Out of Soul Chat

I was going stir crazy so i went and tilled all the dirt in our garden boxes :x Rather soothing i suppose.
@DaughterofAthena[/URL] ! I didn't realize that post was so long. It certainly didn't seem like it when we were writing it.
I KNOW!!! I was a bit shocked at its actual length as well, but it's a beautiful post so I don't mind...

Deadeyelee said:
How many times can you re watch soul eater in a single month before being admitted to a hospital?
You don't even want to know how many times I've watched it while looking for good amv clips...
Deadeyelee said:
It's Fruday?
It's Fruday!
Dear god... It is.

If any of you start singing Rebecca Black's - Friday I'm going to reach through this computer and strangle you.

The office manager at my school decided it was a good idea to play the song over the loudspeakers in the middle of the day today >.< And a bunch of even more annoying songs throughout the entire day. Needless to say I'm just a little irked with a headache.
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Skylar just got out of a fight that got him into the hospital, and this could've got him out of depression, but this would probably make him feel even worse.
;-; I feel obligated to make another character to fill holes, but I can't find the inspiration.
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Zenaida said:
Dear god... It is.
If any of you start singing Rebecca Black's - Friday I'm going to reach through this computer and strangle you.

The office manager at my school decided it was a good idea to play the song over the loudspeakers in the middle of the day today >.< And a bunch of even more annoying songs throughout the entire day. Needless to say I'm just a little irked with a headache.
Why you do this. Like srsly? I cant even... I.. can't... even...
Zenaida said:
Dear god... It is.
If any of you start singing Rebecca Black's - Friday I'm going to reach through this computer and strangle you.

The office manager at my school decided it was a good idea to play the song over the loudspeakers in the middle of the day today >.< And a bunch of even more annoying songs throughout the entire day. Needless to say I'm just a little irked with a headache.
*says like Siri*

It's Friday


Got to get down on Friday

Everybody is looking forward to the weekend

Zenaida said:
Hmm? Eh. You talking about my dislike of the song or something else?
Cause you talked... I cant I CANT Listening? Heh heh? Just mentioning... OH GOD I CAN!!!!? I HEAR IT IN MY HEAD for the love... of god MAKE IT STOP!!!

*Hangs himself from OoC rafters*
Kaine said:
Cause you talked... I cant I CANT Listening? Heh heh? Just mentioning... OH GOD I CAN!!!!? I HEAR IT IN MY HEAD for the love... of god MAKE IT STOP!!!
*Hangs himself from OoC rafters*
*says like Siri*

It's Friday


Got to get down on Friday

Everybody is looking forward to the weekend

Ariettie said:
*says like Siri*
It's Friday


Got to get down on Friday

Everybody is looking forward to the weekend

-Massive eye twitch-

Why? Just why?


Kaine said:
Cause you talked... I cant I CANT Listening? Heh heh? Just mentioning... OH GOD I CAN!!!!? I HEAR IT IN MY HEAD for the love... of god MAKE IT STOP!!!
*Hangs himself from OoC rafters*
Meep! No no no, don't hang yourself! Who's going to run the obnoxious amusing twins if you do that?!?!?

... Just let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door...

-Hides quickly probably not helping the situation-
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Zenaida said:
-Massive eye twitch and glare-
Why? Just why?


Meep! No no no, don't hang yourself! Who's going to run the obnoxious amusing twins if you do that?!?!?

... Just let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door...

-Hides quickly probably not helping the situation-
*tune of let it go*

The Snow blows white

In new Brunswick tonight

Not a tank top to be seen

A kingdom of ice in winter

And it looks like I will freeze

The wind is howling

And I need to get inside

Any longer now

And I'll get frostbite

Don't let cold in

Don't let us freeze

Be the good girl

And go turn up the heat

Until the chill

Leaves with the cold

We're Eskimos!

It is cold

It is cold

When I shovel outside

It is cold

It is cold

I might get frostbite

I don't care

If you want to play

Go outside if you want

The cold always bothered me every day
[QUOTE="Lilllysaurus Rex]Hurm, not sure where to play Saiken at...

Hey Athena and I are about to post, and Arthur's going to a combat class, and seeing as Akahana is his partner, it would make sense for her to join.

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