Out of Soul Chat

[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]Oh, right now, Paul has 100% intention on showing both of them just how much a Soul Force strike from him hurts. To Paul, they're both blaming him for their mistake.
From Paul's perspective, he came up to Jessyka and politely tried to make peace. She spurned him for no real valid reason, so he basically walked off saying "Fuck you" - which in my opinion is an entirely valid response. Paul is a strong, independent individual designed to function on the premise he is an exemption to the rules. Even after Paul walked off, Skyler only made the situation worse by calling him spoiled, and that specifically struck a nerve. Paul is an orphan. Never knew his parents, grew up in state homes. He'd stare at old pictures and wonder what his parents were like because he never got to meet them really. He'd tell friends goodbye and cry about it. He felt terrible because he hated how they might get adopted or transferred out - normally good things for them, but ultimately things that only made him more lonely. To avoid being hurt, to avoid the pain of loss, Paul took to being alone. Calling him spoiled was a real bad call because he literally came from nothing.

So, he's reacting like most troubled youths do. While his intentions are good, fact is, he still comes from a terrible past, has anger issues, and will overreact when pushed like this. It's his defense mechanism. Down to it, he was pushed too far, and now he fully intends on hurting someone. It likely will happen, and he'll have no qualms beating Jessyka like Aeryn beat Xander if he gets the chance. And then, he'll likely go do the mission alone or with Riven or maybe even let a beat-up Jessyka/Skyler return if they concede to him being the new leader. That's assuming he wins, but I don't see how a Marksman is going to beat a purely close-range fighter.

Deep... Deep...
AnnoDomini said:
Well, ok, do what you want. Just warn me when you wanna strike ok ?
He'll likely make a theatrical deal out of it, so you'll probably see it coming at least a post ahead. As for a warning, this is my warning right now. Paul has full intention on hurting someone, then continuing the mission. For all intents and purposes, Paul doesn't see Jessyka as the leader any more. She (and Skyler, to some degree) pretty much ruined that with their reactions to him.

Kaine said:
Deep... Deep...
I don't do shallow. Anyone can play a Paladin that stays true to the light. Creativity comes in when you choose how they fall.
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Trying to piece together a dress for my little sister out of my clothes and hers... It's not working out. >.< If only her dress hadn't turned out too tight. Grrr.

Needless to say I may not get to post tonight, as I've gotten caught up in the madness of weddings and prepping for them.
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Zenaida said:
Trying to piece together a dress for my little sister out of my clothes and hers... It's not working out. >.< If only her dress hadn't turned out too tight. Grrr.
Needless to say I may not get to post tonight, as I've gotten caught up in the madness of weddings and prepping for them.
UUUUUGH i really want to see the dress now ;-; damn these internet things. Hope your having fun!
Deadeyelee said:
Unless I can get away with posting without getting smited by certain people.
Actually i was just thinking about this. @Zenaida @QuirkyAngel @The Succubi Queen

Dakota is only really interact Lauren. Jack Left, Sarahs doing nothing and TSQ char is sick i think DEL can post for Kalin. Anyone else disagree say so now.

I know Kalin has a mission so. Just make sure you leave by the end. Dakota, Lauren and Sarah will all interact when they can. Sarah might talk to TSQ char, as long as she doesnt snot her up. lol
Sergeant Sass] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20664-pariah-stark/ said:
@Pariah Stark[/URL] Did you still wanna try and write something for Aeryn and Lexie? I have no idea what we would do, but I'm open to ideas.
Shoot me a link and we can bounce some ideas.
Kaine said:
Actually i was just thinking about this. @Zenaida @QuirkyAngel @The Succubi Queen
Dakota is only really interact Lauren. Jack Left, Sarahs doing nothing and TSQ char is sick i think DEL can post for Kalin. Anyone else disagree say so now.

I know Kalin has a mission so. Just make sure you leave by the end. Dakota, Lauren and Sarah will all interact when they can. Sarah might talk to TSQ char, as long as she doesnt snot her up. lol
Deryn has her Hanky now, so I don't think she'll be sneezing on anybody. :)
Deadeyelee said:
Sorry about dumping a decision on you like that :/ I can understand if you take it as a little rude
Not at all. This actually works out well. Our characters can get used to each other before the mission :)

Edit: And Kalin is seriously so endearing :3
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Yeah, I know :3 up until he witnesses someone doing something 'bad'. Then he'll get preachy. We'll see how people tolerate him then xD
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Oh dude, I had a sort-of idea. Well, Skylar was abandoned too, and grew up at a monastery, so he would think that they are almost the same, but while Skylar did find someone to fight for (his meister) I don't think Paul did. So Skylar won't really put up a fight, just will eat punches, as he remembered he would sometimes have fits of anger himself.
AnnoDomini said:
Oh dude, I had a sort-of idea. Well, Skylar was abandoned too, and grew up at a monastery, so he would think that they are almost the same, but while Skylar did find someone to fight for (his meister) I don't think Paul did. So Skylar won't really put up a fight, just will eat punches, as he remembered he would sometimes have fits of anger himself.
This could work, but not necessarily in the way you're thinking. If Skylar feels some form of sympathy for Paul after hearing his speech, and during the rest of the ride reflects on that, his best bet would actually be to tell Jessyka that they might be in the wrong on this one and convince her to step down off that pedestal. That might actually get you somewhere if Jessyka decides to apologize after they get off the bus. I can't promise it will make Paul entirely non-hostile and he would still intend on commandeering the mission, but it might save a beating. As for Skylar himself, Skylar might get out of the entire scenario unscathed. Even though it was Skylar that spoke up and really struck a nerve, Paul is projecting his frustration onto Jessyka. Not only is she the authority figure, she spurned his attempt at teamworked. So, in Paul's head, it's pretty much all her fault. He has full intention on showing her the disparity between them, and if Skylar has no intention of fighting with his Meister, then the disparity is only that much larger.

Either way, there's no perfect repair for this scenario. Jessyka and Skylar together both pretty much spurned Paul then further pissed him off after he was just trying to build some bridges. This is his first real team-oriented mission, and he's not been exposed to a lot of people. The Meisters he was exposed to used to make fun for refusing to take a Weapon, then all had to come to terms with he's using a technique only a handful of students ever even learn. All of his previous experiences have essentially been negative, save one with Keziah - and that one is still up in the air - so all those two characters did was reinforce his negative interactions with other Meisters. Once the paper is crumpled, it can't be perfect again. What you can do is try to work around the new creases if you don't want to call off the new mission. And, the biggest crease coming up is that Paul is either going to go off entirely on his own or forcefully take the leadership position, and unfortunately, he doesn't quite care which.
Paul needs to chiiiiiiiiiiillllllllll. xD beating the shit out of people is no way to go about earning respect and legitimacy. I wouldn't be suprised if he tried to solo the mission and failed.
Deadeyelee said:
beating the shit out of people is no way to go about earning respect and legitimacy. I wouldn't be suprised if he tried to solo the mission and failed.
See, you say that, but I am equally opposed to how Jessyka reacted. You can't just bitch out the guy obviously trying to build a bridge. If anyone needed to chill, it was pretty much her. Now, while he may not earn respect of legitimacy, we you need to keep in mind he is a character accustomed to being alone. He doesn't care if anyone respects him if he can beat them. Paul is pretty sure he can beat Jessyka, so down to it, he has no reason to want her respect. If she feels he's an illegitimate Meister, yet he proves he's stronger, that's enough in his mind to make up for the lack thereof. And, honestly, Paul would probably stick his neck out and try, but he would always have an escape plan. The mission is investigation. If he played it safely, he may just accomplish that much.
You see, Jessyka is the way she is, and there's no changing her. I'm not saying I think she's right, but going to the extreme of dueling on a mission seems a little far. There could be a hell of a lot at stake.
Deadeyelee said:
You see, Jessyka is the way she is, and there's no changing her. I'm not saying I think she's right, but going to the extreme of dueling on a mission seems a little far. There could be a hell of a lot at stake.
Right. What they need to diffuse the situation is a mediator. Someone who'll stick to the facts without going to personal attacks and point out that there could be a lot at stake. Work around both their determinations to succeed^^
Woah! We definitely made some tension... it's fun. Um... as for what is going to happen. Jessyka will apologize for Skyler and she most certainly is going to scold Skyler because as far as she sees it, she's the one who makes people mad and Skyler's the one who goes in and fixes it. She's not used to seeing Skyler get mad at people and normally it wouldn't bother her TOO much, but right now he's still injured a bit and so now she sees him starting fights that he can't back up.

As for Jessyka apologizing for her own actions, I'm not entirely sure on that one.

One more note: Paul could definitely beat her although I'm curious as to whether or not he would continue to punch her when/if she went into a panic attack.
Deadeyelee said:
You see, Jessyka is the way she is, and there's no changing her. I'm not saying I think she's right, but going to the extreme of dueling on a mission seems a little far. There could be a hell of a lot at stake.
That exact statement applies to Paul. He is the way he is and there's no changing him. The difference is, he doesn't at all mind the ramifications of the mission. What you feel like is going a bit far, he feels is perfectly appropriate, and even more so, he feels its not even his own fault.

QuirkyAngel said:
lol. Stubborness and determination do go hand in hand.
@Pariah Stark I'm actually curious. If a little girl weapon cried and begged Paul to be her partner, would he do it?
Absolutely not. If anything, he would tell her to go find another Meister, explain to her that the only way he'd train her is if she became a Meister like him or just tell her to stop crying in general. Paul has a general disdain for Weapons.

QuirkyAngel said:
Right. What they need to diffuse the situation is a mediator. Someone who'll stick to the facts without going to personal attacks and point out that there could be a lot at stake. Work around both their determinations to succeed^^
While this might be true, the only other person is Riven and Zarren. First and foremost, Paul is literally disgusted by them. While they don't piss him off as much as Jessyka, he's not going to respond well to them. Riven doesn't seem much like a mediator anyway and Zarren would likely make things worse. Or just encourage the fight. I really, really see Zarren encouraging it.

[QUOTE="Violet Obsidian]Woah! We definitely made some tension... it's fun. Um... as for what is going to happen. Jessyka will apologize for Skyler and she most certainly is going to scold Skyler because as far as she sees it, she's the one who makes people mad and Skyler's the one who goes in and fixes it. She's not used to seeing Skyler get mad at people and normally it wouldn't bother her TOO much, but right now he's still injured a bit and so now she sees him starting fights that he can't back up.
As for Jessyka apologizing for her own actions, I'm not entirely sure on that one.

One more note: Paul could definitely beat her although I'm curious as to whether or not he would continue to punch her when/if she went into a panic attack.

Even though Skylar/er is the one that made the personal attack on Paul verbally, Paul is still projecting his anger onto Jessyka. I'm imagining that if Skylar/er does get hit, it'll probably be like one single punch to the face just to make his point. Paul said he was going to kick there asses, and a single punch is enough to constitute that. So he at least might get off relatively easy.

As for Jessyka apologizing, it wouldn't save her, just lighten the beating Paul intends on dishing out. Might save Skylar/er the punch, though. It would really come down to what he convinces her of if he can get through her scolding.

And, lastly, Paul will have no qualms traumatizing her during a panic attack. He'll lift her up by her shirt, stare her right in the eyes and explain that how she feels now is why she is weak. Why she is beneath him. Why she cannot lead him. He will use her own panic attack as a weapon against her. He will tell her that her break downs like this is why she shouldn't be a Meister, then he'd likely toss her across the ground like a rag doll. He won't "beat on her", but he'll find a way to do damage and get his point across. He comes from orphanages. Anxiety, panic attacks, depression, delinquency - this is all the stuff he grew up with. These are all things I'm quite sure growing up for so long in homes would have exposed him to. He doesn't feel remorse for it and won't react to it like others would.
Well, we'll have to see. I'll probably get another post up tonight or tomorrow. I'm working on a post for Warren first.

Also, I'm sorry if I'm mixing up how to spell Skyler's name. Jessyka just calls him Smoky so I don't have to spell out his name a whole lot. I'm really not sure whether it's an 'a' or an 'e'.

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