Out of Soul Chat

Deadeyelee said:
Pretty much, I got dumped, friendzoned, for the girl to go chase that female booty.
Good game. No rematch.
I'm so sorry... I've have the same thing happen to me with one of my boyfriends... Well it wasn't female booty, but... You guys get it...
Just got back from church and ate out with friends. Now I feel tired and bloated.

[QUOTE="Lilllysaurus Rex]Oh yeah i forgot about her.

I'll write a post for her soon enough.

Ella is the type of character that flits from meister to meister looking for her ideal 'Kira'. So if any meister(who is not new) wants to say they have a history with her, let me know. We can discuss relationships over pm. Otherwise, I won't take liberties.

Ill go to this corner now.
Are there any players who control a weapon who would like to collaborate? Keziah is going to give a demonstration and it works better if she is not using her own weapon so anyone would work. Quite honestly, it is highly unlikely that anyone would be unable to link with Keziah.
DaughterofAthena said:
Are there any players who control a weapon who would like to collaborate? Keziah is going to give a demonstration and it works better if she is not using her own weapon so anyone would work. Quite honestly, it is highly unlikely that anyone would be unable to link with Keziah.
Not volunteering, but the demonstration would look more impressive with a NOT weapon, cause they probably don't know what they're doing. Unfortunately, most NOT weapons are shy. And I would nominate the twins, but I don't think @Kaine can collaborate...
SephirothSage said:
Wanna grab me by the leg and hit people with me anyway?
Uhm.... no. Keziah simply wouldn't do that.

[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Aoi would be fine with that.. -thumbs up-

Alrighty! I'm in the middle of working on a massive collab for another roleplay right now but as soon as that is done I will PM you and we can figure things out! xD
SephirothSage said:
I figured not, I was trying to make a joke.
Guessss I'm not funny.
No... it was funny. I just tend to respond to all humorous comments as though they were meant to be taken seriously. It's just me... I'm weird like that.
DaughterofAthena said:
Uhm.... no. Keziah simply wouldn't do that.
Alrighty! I'm in the middle of working on a massive collab for another roleplay right now but as soon as that is done I will PM you and we can figure things out! xD
Understood. -military salute-
Deadeyelee said:
/how's everyone doing today...
Feeling sore. A cousin decided we were going to go out roller skating for his birthday party. Would've been fine... If any of us actually knew how to roller skate. Needless to say I spent today falling... repeatedly.
It's not so much i cant collab, as i cant plan ahead. It's not my computer i use, so depends if its being occupied. Today would of been fine, had i known. But usually its kind of dead so ive been playing destiny all morning. Iron Bananas was calling my name. Guess i better post before others do, was trying to wait for Zenaida but shes a busy girl lol. Guess ill go start, or either wait and making a post 15 pages long.
Kaine said:
It's not so much i cant collab, as i cant plan ahead. It's not my computer i use, so depends if its being occupied. Today would of been fine, had i known. But usually its kind of dead so ive been playing destiny all morning. Iron Bananas was calling my name. Guess i better post before others do, was trying to wait for Zenaida but shes a busy girl lol. Guess ill go start, or either wait and making a post 15 pages long.
I'm about halfway done with a post, so I should have it up sometime soon. ^-^

Speaking of collabs, that's basically my problem as well, though it's more of a busy schedule than lack of computer access.

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