Out of Soul Chat

*glances at clock reading 2:27 pm*

/le sigh

I need more sleep despite having passed out once arriving home soon after 7:30-8
Oh I woke up at 1 am and finally changed out of my jeans. Then passed out for another eight hours.

Yesterday was a very long day and I ended it not feeling well. That's why all the work I said should be done last night is getting done now. I'm about halfway through it all.
huh. No problem. I'm probably going to go to work, lose my lunch, and go home. Because not all the allergy medicine in the world can save me now
*is a person who doesn't give a shit about the superbowl and other sports*

Uhhh I'm sorry? : /
Ah okay lol

Yeah when I'm with my dad during the Superbowl I just eat and screw around on my computer or read a book xD
Im a poor blooded american. Havent had TV for going on almost 10 years now. Internet is all i need. :3.

As for sleeping. you should try being bi polar. before i got medication, when your manic, you sleep as little as 3 hours a night, for the entire time your manic. And then when your depressed, you sleep no less that 14-15 hours a day, sometimes as much as 20. For as long as you're down. It's actually nice being balanced now. I sleep anywhere from 7-11 hours, depending on my mood and the weather. Notice i sleep more when its cold cuase its hard to get out of bed. xD Today was actually nice, but i went to bed at 3am last night, so i got up at noon. Only PST here. You guys are a few hours ahead of me.
Schmur... I think I've finally got what I needed memorized memorized... Sort of.

Oh well. My poem reading and expression rocks anyway so it doesn't matter.

Annnnnyway, time to finish Kota's reactions :P
lol i use to be CST when i lived in Oklahoma. Don't miss that place at all, only miss the people i met while there. :(
Zenaida said:
Schmur... I think I've finally got what I needed memorized memorized... Sort of.
Oh well. My poem reading and expression rocks anyway so it doesn't matter.

Annnnnyway, time to finish Kota's reactions :P
Remember, be positive. "You will do well. You will succeed. You will win." You'll do awesome!!!!!
Arkytior said:
OK miss "pft" I will take California's beautiful weather, over Oklahomaa's 115 degree, 98% humidity summers ANYDAY. Only thing OK had that i miss, is the year around thunder storms. Those are gloriously beautiful.
AnnoDomini said:
18 frikin' messages? Are you people even human?
Nope. We're mega robots disguised as humans plotting to destroy the human race and take over earth. :P

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