Out of Soul Chat

[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]You are not worthy to wield it...
Sir, please put down the controller.

I just noticed your LOVELESS quote.

I must get Shiva and name her something other than the name given.
well im shot. Anime im watching just kicked you right in the feels, and then tore my heart out. K.O...

Just cried my eyes out. Is it normal to produce this much liquid from your eyeballs?
Kaine said:
well im shot. Anime im watching just kicked you right in the feels, and then tore my heart out. K.O...
Just cried my eyes out. Is it normal to produce this much liquid from your eyeballs?
What anime?
Garo. probably not as feelsie for you guys, but they built up a bit with the main character then just fucked him over. it was heart wrenching for me. I cant stand when peeps die.
[QUOTE="Sergeant Sass]How so? I thought Arthur disliked / feared girls?

He does, but his feelings towards them are due to traumatic experiences. When you're in a traumatic experience, your brain works like a video camera, recording everything so you can avoid it later. When you see or hear one of the things that was involved in the experience, or seams like it was, then your brain's fight, flight, or freeze response kicks in. This is why, in Arthur's case, girls make him want to run or hurt them. If more then one trigger were to be around, it's more likely you'd get a violent response. However, he's not totally reliant on his reflexes, as he can think his way out, but only with the assistance of his people, as they tend to egg him on, and urge him to do things he doesn't want to do, like strangle a girl, or leave his new friend. Something, coupled with the fact that Lexi is female could easily trigger him, making him more susceptible to his hallucinations' urging.
Side note. Just ran a mile and a half. Coughing up blood. Can't feel my face. 9 minute pace. 2/10, would not recommend
Deadeyelee said:
Just ran a mile and a half.
Pace yourself. I took to running to get back in shape after my time in the hospital and while on medication that put on weight. It's best to let your body adjust, even if you only start by running a quarter mile. Incremental exercise might not yield results as immediately, but it's a lot easier to stick to and you'll feel your body adjust faster than you will visibly see results. The naturally easier incremental steps as well as the slightly faster gratification of feeling better will likely keep you exercising more than just pushing yourself to death.
Or ask Ark. I have a feeling she's in far better shape than me due to her athletics.
Ariettie said:
He does, but his feelings towards them are due to traumatic experiences. When you're in a traumatic experience, your brain works like a video camera, recording everything so you can avoid it later. When you see or hear one of the things that was involved in the experience, or seams like it was, then your brain's fight, flight, or freeze response kicks in. This is why, in Arthur's case, girls make him want to run or hurt them. If more then one trigger were to be around, it's more likely you'd get a violent response. However, he's not totally reliant on his reflexes, as he can think his way out, but only with the assistance of his people, as they tend to egg him on, and urge him to do things he doesn't want to do, like strangle a girl, or leave his new friend. Something, coupled with the fact that Lexi is female could easily trigger him, making him more susceptible to his hallucinations' urging.
Well, Lexie already has gone through enough violent encounters with men, quite honestly. Her own brother abuses her, and attacking her would be likely to unleash an all out fight which I'm not sure would be the best idea right now. I can think of 3 people off the top of my head who would be eager to fight anyone who attacked Lexie and Xander is actually on that list. He's not fond of others beating up his sister - that's his job.

That being said, if you want to write an all out fight, then... I guess? I dunno...
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]Xander can't go a week without fighting someone...


If I had a partner for him, I'd send him out on a mission so that he was at least fighting people he's supposed to fight, but I can't seem to find anyone who sticks around.
I had to complete a mile and a half diagnostic run for the fitness class I have to take for my associates degree. I used to run cross country, and I come from a line of triatholon maniacs, so I thought I'd get right back into the mix. HAHA no.
[QUOTE="Sergeant Sass]Nope!
If I had a partner for him, I'd send him out on a mission so that he was at least fighting people he's supposed to fight, but I can't seem to find anyone who sticks around.

Three daysssss
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]Or ask Ark. I have a feeling she's in far better shape than me due to her athletics.

She's really not. Ark needs to be healthier but Ark has a dangerous addiction to food that she's trying to get rid of.

She only does sports in the winter
Slowly... Slowly workin' on a post around feeling like... Well... Something the blender spit out ... >.<
[QUOTE="Sergeant Sass]Well, Lexie already has gone through enough violent encounters with men, quite honestly. Her own brother abuses her, and attacking her would be likely to unleash an all out fight which I'm not sure would be the best idea right now. I can think of 3 people off the top of my head who would be eager to fight anyone who attacked Lexie and Xander is actually on that list. He's not fond of others beating up his sister - that's his job.
That being said, if you want to write an all out fight, then... I guess? I dunno...

Just because Arthur is afraid of women, doesn't mean he would automatically fight. Only if he felt he could not escape, or that his people were in danger would he actually fight, in most cases he would run, and probably cower. The post I did a LONG ass time ago where he ran out of the medical ward is an excellent example of Arthur under normal circumstances. Abnormal circumstances, such as believing a woman is one of his own, or being under the influence of madness, would naturally cause an abnormal reaction. In the situation with Deryn he was being influenced by the madness, and therefore had an immediate fight response, with his people egging it on further. In the case with Akahanna she inadvertently convinced him that she wasn't human by her acceptance of him. In Lexie's case if something were to trigger him, he would probably try to run, and only resort to violence as a last option.

I've tried to imply that he is afraid of his own ability. He's a sadist, and does find extreme pleasure in killing/hurting people, but that scares him. He's more afraid of what he's become then he is of women.
Ariettie said:
Just because Arthur is afraid of women, doesn't mean he would automatically fight. Only if he felt he could not escape, or that his people were in danger would he actually fight, in most cases he would run, and probably cower. The post I did a LONG ass time ago where he ran out of the medical ward is an excellent example of Arthur under normal circumstances. Abnormal circumstances, such as believing a woman is one of his own, or being under the influence of madness, would naturally cause an abnormal reaction. In the situation with Deryn he was being influenced by the madness, and therefore had an immediate fight response, with his people egging it on further. In the case with Akahanna she inadvertently convinced him that she wasn't human by her acceptance of him. In Lexie's case if something were to trigger him, he would probably try to run, and only resort to violence as a last option.
I've tried to imply that he is afraid of his own ability. He's a sadist, and does find extreme pleasure in killing/hurting people, but that scares him. He's more afraid of what he's become then he is of women.
Well, if he would most likely run away at the sight of her, that honestly wouldn't be much of a collaborative post...
Zenaida said:
Slowly... Slowly workin' on a post around feeling like... Well... Something the blender spit out ... >.<
Do your best. But don't push yourself too hard.

My last post made me want to try and rp a weapon, but I'm afraid I won't be able to handle two characters at a time. Especially since I'm still new at posting in an hp.
QuirkyAngel said:
Especially since I'm still new at posting in an hp.
I've actually found posting in this HP to be simpler now than it was as regular posts. There are two basic kinds of posts here: Location-based and Event-based. Event-based is pretty much exclusive to Missions or GM-events, so that leaves basic location posting. What this means is that for each and every post you make, you knowingly go into the post with the "limits" in mind. For instance, if I'm writing a collab post, we have to cut the post into smaller chunks when we go to a new area. That helps keep long posts short and digestible. It's a pretty nice benefit that just naturally happens. If you're solo-posting, then the locations make all the stuff that's important to you and your character pretty quick to find so you're always updated/aware.

Basically, there's a bit more structure, but it has quite a few benefits. Posts are kept at healthy lengths, interaction is encouraged and less chaotic. Once you get the hang of posting with your current character, which honestly shouldn't take long, I'd say to go ahead and make a new character. If you're interested in another character, keep hold of that interest, flesh out a sheet and as you build confidence in posting, I think you'll like the idea of that second character more.
Deadeyelee said:
I'm a poor nooblet, will someone grace me with an explanation for this lingo?
'hp' = Hosted Project

That's what this is. Quirky was saying that she's still getting adjusted to the formatting in a hp (See Pariah's post above for a bit info on Hosted Projects and the layouts for the types of posts.)
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