalin sits and cries in corner because...whatever=P
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Deadeyelee said:
I'm game for whatever. :P He never did shut the door.
We'll see. Not sure if we'd be able to complete scene before concert unless we collab. And I know Athena and Hana duck wanna get us started on the concert soon. (>u>)

There's also the option of anyone else in the boys' dorm hearing the sobbing that I kinda wanna leave open as well. So Kalin can meet more people:)
Cephalo said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe what do you wanna do with the whole hotaru and the twins thing? collab to nicely resolve it? willfully ignore it?? que pasa
I'm down for whatever you wanna do bruh
I'll probably have them just stop, stare, then bolt on past after questioning the sanity of the stranger for a moment :P
QuirkyAngel said:
We'll see. Not sure if we'd be able to complete scene before concert unless we collab. And I know Athena and Hana duck wanna get us started on the concert soon. (>u>)
There's also the option of anyone else in the boys' dorm hearing the sobbing that I kinda wanna leave open as well. So Kalin can meet more people:)
*hngggggggg* the concert

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