Out of Soul Chat

sometimes i think you go overkill, but then i remember times when backlash and I go off on people about Naruto in the same detailed way. xD As for "plans" persay, they never go as plan. I usually come up with ideas that i want to try, and they either work, or they dont. Appreciate all your input though. Thats way more indepth then i ever planned on going with characters. For the moment my main goal is "create a character, be consistent, & be reliable." Romance can come later xD <3<3<3
I guess you haven't seen my Naruto RP if you think that's overkill...

Either way, I'm like this with about 99% of the things I do. Ask Athena. I'm an eerily endless pit of answers, facts, systems and trivia.
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[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]Either way, I'm like this with about 99% of the things I do. Ask Athena. I'm an eerily endless pit of answers, facts systems and trivia.

He's not lying...
Hehe. S'all good. Being thorough leaves no room for inconsistencies. I'm really sorry that i come off sounding like an ass. It's not my intention, my personality just sucks :(
._. dont hurt me

Also changed all my stuff it's been a year since ive done anything and that signature was way to damn big. Surprised i never got in trouble for it.
Kaine said:
._. dont hurt me
Also changed all my stuff it's been a year since ive done anything and that signature was way to damn big. Surprised i never got in trouble for it.
YAY! You're advertising for us!!!
DaughterofAthena said:
YAY! You're advertising for us!!!
Well i am joining regardless >.> You got me, now you'll never get rid of me, real life permitting of course. Im about to design a format to use so my characters look purty, but ima have to look up some of the new bbcodes that i dont know. I'll prolly use a modified version of my FT one. And dont get mad at my character picture. i found a cute Len/Ren picture to use xD !!!
Kaine said:
Well i am joining regardless >.> You got me, now you'll never get rid of me, real life permitting of course. Im about to design a format to use so my characters look purty, but ima have to look up some of the new bbcodes that i dont know. I'll prolly use a modified version of my FT one. And dont get mad at my character picture. i found a cute Len/Ren picture to use xD !!!
I can't wait to see what you come up with. Who knows... you might be the first to submit a new character since the transition.
Eh, as much as that would be cool, i am a quality over quantity person. Id rather have it polished, then need to fix it 15 times xP
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You know, back in its infancy, i use to pride myself on knowing nearly all the bb codes and using them in ways not before seen. Now i look at the code for some of these character sheets and im completely at a loss. I feel like im too old for this website sometimes xD . le sigh
Kaine said:
You know, back in its infancy, i use to pride myself on knowing nearly all the bb codes and using them in ways not before seen. Now i look at the code for some of these character sheets and im completely at a loss. I feel like im too old for this website sometimes xD . le sigh
I think I know how to use most of the codes. I'm still working on ways to use them though.
these boarder codes are a pain in the ass. i thought i would be able to do certain things and of course not. ive got the jist of how to use them, but they wont do waht i want. codes dont like when you use the same codes inside of the same codes mixed with other codes XDDD Tried imagefloat with boarders, it works surprisingly, but the text wont align properly so really it doesnt xD !
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One character down Huzzah! Coding was a biiiiitch. and it still is, you have to repaste it every time cause the preformater in the box messes it up if you try to edit it. xD
Holy... Shit. 6a.m. and i havent slept yet, but hey, wth, both my sheets are done. They just need minor touchups and they'll be ready to submit. I'm go die now. Seeya in 8 hours.

OH and. i dont know wtf you guys do to get your code to show properly and still keep it nice and spaced cause like, heres a clippit of my sheet. and it looks like hell broke free.

[centerblock=40][border=5px gold solid][bg=#323232][border=2px gold dotted][bg=#323232]
[center][size=7][b][color=white][font=Montserrat]Sarah Lucia Sparks[/Font][/color][/b][/size][/center]

[centerblock=75][border=5px gold solid][bg=#323232][border=2px gold dotted][bg=#323232]
[color=white][tabs][tab=Identification][size=2][b]Given Name:[/b][/size] [imagefloat=right][heightrestrict=600][img=http://i.imgur.com/Y78Ls4Q.jpg][/heightrestrict][/imagefloat]
[size=7][font=Alex Brush]   Sarah Lucia [/font][/size]

[indent][color=grey][font=Montserrat][size=3]"Yes yes... My first name is generic."  [/size][/font][/color][/indent]

[size=2][b]Sur Name:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Sparks   [/font][/size]

[indent][color=grey][font=Montserrat][size=3]"I love my last name!"  [/size][/font][/color][/indent]

[size=2][b]Nickname:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Rampage   [/font][/size]

[indent][color=grey][font=Montserrat][size=3]"Please... just don't. I transferred for a reason."  [/size][/font][/color][/indent]

[size=2][b]Age:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Fifteen   [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Gender:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Female   [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Race:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]American  [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Height:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Five feet, One Inch  [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Weight:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]112 pounds   [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Eye Color:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Light Hazel Brown  [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Hair Color:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Long, Blonde  [/font][/size]
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Kaine said:
Holy... Shit. 6a.m. and i havent slept yet, but hey, wth, both my sheets are done. They just need minor touchups and they'll be ready to submit. I'm go die now. Seeya in 8 hours.
OH and. i dont know wtf you guys do to get your code to show properly and still keep it nice and spaced cause like, heres a clippit of my sheet. and it looks like hell broke free.

[centerblock=40][border=5px gold solid][bg=#323232][border=2px gold dotted][bg=#323232]
[center][size=7][b][color=white][font=Montserrat]Sarah Lucia Sparks[/Font][/color][/b][/size][/center]

[centerblock=75][border=5px gold solid][bg=#323232][border=2px gold dotted][bg=#323232]
[color=white][tabs][tab=Identification][size=2][b]Given Name:[/b][/size] [imagefloat=right][heightrestrict=600][img=http://i.imgur.com/Y78Ls4Q.jpg][/heightrestrict][/imagefloat]
[size=7][font=Alex Brush]   Sarah Lucia [/font][/size]

[indent][color=grey][font=Montserrat][size=3]"Yes yes... My first name is generic."  [/size][/font][/color][/indent]

[size=2][b]Sur Name:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Sparks   [/font][/size]

[indent][color=grey][font=Montserrat][size=3]"I love my last name!"  [/size][/font][/color][/indent]

[size=2][b]Nickname:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Rampage   [/font][/size]

[indent][color=grey][font=Montserrat][size=3]"Please... just don't. I transferred for a reason."  [/size][/font][/color][/indent]

[size=2][b]Age:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Fifteen   [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Gender:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Female   [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Race:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]American  [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Height:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Five feet, One Inch  [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Weight:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]112 pounds   [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Eye Color:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Light Hazel Brown  [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Hair Color:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Long, Blonde  [/font][/size]

What in the name of Nyarloteph is that?!
Kaine said:
Holy... Shit. 6a.m. and i havent slept yet, but hey, wth, both my sheets are done. They just need minor touchups and they'll be ready to submit. I'm go die now. Seeya in 8 hours.
OH and. i dont know wtf you guys do to get your code to show properly and still keep it nice and spaced cause like, heres a clippit of my sheet. and it looks like hell broke free.

[centerblock=40][border=5px gold solid][bg=#323232][border=2px gold dotted][bg=#323232]
[center][size=7][b][color=white][font=Montserrat]Sarah Lucia Sparks[/Font][/color][/b][/size][/center]

[centerblock=75][border=5px gold solid][bg=#323232][border=2px gold dotted][bg=#323232]
[color=white][tabs][tab=Identification][size=2][b]Given Name:[/b][/size] [imagefloat=right][heightrestrict=600][img=http://i.imgur.com/Y78Ls4Q.jpg][/heightrestrict][/imagefloat]
[size=7][font=Alex Brush]   Sarah Lucia [/font][/size]

[indent][color=grey][font=Montserrat][size=3]"Yes yes... My first name is generic."  [/size][/font][/color][/indent]

[size=2][b]Sur Name:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Sparks   [/font][/size]

[indent][color=grey][font=Montserrat][size=3]"I love my last name!"  [/size][/font][/color][/indent]

[size=2][b]Nickname:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Rampage   [/font][/size]

[indent][color=grey][font=Montserrat][size=3]"Please... just don't. I transferred for a reason."  [/size][/font][/color][/indent]

[size=2][b]Age:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Fifteen   [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Gender:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Female   [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Race:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]American  [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Height:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Five feet, One Inch  [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Weight:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]112 pounds   [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Eye Color:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Light Hazel Brown  [/font][/size]
[size=2][b]Hair Color:[/b][/size]   [size=7][font=Alex brush]Long, Blonde  [/font][/size]
Well for one, the size code clearly duplicated for each line. That screws things up because it's space being used in the background of your text. That screws things over.

Same things for font and color, they're just taking up space they don't need to be taking.

Your best bet would be to put that into a post, make sure that all the coding like color and font are no longer visible to you by saving the draft then reloading the page. After that, highlight all the text, remove formatting (eraser button), then re-do all the font, color, and size coding.

Probably also check for duplicate coding of orders and whatnot as well.

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