Out of Soul Chat

Deadeyelee said:
I'm a poor nooblet, will someone grace me with an explanation for this lingo?
She is stating she is new to posting in a Hosted Project. Soul Eater: The Perfect Order is a Hosted Project (HP) that has slightly different posting mechanics than regular posting in a thread.
QuirkyAngel said:
Every one of Dakota's posts makes me wanna hug her :3
^-^ Glad you feel that way.

I'm liking the whole dice theme around Jack. Quite unique. :P

Now.... I'm going to take a power snooze and see if I can't drive whatever bug it is that's bugging me out the window. >.<
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I don't think I have ever written a more sarcastically kiss ass-ery email to a teacher before

damn and I wasted it on asking her to print my paper for me :(
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Cephalo said:
I don't think I have ever written a more sarcastically kiss ass-ery email to a teacher before
I've never wrote to teachers in any other tone...

...and oddly enough, most of my teachers enjoy me.

In high school, they hated me. In college, I'm an odd favorite.
[QUOTE="Sergeant Sass]Well, if he would most likely run away at the sight of her, that honestly wouldn't be much of a collaborative post...

Well... We could have her un intentionally corner him... What exactly is going on at this time? Are they still at lunch, because I don't think I've been getting notifications?
Ariettie said:
Well... We could have her un intentionally corner him... What exactly is going on at this time? Are they still at lunch, because I don't think I've been getting notifications?
Most people are still in the cafeteria; there have been a few pieces of food thrown around although I'm not sure if it's actually going to get any bigger or not. Lexie and Aeryn just went to get their pictures taken and everyone else either hasn't posted yet or is kinda doing their own thing. Oh, and there's a small group of people eating and becoming friends in the NOT classroom.
Ariettie said:
Well... We could have her un intentionally corner him
Lexie really isn't the kind of person to do that, though. If she saw him in passing in the hall, she would say hi and if he didn't say hi back, she'd leave him be and keep walking.
@QuirkyAngel Loved the DnD reference you put in there, even if you didn't realize it was one. Post was excellent.

@Zenaida Exellent as well, i only need to confirm something. "she found herself reaching very carefully over, her hand finding Sarah's in an unconscious notation of trying to help as well." She grabbed sarah's hand correct? And i dont remember reading that she let go right?
Kaine said:
@QuirkyAngel Loved the DnD reference you put in there, even if you didn't realize it was one. Post was excellent.
@Zenaida Exellent as well, i only need to confirm something. "she found herself reaching very carefully over, her hand finding Sarah's in an unconscious notation of trying to help as well." She grabbed sarah's hand correct? And i dont remember reading that she let go right?
She did grab Sarah's hand, and did not let go within the post. Correct. ^-^
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Pariah Stark] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15143-violet-obsidian/ said:
@Violet Obsidian[/URL] Paul? No. Me? Well, now, a great puppeteer doesn't show his strings.
Well, either way, Paul has officially pissed her off. And not by his comments, either. She can't stand that he's showing off in the middle of the Death Room...
Meh. I can't say I don't feel it's justified. She looks at him with eyes that question his capability, so he debuts Wavelength control that's well above the standard for a One Star, not to mention completely explaining the Threat Level. It's a real quick way for him to show why/how he could be valuable.
(It's Great. I'm playing it right now. All you need is a good DM, the rest is easy :3

I learned in 15 minutes.
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[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]Meh. I can't say I don't feel it's justified. She looks at him with eyes that question his capability, so he debuts Wavelength control that's well above the standard for a One Star, not to mention completely explaining the Threat Level. It's a real quick way for him to show why/how he could be valuable.

I don't disagree. It does make sense. And she's grateful for the explanation because she probably didn't thoroughly read all the information she was supposed to. It's the showing off part that's gonna make her mad...

Jessyka doesn't care much how strong someone is with their soul wavelength. I imagine she can use hers to some degree - I never honestly thought about it though and I don't know what she would do with it to be honest. She's not about to go and punch anyone. Just shoot them.

Anyway, I'm excited. I probably won't be able to post until tomorrow night though. I have A TON of homework!
QuirkyAngel said:
lol. Did I?
Never played DnD before, cause the rule book sorta scares me =/
"Everyone's rolls start out differently. It doesn't matter if you get a bad roll every now and then, so long as you continue to roll the dice."

First thing you do in DnD is roll your 6 main stats, Str, Dex, Vit, Int, Chr, Wis Literally no two people are the same and you put your rolls where you please based on the character you want, and every encounter there after will always have weird outcomes based on the will of the dice, but no matter what you have to continue to roll till your character dies. xDi figured it wasnt a DnD ref, but it fits so perfectly.
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