Out of Soul Chat

I'll work on an auditorium post as soon as I get home. And I after dinner. When I'm relaxed enough to concentrate.


Do you want your characters to have their pictures taken before or after Jack. Cause if it's after, they'll have to wait 10 minutes while Jack explains to the photographer why his hat is necessary part of the picture=P
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Ooooh new mission :3 Interesting.

Def gonna try and sign up for one if I can get Kalin partnered up...
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QuirkyAngel said:

Do you want your characters to have their pictures taken before or after Jack. Cause if it's after, they'll have to wait 10 minutes while Jack explains to the photographer why his hat is necessary part of the picture=P
Whichever, either way Kota would still hesitate to get hers taken... Alot... unless somehow pulled into it.
QuirkyAngel said:

Do you want your characters to have their pictures taken before or after Jack. Cause if it's after, they'll have to wait 10 minutes while Jack explains to the photographer why his hat is necessary part of the picture=P
Either works your guys choice~

Zenaida said:
Whichever, either way Kota would still hesitate to get hers taken... Alot... unless somehow pulled into it.
This is going to be interesting. >:3 This might be a chance for Sarah to show her aggressive side. Not in a way you expect though xD
Right. Kalin will probably end up being a secondary weapon anyways. His only real desire is to be given the opportunity to protect in the manner he failed before. And he can do that on an occasional basis if that's all he can get.
Actually, he might not have an issue with neutral good.

I'm not sure. I'd have to be in character and on the 'transgression' in question
You guys are up too early. I get up this morning and my mother decided to turn the heater down (again). It was 63 degrees in the house. I was cold and I have three blankets I use.... She's at that age where hot flashes are apparently a "thing", almost like a fashion statement or something. She always complains that its hot. I only keep it between 69-70, and in the back of the house where her room is it stays about 65. So the rest of us in the house can go to hell and freeze I guess. "OTL
Getting up early makes you more productive. At least, that's what I've been told. And yeah, I can understand the feeling. I dislike the cold as well.

Deadeyelee said:
I'm sorry if I rub anyone the wrong way today, it's not on purpose. Today's just already been really shitty.
You haven't =P
Deadeyelee said:
I'm sorry if I rub anyone the wrong way today, it's not on purpose. Today's just already been really shitty.
It's cool. I use to do it all the time. Something to remember about the internet. People dont know your problems going on. So if you bring your problems here, only you are to blame. Cause it's not like we have any reason to make your day shitty. After all, we are all friends, we are here to have fun, relax, and blow of some steam. Not saying you cant vent though, always feel free to let that stress out. :P

QuirkyAngel said:
Getting up early makes you more productive. At least, that's what I've been told. And yeah, I can understand the feeling. I dislike the cold as well.
Well see the problem is, society as a whole, only seems to function 8-5. I've really never understood this logic since humans as a race, instinctually have night dwellers just as much as day dwellers. To top it off, major corporations also have production plants that often function 24/7 yet even to this day, 7/11 type stores are the only ones who cater to this class of people. I understand not everything being open, but little sad, fast food, convinence stores and walmart are about the only ones. /rant LOOOL

So anyways how are you guys this morning? Seems awfully early to be having a bad day already.
I got in a fight, vomited in my car on my way to classes, still have math class to survive, and I work four to midnight. I'm a little grumpy.

I hope your days are going better.
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Deadeyelee said:
There's 3 new weapons applications...and no miesters...
I think one of those weapon applications is actually a bond meister set... Siblings that are weapons that can weild each other...Not positive on that though. ^-^
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I absolutely didn't hand write a post in math class. I have no idea what you're talking about. Pshhht. Obsessed? Please.
I'm not emailing it to my phone either, so that I can post it from work tonight if I get accepted today. That would be wierd.
How to entertain a ten month old pit bull border collie for hours on end :: Activate the Red Dot
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