Out of Soul Chat

Deadeyelee said:
(It's Great. I'm playing it right now. All you need is a good DM, the rest is easy :3
I learned in 15 minutes.
Exactly. The rules are all in place, gotta be a little confident though, the most fun part of DnD is the roleplaying, which you have to do in person. :P
[QUOTE="Violet Obsidian]I don't disagree. It does make sense. And she's grateful for the explanation because she probably didn't thoroughly read all the information she was supposed to. It's the showing off part that's gonna make her mad...
Jessyka doesn't care much how strong someone is with their soul wavelength. I imagine she can use hers to some degree - I never honestly thought about it though and I don't know what she would do with it to be honest. She's not about to go and punch anyone. Just shoot them.

Anyway, I'm excited. I probably won't be able to post until tomorrow night though. I have A TON of homework!

Oh I'm sure it will be fun. Paul is purely melee... So he can't shoot anything. He has tons of utility to make up for it, though. Jessyka miiiight tone herself down later once she sees Paul does that regularly. To him, it's as simple as hand gestures. In this case, he's doing so intentionally.

How Zaren plays into this will be most interesting..
DaughterofAthena said:
D&D was my first ever experience with roleplaying and I can honestly say that without it, I would not be here on RpN.
Sorry for triple post, my rpns being dumb, but i whole heartedly agree to this. I got into DnD in highschool with friends. I was intereted in Naruto at the time and our website was supported by Ace, so we came to it as it was GG roleplay and 6 months or so later we turned into RpNation. Been here ever since then. I think im one of the only originals that wasnt on the mod team at all that still sticks around. Just cant break away :P
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]I always played Druids or Bards. If you know me and D&D, that makes too much sense.

I played the barbarian because the brainless tank was always amusing. At least till he got my whole team killed, but by god, we went down in a blaze of amazing glory.
Mrw my Lawful good bard has to roll every goddamned turn to convince the raging half orc barbarian from killing EVERYTHING. ;-;

I just want to be friends with everything...
Deadeyelee said:
Crap. Now I'm torn between making another Weapon, or another Miester.
I'm making a weapon next^^



I'm pretty much done with Jack in the classroom. My next post with him will probably be in the auditorium, before I forget.
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Well our whole party actually made it to level 15 after playing for like a year and a half, religiously once a week. My barbarian, was a frenzied berserker. When maxed out with str buffs had like 32 points of str Stupidly strong. So fighting one battle, he decides to dual wield great swords. Easily succeeded. He also had advanced cleave. So if you kill someone with a swing you get another attack on anyone within 5 feet. But his range was like 10. So anyways, he killed like 20 goblins in one and took all the exp, pissed off my dm, pissed off my friends. good times.
QuirkyAngel said:
I'm making a weapon next^^


I'm pretty much done with Jack in the classroom. My next post with him will probably be in the auditorium, before I forget.
I had the same idea. I'll wrap things up with my characters. That was the point of brushing Lauren's and Dakota's hair, so we could go photograph!
Deadeyelee said:
Hmmm, good to know. Any idea what kind?
Yep, I have an idea in my head. But I won't make her until after I get used to rping Jack=P

Kaine said:
I had the same idea. I'll wrap things up with my characters. That was the point of brushing Lauren's and Dakota's hair, so we could go photograph!
Yes! Let's all go together <3
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OH MY FUCKING GOD Had my post done, completely formatted, and hit the wrong but, page refreshed, gone. I hate using my ps4 for posting so much right now. i think ima go cut myself now.
Kaine said:
OH MY FUCKING GOD Had my post done, completely formatted, and hit the wrong but, page refreshed, gone. I hate using my ps4 for posting so much right now. i think ima go cut myself now.
@Zenaida @QuirkyAngel

Sorry if my post is lacking, i lost my first post. I remembered most of what i had, but its still never the Same. Also always feel free to do minor bunnying with my characters, my main peeve is dont make my characters talk. If you don't liked that i fluffed Jacks hair ill change it. I assume our next posts will be in the auditorium?


How does that work, as long as you end your post in said room, you post there and not the other?
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Kaine said:
@Zenaida @QuirkyAngel
Sorry if my post is lacking, i lost my first post. I remembered most of what i had, but its still never the Same. Also always feel free to do minor bunnying with my characters, my main peeve is dont make my characters talk. If you don't liked that i fluffed Jacks hair ill change it. I assume our next posts will be in the auditorium?
Completely fine with the hair fluffing. It gives me something to work with for the auditorium post;) And yeah, I'm gonna do one Jack post in which he gets his picture taken. Maybe more depending on how interactions go.
QuirkyAngel said:
Completely fine with the hair fluffing. It gives me something to work with for the auditorium post;) And yeah, I'm gonna do one Jack post in which he gets his picture taken. Maybe more depending on how interactions go.
Wondering if we should hit the cafeteria before or after, could always walk by and be like W T F!!!! xD
Kaine said:
Wondering if we should hit the cafeteria before or after, could always walk by and be like W T F!!!! xD
I'm thinking we can mention having walked by the cafeteria in the auditorium post, but posting in the cafeteria thread would mean we stepped into the cafeteria and plan to do something there.

Edit: Which is totally fine, if you've got something planned.

Edit2: I think I prefer after, for the safety of Jack's clothes.
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Rawr! As a side note... I really need to fix my sleep schedule more. I can at least make it through my classes fine... but I really dislike the fact I'm feeling like I'm going to pass out at like 3pm in the afternoon and getting up at like 2 am. >.<
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Haha, well my sleeping schedule was off before, so i tried to fix it so I wouldn't be like passing out in class... but unfortunately my body didn't agree so I got stuck halfway between fixing my sleeping schedule. >.< lol
DaughterofAthena said:
Most people are still in the cafeteria; there have been a few pieces of food thrown around although I'm not sure if it's actually going to get any bigger or not. Lexie and Aeryn just went to get their pictures taken and everyone else either hasn't posted yet or is kinda doing their own thing. Oh, and there's a small group of people eating and becoming friends in the NOT classroom.
Yeah thats what i figured, was simply making sure. Oh and i don't know if you read my post, Lauren slaughtered Mr Mitsaki's name xD

Other then that good morning(afternoon) *A*)/

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