Out of Soul Chat

Zenaida said:
Twins with a camera.... Scary... Truly scary... Sarah in particular... xD
It's all going according to plan, but i need more dakota reaction. i feel like shes been a little left out. Thats why my overall post is short.
I'm workin' on a post for Kota. Going to try and get her a little bit more involved with everything, but I don't know how it's going to work out yet. Her personality makes writing her reactions difficult for me at times because she's almost my exact opposite in that category.

That being said, I don't know if a reaction will get posted tonight or not.
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Zenaida said:
I'm workin' on a post for Kota. Going to try and get her a little bit more involved with everything, but I don't know how it's going to work out yet. Her personality makes writing her reactions difficult for me at times because she's almost my exact opposite in that category.
That being said, I don't know if a reaction will get posted tonight or not.
If that's what you meant it's fine. i just couldn't tell. Plus the twins are being obnoxious for a reason. i promise they wont always be this bad.
I actually don't mind them being that obnoxious. It's fairly amusing. :P It also allows for more amusing reactions from Kota too, which are fairly fun to write.


Zenaida said:
Twins with a camera.... Scary... Truly scary... Sarah in particular... xD
Was me having fun. Actually it was a bit of humor relating to my personal life and my friends, so it might not of been clear at first. Sorry 'bout that.. My friends get just as crazy obnoxious sometimes and the few of us that actually stay sane call them scary for it almost daily in good humor. xD

Annnnd I may have just confused people a bit... I have a tendency to do that...
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Zenaida said:
I'm workin' on a post for Kota. Going to try and get her a little bit more involved with everything, but I don't know how it's going to work out yet. Her personality makes writing her reactions difficult for me at times because she's almost my exact opposite in that category.
That being said, I don't know if a reaction will get posted tonight or not.
Just have her go with the flow. Or have her be pushed into the flow by our characters ;)


Why do I feel you really want to see an embarrassed Jack? =P
QuirkyAngel said:
Just have her go with the flow. Or have her be pushed into the flow by our characters ;)

Why do I feel you really want to see an embarrassed Jack? =P
In my own little world, these RP's play out just like anime. xD not sure why. just felt the need. may never happen again, or it may happen alot. Still deciding how i want these characters.
...All of the main characters of the anime are no more than one-star miesters. That... is terrifying. What are two and three stars capable of? I mean, Stein has to be a three star, because he's the best, right?
Deadeyelee said:
...All of the main characters of the anime are no more than one-star miesters. That... is terrifying. What are two and three stars capable of? I mean, Stein has to be a three star, because he's the best, right?
you aught to read the manga. Their power is fearsome towards the end. Really shows how noob they are in the beginning.
Deadeyelee said:
...All of the main characters of the anime are no more than one-star miesters. That... is terrifying. What are two and three stars capable of? I mean, Stein has to be a three star, because he's the best, right?
Both Stein and Sid are 3-stars. Main characters started out 1-star but became 2-star by the end...at least, that's what I remember from reading the lore thread =P

Being 1-star EAT means you're already out collecting souls, so I'm guessing they've got to be decently strong...
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QuirkyAngel said:
Both Stein and Sid are 3-stars. Main characters started out 1-star but became 2-star by the end...at least, that's what I remember from reading the lore thread =P
Being 1-star EAT means you're already out collecting souls, so I'm guessing you've got to be decently strong...
Thats why im excited for missions, i want to see the twins Jack and Kota go on a mission xD Just too see. i think they should fail first few missions.
Deadeyelee said:
I just hope I can get someone to bring Kalin along eventually.
You will just be patient. Look at the fairy tail rp. its been going for like 2 years. This HP literally just got started. Unless @DaughterofAthena just decides to hate us, im pretty sure SE will be around for awhile.
Kaine said:
Unless @DaughterofAthena just decides to hate us
It would never be me that decided to hate you guys. If anything ever happened to this, which I highly doubt, you would have to blame nursing school. That is the only thing that could possibly make me drop anything on RpNation and even then, this rp would be the last thing on the list of things I would drop.
sorry. I'm not used to this pace...I'll simmer down.

My only experience with forum roleplays before this was 5 person funfests ironed out in a few hours. We'd churn out 300+ pages in a month or so. But we talked a lot and could cordinate things at a faster pace. Because all we would do is talk about plot. Because we were wierdos.
Deadeyelee said:
sorry. I'm not used to this pace...I'll simmer down.
My only experience with forum roleplays before this was 5 person funfests ironed out in a few hours. We'd churn out 300+ pages in a month or so. But we talked a lot and could cordinate things at a faster pace. Because all we would do is talk about plot. Because we were wierdos.
there are roleplays like that here. You just gotta fine them. This one however is not like that. Interactions go between anyone willing but usually its common courtesy to give others times to post, and with the rules here, about needing to reply within 2 weeks of getting tagged, you could wait up to a few weeks for others to post before it rolls back to your turn.

A lot of people have school, or college. I'm an unemployed bum so i dont fall into that catagory. You do fine, just be aware. If you need some time to kill, go check out the interest threads in the other genre forums and stuff. Theres unlimited amounts of fun here.
Kaine said:
there are roleplays like that here. You just gotta fine them. This one however is not like that. Interactions go between anyone willing but usually its common courtesy to give others times to post, and with the rules here, about needing to reply within 2 weeks of getting tagged, you could wait up to a few weeks for others to post before it rolls back to your turn.
A lot of people have school, or college. I'm an unemployed bum so i dont fall into that catagory. You do fine, just be aware. If you need some time to kill, go check out the interest threads in the other genre forums and stuff. Theres unlimited amounts of fun here.
Sorry...I sound like a spoiled brat :P It's probably for the best. I've got school and work, and I should probably crank out a few freelance articles while I have the down time...
Deadeyelee said:
Sorry...I sound like a spoiled brat :P It's probably for the best. I've got school and work, and I should probably crank out a few freelance articles while I have the down time...
Hey man, youre free to do as you please. I understand your anticipation, ive been there many times. I'm just letting you know options available, to which im sure you know most of them. :P It's all cool. I am looking forward to seeing your character ingame. :P
Yeah, but your probably less annoying about it than I am. :3

I hope Kalin turns out alright. I'm just worried that he's going to end up like Hero despite not being weak. Though people rarely ever play an errand boy...and while I could have him end up in the hand of my own Miester, that wouldn't be very fun... Also. GOD DAMN IT. IM WORKING DURING THE SUPERBOWL ;-;
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