Out of Soul Chat

[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]

Absolutely not. If anything, he would tell her to go find another Meister, explain to her that the only way he'd train her is if she became a Meister like him or just tell her to stop crying in general. Paul has a general disdain for Weapons.

What about if the girl were an orphaned, damaged weapon that no one else would want as a partner because she was weak? (:3)

Also...he's prejudice against weapons? O.o
[QUOTE="Violet Obsidian]I'll probably get another post up tonight or tomorrow.

I'm excited either way. Tonight would totally sate my curiosity. But I tend to speedpost, so don't let my pace push you. Do what you feel is comfortable.

QuirkyAngel said:
What about if the girl were an orphaned, damaged weapon that no one else would want as a partner because she was weak? (:3)
Also...he's prejudice against weapons? O.o
In that scenario, Paul would first wonder why such a "weak" girl would even come up to him. After spurning her a few times, he would likely try to train her to be an autonomous weapon, but he still wouldn't like it.

He's not necessarily prejudice against weapons; it's the concept of a weapon. Weapons cannot fight on their own, not normally. He has such a strong value of independence that he greatly dislikes the conceptual nature of weapons because they depend on a Meister. In theory, he would have a good sum of respect for an autonomous weapon.
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]I'm excited either way. Tonight would totally sate my curiosity. But I tend to speedpost, so don't let my pace push you. Do what you feel is comfortable.
In that scenario, Paul would first wonder why such a "weak" girl would even come up to him. After spurning her a few times, he would likely try to train her to be an autonomous weapon, but he still wouldn't like it.

He's not necessarily prejudice against weapons; it's the concept of a weapon. Weapons cannot fight on their own, not normally. He has such a strong value of independence that he greatly dislikes the conceptual nature of weapons because they depend on a Meister. In theory, he would have a good sum of respect for an autonomous weapon.

Is technically still prejudice, especially since weapons can't help being born the way they are.

Though, I understand the viewpoint from his independent prospective. He and Ella would not get along at all^^
By technicality, it's not a prejudice. A prejudice, by definition, is a preconceived notion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Paul has a valid reason for his opinion in that he values independence that most weapons never naturally achieve and considering he's a DWMA student, he has plenty of experience to prove so. A further point of prejudice is that he would not recognize the accomplishments of others if they overcame his reasoning, which isn't true. Show him an autonomous weapon and he'll respect even more than he would a Meister.

Now, without revealing more about Paul, there is a part of him that does have several prejudices. An example of this is Riven and Warren. The disgust he has for them is purely prejudice. It goes beyond his value of independence and into a whole new level, even though it is tied together.

Granted, all of that is just semantics. Splitting hairs. Call it whatever you like, Paul doesn't like weapons and you will never see him use one. If he did use a weapon, it would be a literal weapon. Like, an inanimate weapon.
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]By technicality, it's not a prejudice. A prejudice, by definition, is a preconceived notion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Paul has a valid reason for his opinion in that he values independence that most weapons never naturally achieve and considering he's a DWMA student, he has plenty of experience to prove so. A further point of prejudice is that he would not recognize the accomplishments of others if they overcame his reasoning, which isn't true. Show him an autonomous weapon and he'll respect even more than he would a Meister.
Now, without revealing more about Paul, there is a part of him that does have several prejudices. An example of this is Riven and Warren. The disgust he has for them is purely prejudice. It goes beyond his value of independence and into a whole new level, even though it is tied together.

Granted, all of that is just semantics. Splitting hairs. Call it whatever you like, Paul doesn't like weapons and you will never see him use one. If he did use a weapon, it would be a literal weapon. Like, an inanimate weapon.

Haha. I meant Ella has a dependent personality in addition to being a weapon. Paul would not like her at all =P

As for prejudice, I like to think even prejudice people have a reasons for their prejudice. Not necessarily valid reasons, but still reasons. Judging a person solely based on what they are with out actually meeting them in person is kinda prejudice. Or judgmental...that's probably a more accurate word =/

Edit: Understood. Will not badger Paul about weapons again.
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Putting Paul aside, since I do have other characters, I'm looking for someone. A workout buddy, per se.

Specifically, looking for a male Meister to practice some Soul Force exercise with Aeryn. When I say exercise, I'm going to get creative with various exercises, but in this case, it will particularly be weightlifting. These will be fluff posts, likely just one-off collabs through titanpad. "Male" isn't really necessary, either; I just felt like it would probably make Lexie less jealous, if that were to happen.

Basically looking for anyone who'd like to add an extra little addition to some of their posts per week working out with Aeryn. It's not heavy content-wise, but it makes for good fluff, a little character development and can help show character progression.
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@Pariah Stark I call success. You guys have what? Like 5 people who arent even in your mission fighting over all the shit going down in your mission. If thats not success, i dont know what is.
Kaine said:
@Pariah Stark I call success. You guys have what? Like 5 people who arent even in your mission fighting over all the shit going down in your mission. If thats not success, i dont know what is.
It's a somewhat polarizing topic. Whether you like it or not, there is no right or wrong side. There were miscommunications, poor choices and overall poor attitudes on both sides. And, both sides made choices that ultimately make perfect sense for the characters. Blame whomever you want, down to it, it's the culmination of the chemistry of the characters. If people are reading it and fighting over it, then I do agree: we've done a good job. We've done a good job portraying our characters in a tough, unique situation acting out in ways that aren't just cookie cutter walk through scenarios of the mission. We're playing our characters well, and if people fight over it, then that means to some degree, they're captivated by the conflict.

Deadeyelee said:
I'm thinking about Pumping out a newly 1 star, slightly entitled Miester .
I just want a workout buddy for a handful of one-shot collabs. No need for a whole character about it. It's honestly an open invitation right now.

QuirkyAngel said:
I'm not really fighting. I'm just interested in Paul's character is all~
Paul will only get more interesting as this goes on. I designed him originally as an NPC to spark conflict among students. However, with the redesign for the RP, he might as well be my third character.
Deadeyelee said:
I wonder what sort of drills will be occuring out on the field...
It's to get characters better aquainted. You and quirky have a mission so im sure it wont concern you to much for this time around. I'm sure Dakota, Sarah and Lauren will go, but Zenaida is busy this weekend and probably wont post till monday or tuesday. I dont mind waiting, thats why i told ya to just take Kalin and go with Jack :P

Just gotta know when to stick around and when you need to bounce to do your own thing. As for Succubi queen not sure her plans.
Well surely Jack and Kalin can't just 'go on a mission', can they? Kalin's never let anyone/been held in weapon form. They need to iron out atleast the most basic of chinks first, before they go on a mission
Deadeyelee said:
Well surely Jack and Kalin can't just 'go on a mission', can they? Kalin's never let anyone/been held in weapon form. They need to iron out atleast the most basic of chinks first, before they go on a mission
That entire depends on your character. :P You hit the nail on the head for Rah and Len. Thats why they wont go on missions till they find someone they trust.
While I would love to reply to Riven/Zarren, I feel it is in my best interest to just wait for the reply from Jessyka. Especially since Paul is likely just going to challenge Riven/Zarren, too.
That fin little moment when you think chat is dead for a few days and it dawns on you that it's only because you forGOT TO CLICK ON THE FUCKING NOTIFICATION GOD DAMNIT
@Deadeyelee @Kaine

At this point in time, a mission would not start without at least meeting the minimum requirement for characters participating simply because the plots were not written with fewer characters in mind.
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Figured :P

Edit: That came out rude. Sorry.



I'm a bit delerious. Anyone want to do my buisness calculus so I can go to bed?
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DaughterofAthena said:
@Deadeyelee @Kaine
At this point in time, a mission would not start without at least meeting the minimum requirement for characters participating simply because the plots were not written with fewer characters in mind.
Ah well its cool. Im sure Zenaida and myself will go to the field, but she has a wedding to attend IRL and has been very busy, so im not really expecting a post till tuesday or wednesday. So do what you need to with those two, we will catch up when time becomes available.

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