Out of Soul Chat

Sergeant Sass]Hmm... I haven't heard from [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22831-the-succubi-queen/ said:
@The Succubi Queen[/URL] in a while. I'm actually getting hesitant about partnering with her. She hasn't been around...
OH my gosh, I'm so sorry, production week ended up being even more of a hell than I thought, if you want to find another partner, I'm completely cool with that, my life has just been hell in a handbasket recently I'm so sorry
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]OH my gosh, I'm so sorry, production week ended up being even more of a hell than I thought, if you want to find another partner, I'm completely cool with that, my life has just been hell in a handbasket recently I'm so sorry

I just want to be able to do something with Lexie and quite honestly, her and Aeryn can only go on so many dates. I'd LOVE to send her on a mission, but I need an ACTIVE partner to do that and I'm not seeing any.

Heck, I'd love to send XANDER on a mission, but again, I don't have an active EAT partner for him...
Im no sure Xander will ever have a partner. xD I love him from a characters point of view, but im positive that his Ingame attitude would make me not want to rp with him. xD Which i guess means you made a freakin fantasic char. :3 @Sergeant Sass
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Kalin would avoid a food fight like the plauge, and I wasn't sure your Weapon partner was really really gone. But yeah, I'm willing to try whatever. I just didn't want to force my self into anyone's weapon position.
Zenaida said:
I can try to make a partner for one of them if you'd like...
@Kaine @Deadeyelee @QuirkyAngel

I keep forgetting to forewarn you guys... So I'll do it now. My aunt is getting married this weekend on Valentines day, and I'm going to spend the weekend up by her to attend. I should still be around to keep track of things but I don't know if I'll have much time to post. Might be preoccupied.
well besides Kalin getting to know jack and sarah i think we are a little tapped out for ideas as far as being the first day of school goes. At least till it ends, then i have some more planned, but really it depends on what Athena wants to do once her finals are finished.

Oh and on another note, while weddings can be boring, They are still beautiful events. Do you get to do anything exciting in the event? like bridesmaids or i suppose flower girl xP
Deadeyelee said:
Kalin would avoid a food fight like the plauge, and I wasn't sure your Weapon partner was really really gone. But yeah, I'm willing to try whatever. I just didn't want to force my self into anyone's weapon position.
Xander's weapon partner - controlled by @CincoSomberGrey - legitimately hasn't logged onto RpN since January 22nd.
Deadeyelee said:
Kalin would avoid a food fight like the plauge, and I wasn't sure your Weapon partner was really really gone. But yeah, I'm willing to try whatever. I just didn't want to force my self into anyone's weapon position.
As far as its going, The twins, Jack Kalin and Dakota are all free agents. I think at this point in time metagame wise id like Dakota to be their meister, But Dakota doesnt like being close combat fighter, and ive thought about possibily letting each one have their own meister, but i really want them to gain a special trait later on that is only obtainable if they are dual wielded by a single person. Jack likes shiny, sharp objects, so really our whole 5 man group is fair game right now. I'm really waiting till we all get a time to try weapons out and get a feel for each others characters ingame.
Meta gaming, I'd Like Kalin with Jack or Xander, honestly. Though I'm slightly concerned Kalin would annoy and pick at Xander's flaws till he beat the crap out of him.
This conversation timeline is giving me a headache xD . Trying to figure out who said what when and replying to them is difficult. ;-;
Kaine said:
Oh and on another note, while weddings can be boring, They are still beautiful events. Do you get to do anything exciting in the event? like bridesmaids or i suppose flower girl xP
Nope. Not unless her daughter or her fiances four --Though I think only two of the four are actually going-- kids suddenly get sick, which I hope doesn't happen and I highly doubt will happen. I dunno though, they could have something planned and just not have told me -again I doubt- even though they've had this planned for almost a year now. I'm looking forward to it though. I actually get along well with the guy she's marrying and she's happy, so there's that. ^-^
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Sergeant Sass]Umm.... [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22831-the-succubi-queen/ said:
@The Succubi Queen[/URL] ... Xander isn't in the auditorium right now.
Oh shoot, i just went straight to that thread and that was the last thing I saw, goshdarn it, my bad- sorry again
Deadeyelee said:
Meta gaming, I'd Like Kalin with Jack or Xander, honestly. Though I'm slightly concerned Kalin would annoy and pick at Xander's flaws till he beat the crap out of him.
well depending what Angel and Zenaida want to do, that combo would put them all at entry NOT level to do missions together. And really, i think it would be cool, cept we'd all be close up fighters. Dx Just depends how it plays out in game i suppose. :3

Oh and deadlee i was gonna say, feel free to have Kalin like sit down and chat it up. i have no more plans as far as the twins go for this, so him Jack and Sarah could get some solid chatting going on.
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Oh shoot, i just went straight to that thread and that was the last thing I saw, goshdarn it, my bad- sorry again

Um... Xander has never been in the auditorium...

Lexie was there with Aeryn, but Xander's been in the Cafeteria the whole time.
ahahaha. Chatting up. I just realized this is the first time he's had a non hostile/passive agressive conversation with more than one person in like, four years. Kalin is in full panic mode.
[QUOTE="Sergeant Sass]Um... Xander has never been in the auditorium...
Lexie was there with Aeryn, but Xander's been in the Cafeteria the whole time.

I misread it then, that is totally my bad- I'm really sorry, I've just been stretched a million ways and I'm guess I'm still in full stress mode, ehehe. I edited the post, so that should fix things.
Zenaida said:
Nope. Not unless her daughter or her fiances four --Though I think only two of the four are actually going-- kids suddenly get sick, which I hope doesn't happen and I highly doubt will happen. I dunno though, they could have something planned and just not have told me -again I doubt- even though they've had this planned for almost a year now. I'm looking forward to it though. I actually get along well with the guy she's marrying and she's happy, so there's that. ^-^
Yeah i know that feeling. My stepmom is a wonderful person and takes care of my dad. thats all i care about. But i hope you will have fun! I would say pictures, but ya know, people pictures internet dont mix. So use to facebook ;_; lol
Deadeyelee said:
This conversation timeline is giving me a headache xD . Trying to figure out who said what when and replying to them is difficult. ;-;
Yeah... That happens when we're all posting separately like we have been. Most of the time we write the posts, often not really knowing what the next person's going to say, and the timelines get wacky with the conversations.
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@Deadeyelee @Zenaida Ohhh thats what he meants. Well heres what i got of the short version that is all that really matters from your last post

Jack offered for you to roll a die and decide if her or photographer took your photo.

Dakota tickled Lauren

Dakota came over to the group and zoned out.

Sarah took picture while you and jack were talking.

Jack Sat down.

Sarah gave you camera and told you the die roll was to keep waht she took or get a new one

Lauren came up to Dakota and told her she peed herself. (no one else heard)

Sarah sat down.

Think that sums it up?
With regards to Jack, he'll be joining @Hanarei 's mission. So if he doesn't find a solid partner by then, he'll begging one of his weapon friends to go with him because, as per mission rules, he's not allowed to go on his own. If none agrees, he'll be desperate enough to ask his cousin.

I think Kaine's right. Our characters are still in NOT and don't need to find a weapon right away. Experimenting and finding the right partner for us is part of what our character's are suppose to learn
Hmm... interest peaked. @Violet Obsidian @Pariah Stark I am curious to see where the interactions between Paul and Jessyka lead. I am going to guess they're either eventually going to work fantastically together and be completely bad-ass, or their going to collide on every possible situation. Consider me intrigued.
@QuirkyAngel Alright, just a partner of some sort is required, primarily as the task does involve teamwork to accomplish, and the target isn't going to be as simple as it appears. You might be trying to capture it, but that doesn't mean he is going to be pulling back punches himself. :P

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