Out of Soul Chat

Arkytior said:
Eh. Didn't seem too interesting for me
How to Train Your Dragon is one of the only animated movies with a sequel in which I actually thought the sequel got better than the original. And the original was fantastic to start with.
Still doesn't really interest me. I never cared. I prefer the old Disney movies, sequel or no
I thought the same(that it didn't sound that interesting), but then I watched the first movie at my cousin's place, and it was surprisingly entertaining.
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]I re-watched it last night. I tend not to watch movies repeatedly, but sooooomeone near me as a penchant for re-watching their favorites. This time around, I tried to watch the movie from the perspective of Stoic instead of Hiccup. It did not disappoint. Felt a little Game of Thrones-ish, but it didn't disappoint. Even his quick lines you can easily miss are like major character facets. For example, when the dragon haven is attacked and both of Hiccup's parents run out, Stoic runs with her and says, "Wait, we're a team now." Keep in mind, Stoic the Vast is a Chieftain. He is the guy you go to. He's not used to being part of a team; he's the guy in charge. He's obviously a stubborn man, a very prideful man, but in less than 24 hours after finding the love of his life that he lost for 20 years, thought dead, he's already treating her with more regard than anyone else in that he reveres her as his equal. Almost immediately, he dissolves two incredibly powerful character identifiers - stubbornness and pride - to essentially prove he can change because he in fact has changed. Hiccup helped him transition to seeing that things can be done a different way and seeing his wife through those eyes only added to and amplified the already-existent adoration he had for her.
Of course, I'm over-analyzing, but Stoic was a great character executed fantastically. He is a character archetype done to perfection.

Edit: it's actually spelled Stoick.

Normally i would agree and say you put way to much thought into this, however...

...Have you ever watched some of the director commentary for these animated movies? They actually do put this much thought into the movies most the times. Some of the things these companies do with these animated movies are amazing. There's a reason they are so good. :3
Figured since it was the weekend, everyone would be post happy. You people and your lives. haha. Guess i'll go wander mindlessly in planetside 2 and shoot stuffs xP
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Kaine said:
Figured since it was the weekend, everyone would be post happy. You people are your lives. haha. Guess i'll go wander mindlessly in planetside 2 and shoot stuffs xP
I will be working on a bunch of things soon. I have company over but tonight should be pretty fun as far as rp stuff goes.
QuirkyAngel said:
can anticipate something exiting will happen tonight?
I don't know about "exciting"... but I am going to start trying to move some people out of the cafeteria and towards more potentially amusing things.
Schmur... I have a speech competition monday...

And I still have stuff to memorize...

I have a sinking feeling it's not going to go well. >.<
After reading Paul's response

Zenaida said:
Schmur... I have a speech competition monday...
And I still have stuff to memorize...

I have a sinking feeling it's not going to go well. >.<
If ive ever learned anything in my miserable life, its that confidence makes the difference.

It doesnt matter how you do, but if you believe you will do well, you will. Doesn't matter how much you study, or try and memorize, you gotta believe you're gonna go in there and win to really do good. GOOD LUCK, I know you'll do awesome.
Deadeyelee said:
...Ooh. Are there any witch souled miesters yet?
That is something that would need to be discussed with the mods via PM... if it was something you wanted to do. Currently, no. Not exactly. There are some meisters with some interesting souls though.
I mean, I know they're canon. The pink haired girl on Oz's team is an exiled witch. But yeah, I'd like to talk about it :P

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