Out of Soul Chat

Mmm, yes. After reading Aiko's bio, I see so many superficial parallels between Ella and Aiko. Both have pink hair. Similar-ish heights. Both love meat and hate veggies. Even if they don't end up becoming partners, I see 'em being good friends~
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QuirkyAngel said:
Mmm, yes. After reading Aiko's bio, I see so many superficial parallels between Ella and Aiko. Both have pink hair. Similar-ish heights. Both love meat and hate veggies. Even if they don't end up becoming partners, I see 'em being good friends~
The strongest bonds of all: Hatred of all Veggies. xD
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Hanarei said:
Vegies are the devil. Also... LITTLE DUCKIES! *squeas*

*offers Hana a duck*


Deadeyelee said:
Working on a Meister CS now.... maybe it's a bit late xD
Late for what? I don't believe there's a deadline for making a second character...though you probably want to do it before the concert starts if that character wants in on some action.
Deadeyelee said:
CRAP. Thinking about switching to a weapon. Unless there's an active weapon that needs a miester >.>
Kassana needs a meister. Alexis Traynor needs a meister. Those are 2 I know off the top of my head.
Deadeyelee said:
CRAP. Thinking about switching to a weapon. Unless there's an active weapon that needs a miester >.>
Make what you want to make and whichever you think would fit your character best. I certainly didn't think about the meister-weapon ratio when I decided to create Ella.
Same goes for the Twins. I made weapons because honestly, i suck at roleplaying fights. So i wanted to make supporting charaacters. But also didnt think so many people would AFK never to return. Eventually though, i want the twins to learn hand to hand fighting. They may not be as strong as a meister, but i dont think a weapon should be solely reliant on them either. As far as RPing goes, that seems like it would make for an interesting concept.
DaughterofAthena said:
*Mentally chuckles as I read Ella try to mentally link with Aiko* That didn't go too well for the last person who tried it...
lol. Now you have me waiting in anticipation for Aiko's post xD
So @DaughterofAthena Just a random thought. Everyone seems to always match others halfway but i had a random idea about using empathy as a way to conect two souls. Main reason it would be unique, is it would make it so not everyone could use her.

Basically a Meister has to match her solely enough so, that they can come into her mindscape, then once there, she can connect with them and fluctuate it back to a half and half or what ever was needed. If a meister couldn't do the initial, they basically couldn't make the connection required for use. But also seemed like having to be empathetic to a persons feelings as a connection to their soul means that she would only be able to resonate with people she trusts. /random

Just to clarify and make sure I'm not misunderstanding, the link can be opened in battle right? So the meister can fight while simultaneously mentally communicating with his/her weapon...or is one of those things where you need a quiet room, like when Maka enters Soul's mindscape in the anime and she sorta falls unconscious...
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QuirkyAngel said:
Just to clarify and make sure I'm not misunderstanding, the link can be opened in battle right? So the meister can fight while simultaneously mentally communicating with his/her weapon...or is one of those things where you need a quiet room, like when Maka enters Soul's mindscape in the anime and she sorta falls unconscious...
The mental communication link can and should be used in battle. It's a great way to communicate during a fight.
Kaine said:
So @DaughterofAthena Just a random thought. Everyone seems to always match others halfway but i had a random idea about using empathy as a way to conect two souls. Main reason it would be unique, is it would make it so not everyone could use her.
Basically a Meister has to match her solely enough so, that they can come into her mindscape, then once there, she can connect with them and fluctuate it back to a half and half or what ever was needed. If a meister couldn't do the initial, they basically couldn't make the connection required for use. But also seemed like having to be empathetic to a persons feelings as a connection to their soul means that she would only be able to resonate with people she trusts. /random
That would certainly be interesting to see and I don't personally have any issues with it.
Hmm. @QuirkyAngel Maybe ive been viewing this all wrong. I kind of assumed that when in your mindspace, perception of time stops. Kind of like in bleach where the inner world could be days or even months, but only a few seconds outside. And that fact that the Meister can be in there, as well as perceptive of the real world simultaneously. The only thing i could think of for this, which i might be wrong, its been years since i watched soul eater or read it, was when Maka and soul danced while resonating. Correct me on anything if need be.

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