Out of Soul Chat

Kaine said:
Dude, im not sure exactly what fluff entails, but male intimacy is amazing i think. Shame society frowns about it as being "gay"
On another note. WHY DO RANDOM PEOPLE FOLLOW ME and HOW? Just had a brand new, not even at 10 posts yet, person follow my profile. Like whhat did i do to even draw their attention? So confused OTL.

Also Athena. I know you have the twins listed as a pair, but really im only aiming to do that temporarily. I want them to learn to be more confident as a weapon. Know enough fighting and be strong enough that they don't solely rely on their meister, and to find someone they truly trust. How you label them is up to you. :P

The innocent kind of fluff. Like the parties and gatherings that are held in soul eater.

EDIT: Not that I'm against any of that. But, note the age gap, and the fact that they're weapon partners, and Kalin's innocence and the fact that he's been convinced that he cannot be loved without suffering loss, and it's proooooobably not happening.

EDIT EDIT: Unless shenanigans.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Which I'd not be against.
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I know what a Bo-Staff is, aye.

I just wasn't sure because he mispelled it.

Anyway- I'm probably fine with whatever weapon, but I'll leave it to Athena, cus I don't OOCly know any of you enough to have preferences.
SephirothSage said:
I am female.

SephirothSage said:
Anyway- I'm probably fine with whatever weapon, but I'll leave it to Athena, cus I don't OOCly know any of you enough to have preferences.
Alexis won't actually be at the athletic field because she is going shopping with Zyra ( yes, @Refaulted ?), but that doesn't mean she isn't in need of a partner so maybe we can figure something out.
Deadeyelee said:
The innocent kind of fluff. Like the parties and gatherings that are held in soul eater.
Intimacy and Sexual Intimacy are two entirely different things.

One would be telling your bro your deepest darkest secret. Going to a party to be with youre friend, not just to party. Taking his naked, drunk ass home while he unknowningly makes passes at you; jokingly or not. Going skinny dipping without giving a Fuuuu~ The things that separate the men from the boys, and show you who your true friends are and who you can really place your trust in.

The other should be self explanatory.

Unless you like someone who's dominant, and make your character a catcher regardless of his preferences cause hes too afraid to strand up. >D?
Mrm.... Man. Reminding me of how much it sucks that I don't get to see my best friend near as much anymore now that I work full time...

Ah, well.
Kaine said:
Unless you like someone who's dominant, and make your character a catcher regardless of his preferences cause hes too afraid to strand up. >D?
Scarily, with Kalin, it's a possibility with just about anyone >.>

And I guess there might be some of the regular intimacy. Just a bit lighter. Kalin's a bit uneasy about everything.
I don't think Jason will be actively looking for a partner at the moment. He's more than willing to give it a go if someone asks, but you won't really find him asking around. I'll still probably write up a post for the physical fitness field later, preferably when I get some sleep.
Exanis said:
I don't think Jason will be actively looking for a partner at the moment. He's more than willing to give it a go if someone asks, but you won't really find him asking around. I'll still probably write up a post for the physical fitness field later, preferably when I get some sleep.
Hakoda will still likely pair him with someone for the sake of practice, but it by no means has to be a permanent partner. It's actually a good skill for a meister to be able to work with many different weapons.
SephirothSage said:
Is 'Suplex' also a good skill for a Meister to have?
IE, Suplexing Boulder's just because you can, and Suplexing Ghost Trains?
Any physical combat skill is good for a meister to have...
Anyway, I have officially made 4 posts today... I think I'm going to go to bed now because 4 posts is exhausting.

See you tomorrow Soul Eater friends!
SephirothSage said:
And I hope people got /those/ references, at least...
When you make references then go out of your way to point them out, you're trying far too hard. Just saying.
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Hah anyone want a blind emotionless fuckboi as a partner? xD I honestly dont care what weapon he gets just as long as they can deal with him.
Kaine said:
Dude, im not sure exactly what fluff entails, but male intimacy is amazing i think. Shame society frowns about it as being "gay"
On another note. WHY DO RANDOM PEOPLE FOLLOW ME and HOW? Just had a brand new, not even at 10 posts yet, person follow my profile. Like whhat did i do to even draw their attention? So confused OTL.

Also Athena. I know you have the twins listed as a pair, but really im only aiming to do that temporarily. I want them to learn to be more confident as a weapon. Know enough fighting and be strong enough that they don't solely rely on their meister, and to find someone they truly trust. How you label them is up to you. :P
Kind of going off you guys, I don't know about anyone else, but I know for a fact that Arthur has come out as homosexual to his partner (@Lilllysaurus Rex) at the least. He doesn't try to hide it, but his delusions get in the way of any tell-tail signs of his homosexuality. I tried to imply it subconsciously (anyone who knows Black Butler might have caught on) by modeling his weapon form after a transgender grim reaper's death scythe, and adding a blade. Just wanted to put that out there in case anyone was wondering about that kind of thing. I know it always fascinates me to learn the sexualities of different characters. (And I think I've only ever made one straight male RP character from scratch before. Played them in cannon, but not created.)
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Ariettie said:
Kind of going off you guys, I don't know about anyone else, but I know for a fact that Arthur has come out as homosexual to his partner (@Lilllysaurus Rex) at the least. He doesn't try to hide it, but his delusions get in the way of any tell-tail signs of his homosexuality. I tried to imply it subconsciously (anyone who knows Black Butler might have caught on) by modeling his weapon form after a transgender grim reaper's death scythe, and adding a blade. Just wanted to put that out there in case anyone was wondering about that kind of thing. I know it always fascinates me to learn the sexualities of different characters. (And I think I've only ever made one straight male RP character from scratch before. Played them in cannon, but not created.)
Hey so, how is Akahana going to get the OK to come to the class from him?
DaughterofAthena said:
Dead characters don't count as characters anymore, right? Because I was once in this rp where the owner was spewing bullshit that a character I killed off counted against me and we were allowed one character per player when I wanted to make a new character after killing them off.
[QUOTE="Lilllysaurus Rex]Dead characters don't count as characters anymore, right? Because I was once in this rp where the owner was spewing bullshit that a character I killed off counted against me and we were allowed one character per player when I wanted to make a new character after killing them off.

Dead characters will not count although you will have to discuss with me before killing any of your current characters. I'm not about to let people be continually killing off their characters just to make new ones.

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