Out of Soul Chat

Deadeyelee said:
Justin. Bieber.
Oh. Sure. A sovereign nation that has the queen of another country on its money. NORMAL SOVEREIGN NATION BEHAVIOR

You buy milk. In BAGS.


And pshhht. It's cute that you think that britian was anything by that period of time. Their empire was crumbling around them.
Why do you think we won't take him back!

We're part of the commonwealth, get over it! So is Australia! Just because we can get representatives into British parliament when you guys couldn't is no reason to throw a hissy fit.

You kill the planet by using plastic jugs that are bulky, hard to store, and often not reused. We have bags, that are better for the environment, easier to store, and reused, and recycled.

And... I honestly don't really know... I could ask my sister if you want though.

Our war was during the second colonization of the British empire, over a land dispute in Iceland, and Greenland... It wasn't nothing... The British navy had grown stronger then it had been then during the American Revilution, and most of the fighting was at sea, as both desputed land masses were islands.
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SephirothSage said:
Britain is /still/ better than America.
And I live in America!

Dude... Canada vs. Britain... Took us all of February to deal one of the most devistating losses ever seen by the British Empire...
Deadeyelee said:
Justin. Bieber.
Oh. Sure. A sovereign nation that has the queen of another country on its money. NORMAL SOVEREIGN NATION BEHAVIOR

You buy milk. In BAGS.


And pshhht. It's cute that you think that britian was anything by that period of time. Their empire was crumbling around them.
I realize you guys are having a friendly arguement, but this statement right here is what pisses me off about American's. Just because you arent use to it, or don't watch it constantly, or are a fan of it, doesn't give you the right to criticise another. These things do not hold any lesser value than the sports, objects, or games that you yourself enjoy. They are all part of what make each individual country great. Canada is not great because of American things, just like American isn't great becasue of British things and so on. Culture is a varied and exquisite as the individuals who leave in each country.

With that being said. No one has shit on Japan. They excel in almost every field except for a few and even then usually have their toes in it. Amazing what happens when your country uses its funds for advancement instead of war like another country i know of, *coughamericacough*. >.>;
Kaine said:
I realize you guys are having a friendly arguement, but this statement right here is what pisses me off about American's. Just because you arent use to it, or don't watch it constantly, or are a fan of it, doesn't give you the right to criticise another. These things do not hold any lesser value than the sports, objects, or games that you yourself enjoy. They are all part of what make each individual country great. Canada is not great because of American things, just like American isn't great becasue of British things and so on. Culture is a varied and exquisite as the individuals who leave in each country.
With that being said. No one has shit on Japan. They excel in almost every field except for a few and even then usually have their toes in it. Amazing what happens when your country uses its funds for advancement instead of war like another country i know of, *coughamericacough*. >.>;
Has anyone else been thinking about Hetalia this whole time or is it just me?
Kaine said:
@DaughterofAthena So just hypothetically. What would happen if the twins were to refuse turning into weapons?
They would watch... Hakoda's not mean, persay. If someone doesn't want to do something, he's not about to force them to do it. He would question why they came, though - both to his lesson and to the DWMA in general.
For my own satisfaction, because there's no way in hell Kalin is going to defend his assertions.

Neither of the heroes mentioned are explicity stated as using shortswords. Perseus's is sometimes depicted as cutting off Medusa's head with a blade with a curved pertrusion or a scythe.

Oddesyus's sword is never explicitly described. His bow and shield, however are.

The Roman Leigonare's primary weapon was a Gladius Major. Which is a broad sword, much meatier than your average short sword. Their back up weapon was either a pugio or a Gladius minor, a more shortsword like weapon.

I did my research. There are no legendary short swords except for in recent fiction, which Kalin didn't have access to.
I don't get why you're upset about someone who is IC a hothead being inaccurate, but that's fine- sorry if I.. offended you?

Also- a Gladius would be called a Shortsword by most standards, I'd think; while it was unusually broad for that kind of weapon, it lacked the length to be anything else. Meaty, yes. Long? No.

As for the lack of people specifically describing legendary Shortsword's... Eh. *Shrug* Don't care, Miyoko's the kind of person to say "Germans and Romans used Spears and Shortsword's, and that's it!" And refuse to be argued with, even if OOCly I cede the point entirely.
SephirothSage said:
I don't get why you're upset about someone who is IC a hothead being inaccurate, but that's fine- sorry if I.. offended you?
Also- a Gladius would be called a Shortsword by most standards, I'd think; while it was unusually broad for that kind of weapon, it lacked the length to be anything else. Meaty, yes. Long? No.

As for the lack of people specifically describing legendary Shortsword's... Eh. *Shrug* Don't care, Miyoko's the kind of person to say "Germans and Romans used Spears and Shortsword's, and that's it!" And refuse to be argued with, even if OOCly I cede the point entirely.
Because I've had a bit to Drink, and I know my character is too scared to defend what he says.

I'm really sorry about that. I'm normally not confrontational at all. Really though. I'm sorry. ._.
DaughterofAthena said:
They would watch... Hakoda's not mean, persay. If someone doesn't want to do something, he's not about to force them to do it. He would question why they came, though - both to his lesson and to the DWMA in general.
Hmm that might be an interaction I want them to have. Which also means i need to finallize what happened at their school for the expulsion. >.< that came up much sooner than expected but still!!
Hmmm. Post now or wait? I'm guessing I'm not going to get a response from Bookworm. Jack might have something to say about what just went down though...

Kalin's probably going to accept everything she said in regards to him as fact and retreat into a shell after that though. Which is likely going to annoy certain optimists.
Deadeyelee said:
I'm guessing I'm not going to get a response from Bookworm.
I'll have a post up for Kass soon actually. She's probably not going to actually say much, but she still has to respond to Hakoda so it'll be something.
Just some updates for people based on new additions to the roster and some changes making people inactive.

Characters in Need of Weapons

Character Player
Aiko Selmatu @Chibii
Jack Trinity @QuirkyAngel

Characters in Need of Meisters

Character Player
Kassana Silverstream @DaughterofAthena
Ella Trinity @QuirkyAngel
Alexis Traynor @Sergeant Sass
Aoi Asuka @T h e F o o l
Naia Mahi'ai @Cecilia
Kalin Mickleson @Deadeyelee

I think Kalin and Jack were going to partner...? Confirmation from @QuirkyAngel and @Deadeyelee would be nice on that point though. Otherwise, if anyone is looking for partners, check the list and feel free to use the OOC to maybe figure things out.

If you are looking for a partner but are unsure of how to approach the situation, I highly recommend coming to the Physical Fitness Field as Hakoda will be arbitrarily pairing people up in some of the exercises I have planned. He IS using his soul perception so none of the pairings should be too outrageously incompatible. (Basically, I'm going to be pairing up characters who I personally think would work well together...)
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Deadeyelee said:
*We were absolutely not conspiring to write dorm room roomate fluff*
Dude, im not sure exactly what fluff entails, but male intimacy is amazing i think. Shame society frowns about it as being "gay"

On another note. WHY DO RANDOM PEOPLE FOLLOW ME and HOW? Just had a brand new, not even at 10 posts yet, person follow my profile. Like whhat did i do to even draw their attention? So confused OTL.

Also Athena. I know you have the twins listed as a pair, but really im only aiming to do that temporarily. I want them to learn to be more confident as a weapon. Know enough fighting and be strong enough that they don't solely rely on their meister, and to find someone they truly trust. How you label them is up to you. :P
SephirothSage said:
Do you mean a Bo-Staff, or literally a Bow/Staff hybrid?
A Bo, or bo staff is a japanese weapon. It's as long as a staff, but the ends are more narrow on either end, with it being full girth in the center. Google Bo Staff and the first wiki link should tell you about it. Ive used them in other RP's as weapons.

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