Out of Soul Chat

Ugh. its hard to post something casual when i have this current crap on my mind >:[ Not sure how you guys focus.
Deadeyelee said:
:3 Can't have people mistaking Kalin for a functioning member of society, now can we?
No, I guess not. One step at a time then. We'll get him be up and running with effort (^.^)
SephirothSage said:
*Miyoko's self deprecation sense is tingling!*
Well, it looks like Jack, Ella, and Kalin are headed to the concession stand so running into Miyoko isn't improbable( :) )
Hello everyone.

I apologize, but i'm taking a temporary leave from this rp.

I am quite stressed out, and I don't want to risk having another group kick me out for my illness.

[QUOTE="Lilllysaurus Rex]Hello everyone.
I apologize, but i'm taking a temporary leave from this rp.

I am quite stressed out, and I don't want to risk having another group kick me out for my illness.


hopefully you read this, but part of getting over an illness is having a support group. Us knowing why you are away, is better than you just leaving without reason. Trust me on this. Been there, done that. We don't need details, but we are your friends and always here to listen.
[QUOTE="Lilllysaurus Rex]Hello everyone.
I apologize, but i'm taking a temporary leave from this rp.

I am quite stressed out, and I don't want to risk having another group kick me out for my illness.


Goodbye and good luck getting over your illness. You'll be welcomed back should life get better.
Zenaida said:
>.> I said I would post for Kota. But I don't know what to have her do.
Have her sit on a bench, reading a book. That's what I imagine Kota would do at a concert <3

Buy a snack. Buy overpriced T-shirts. If she's meeting with the twins or something, you could always rp her waiting for them. So long as you just introduce her at the concert other people can respond if they want. Or you can have her bump into someone if you'd like to start some interactions. lol. I've got no problems if anyone wants to interact with any of my characters^^
QuirkyAngel said:
Have her sit on a bench, reading a book. That's what I imagine Kota would do at a concert <3
And she probably would too. xD Least until someone shows up and interrupts her reading like usual. I'll post on that note tomorrow then. Sleep first.
Hi guys! This week has been hell as far as school is concerned but I'm hoping to have posts up tomorrow to keep things moving along enough for the people who have started posting in the concert thread.
DaughterofAthena said:
Hi guys! This week has been hell as far as school is concerned but I'm hoping to have posts up tomorrow to keep things moving along enough for the people who have started posting in the concert thread.
Nice post! :3

...I hope we get some action soon. I'm itching to unleash combat Kalin. Though I might be placated for a while if I get to intro my Miester
When there's no action to be found, action should be made. I'm waiting for someone to accidentally knock over the concession stand >D
Deadeyelee said:
Nice post! :3
...I hope we get some action soon. I'm itching to unleash combat Kalin. Though I might be placated for a while if I get to intro my Miester
I apologize for your long wait. I've been sick on and off for a while now and under a lot of stress seeing as I'm in my last year of high school. This weekend you should hear from me, I promise.
Arkytior said:
I apologize for your long wait. I've been sick on and off for a while now and under a lot of stress seeing as I'm in my last year of high school. This weekend you should hear from me, I promise.
No problem Arky. Take care of yourself.

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