Out of Soul Chat

Honestly, I don't know. Too many characters to choose from =/

I'll just toss out a random one: Sebastian(Black Butler) vs Alucard(Hellsing)
QuirkyAngel said:
Honestly, I don't know. Too many characters to choose from =/
I'll just toss out a random one: Sebastian(Black Butler) vs Alucard(Hellsing)
Sebastian can shave of a good number of Alucard's lives, but not win in the end, is what I'd say.

When you say Izayoi, do you mean the blonde kid from that show I've never watched, or are you typoing Izaya Orihara the Troll God?

Also- when in his life, for Ichigo, and how much can Ragna Bloodedge Cut Loose, so to speak?

Normal Route Undyne, or Undyne the Undying?
SephirothSage said:
When you say Izayoi, do you mean the blonde kid from that show I've never watched, or are you typoing Izaya Orihara the Troll God?

Also- when in his life, for Ichigo, and how much can Ragna Bloodedge Cut Loose, so to speak?

Normal Route Undyne, or Undyne the Undying?
Izayoi from blazblue

Both at full power

Undyne the Undying
Ichigo at his full power OHKO's God, so. Sorry, Ichigo. Even if I don't like Bleach.

Undyne the Undying wins, mostly because her fight- like San's own- is impossible to win the first time you fight her; you have to be able to predict her attacks due to having dyed to them at least once, to be able to really fight her; because Undyne the Undying attacks in that Bullet-Hell sorta way you can't dodge without having lost to it at least.

Jin from what Anime.

And I don't know who the V guy is.
DaughterofAthena said:
Just a question based on your signature... have you ever heard the song Daughters of Darkness by Halestorm by chance?
Actually I had that question asked of me when I first added this signature. xD I looked at it, but I cant say weather I liked it or not. Kind of in the middle. That signature was a spawn of my tired mind one day and it just stuck, didnt have any connection to that song, though it could.
Yeah he's far too broken

Well unfortunately for Undyne Izayoi doesn't have to stay in one place, can teleport, fly, and has a weapon/armor that acts as literally judgement itself. She is literal justice. She can destroy people who operate outside of the realm of logic, so she'd be able to kill immortals.

Jin Kisaragi from Blazblue He and Vergil i just a test of skill.
If she's literal Justice, then wouldn't she be unable to hurt the literal "True Heroine" of Undertale? Undyne the Undying is a living force of pure embodied righteousness and fury come to punish some poor, poor bastard who went on a genocidal rampage, not any kind of 'evil'. She's a monster only in species- and a true hero, morally. So if "Judgement itself" is Izayoi's weapon, wouldn't it just sort of.. Judge Undyne, and find her a pretty cool chick?
SephirothSage said:
If she's literal Justice, then wouldn't she be unable to hurt the literal "True Heroine" of Undertale? Undyne the Undying is a living force of pure embodied righteousness and fury come to punish some poor, poor bastard who went on a genocidal rampage, not any kind of 'evil'. She's a monster only in species- and a true hero, morally. So if "Judgement itself" is Izayoi's weapon, wouldn't it just sort of.. Judge Undyne, and find her a pretty cool chick?
Well the thing is that Justice is completely subjective. It is literally up to what the person perceives it to be, but Izayoi given Tsubaki's nature most likely would deem Udyne to be quite honorable. Their fight would not be one to the death. Also Both of them can make their own "bullet hell" so to speak.

Deadeyelee said:
Note. While fighting undyne, she cannot move. Green attack.
Well that is mainly if she can land it. Like you are a kid and immobile for gamesake.
The Green Attack is, like all the other colored attacks, less a directed attack- and more an area rule inflicted on Souls. But- I see your point. From what I'm gathering here, a stand-still seems quite possible.
DaughterofAthena said:
Hakoda is coming to the fields. I am in the process of collabing with @Ariettie and that should bring him there. I have a small lesson planned. You don't have to attend though. I am just trying to make sure people have options on things to do.
Excellent. I wasnt trying to rush, just trying to form some sort of idea of what i want to go on since we just arrived and the others were all ready there.

DaughterofAthena said:
He didn't leave by choice. He was banned from the site.
LOL, cough. Not to be mean, sorry. Seriously thought i was the only person who ever got himself ban. Though my longest was only 7 days. Sounds like their's is for a considerably longer amount of time.

Keanehandiam said:
So if you guys could have any two characters from any universe go at it, who would you want to see?
Preferably two that can destroy the world. /sigh
Deadeyelee said:
So does anyone else listen to music while posting? Or is it just me?
I need background noise whenever I write anything substantial... whether it be a post or something else. Sometimes that background noise is music.

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