Out of Soul Chat

Zenaida said:
Feeling sore. A cousin decided we were going to go out roller skating for his birthday party. Would've been fine... If any of us actually knew how to roller skate. Needless to say I spent today falling... repeatedly.
I feel for you.

Once, my dad had this great idea that the family should go on a ski trip for vacation. Except no one in the family knew how to ski. It was terrifying, cold, and lots of falling in the snow. The most fun we had was laughing at each other's failure.
Zenaida said:
I'm about halfway done with a post, so I should have it up sometime soon. ^-^
Speaking of collabs, that's basically my problem as well, though it's more of a busy schedule than lack of computer access.
I'll wait for yours then. Just figured since the girls were being dumb, and are going to be stubborn for these drills, i may as well post last and absorb all that is on the field. :3
Oi vey... Hopefully I'm interpreting the flow of things and when they happen within each other correctly... Cause if not this post isn't going to make much sense.
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Zenaida said:
Oi vey... Hopefully I'm interpreting the flow of things and when they happen within each other correctly... Cause if not this post isn't going to make much sense.
I thought your post flowed very well. A lot better than mine haha.
*Zombie shambles in* Nnn... Aiko will be causing trouble soon... either tonight or tomorrow... just gotta... do some stuff... then can... do... *falls forward onto her face and passes out in exhaustion*
Hanarei said:
*Zombie shambles in* Nnn... Aiko will be causing trouble soon... either tonight or tomorrow... just gotta... do some stuff... then can... do... *falls forward onto her face and passes out in exhaustion*
Kill it, kill it before it eats us all..
Struggled writing a post for a Naruto rp for like....two and a half to three hours. It was difficult >.>

But I'm pleased with the end result so now I'm just lounging around

Feeling sleepy.
Arkytior said:
Struggled writing a post for a Naruto rp for like....two and a half to three hours. It was difficult >.>
But I'm pleased with the end result so now I'm just lounging around

Feeling sleepy.
You could post for Ren or Alessa... or we could collab for Jayce and Alessa...

I feel as though I've been ignoring my khopesh lately... and it saddens me.
DaughterofAthena said:
You could post for Ren or Alessa... or we could collab for Jayce and Alessa...
I feel as though I've been ignoring my khopesh lately... and it saddens me.
Ren I'm waiting for someone who hasn't posted yet. We were originally going to collab but we both got busy so that kinda got put on the backburner.

I'm fine writing something for Jayce and Alessa, but tomorrow would probably be better for me if that's okay.
DaughterofAthena said:
I'm fine with that. I will be free most of the evening tomorrow I'm pretty sure...
Cool. I just have a meeting after school then shouldn't have anything else until I go to sleep.
Erp. End of term coming up, so I'm a little swamped with that. However, I should and most likely will have free time coming up tomorrow or Wednesday so I'll get a post up to finally get Naia up and running one of those days.
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[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]...But I can't be prepared, I don't have a checklist ;w;

Well, objective #1 would be to collaborate with me for Keziah and Aoi. I'm kinda posted out at the moment, though so... yeah.
DaughterofAthena said:
You can post again!
I'd actually appreciate it because it frees him up again to teach through Keziah's demonstration.
K, I suck at quick posts so itll be up between 30 minutes and 3 hours. They may need some reassurances from him, but they should be OK to practice after that.
Kaine said:
K, I suck at quick posts so itll be up between 30 minutes and 3 hours. They may need some reassurances from him, but they should be OK to practice after that.
No rush. I won't be able to write any posts until tomorrow anyway, most likely.
DaughterofAthena said:
No rush. I won't be able to write any posts until tomorrow anyway, most likely.
yeah i read you are posted out for today. but itll give you plenty of time to think about replies. Seems like i ponder posts about my characters way more than i should.
Kaine said:
yeah i read you are posted out for today. but itll give you plenty of time to think about replies. Seems like i ponder posts about my characters way more than i should.
It wasn't so much that I was posted out for the day... just for that moment in time. I'm currently working on a post for another rp with a friend but I would rather not post two posts for the same character in one day.

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