Out of Soul Chat

Keanehandiam said:
Does anyone know what can cause muscle and nerve spasms/flare-ups?
Not enough potassium. Not enough water. Though im no doctor. Might be medication as well. I take Lithium for my Bi-polar and it causes tremors which happen all over the body, and they vary in degree depending on my sugar/food levels. I'd say eat a banana, drink a 12-16oz glass of water, wait 30 minutes see if it helps.
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Keanehandiam said:
Does anyone know what can cause muscle and nerve spasms/flare-ups?
An electric shock?

Kaine said:
Yeah thats what i figured, was simply making sure. Oh and i don't know if you read my post, Lauren slaughtered Mr Mitsaki's name xD
Other then that good morning(afternoon) *A*)/
Good afternoon.
Keanehandiam said:
Does anyone know what can cause muscle and nerve spasms/flare-ups?
Oh, a huge array of things ranging from dietary issues, mental stress, physical stress to a genetic predisposition. If this is the first time it's happening, I'd ask your parents if either of them have experienced similar of heard of similar things occurring in your family.
I mean. It's not like it's just pulsing like regular or hurting when I move. (My body already hurts when I move)

To put it mildly, I felt like screaming when I woke up this morning. It's gone now, but from time to time it'll flare up. Maybe it's stress.
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]Oh, a huge array of things ranging from dietary issues, mental stress, physical stress to a genetic predisposition. If this is the first time it's happening, I'd ask your parents if either of them have experienced similar of heard of similar things occurring in your family.

Stress would make the most sense for me,these days. When I find my physician I'll be sure to ask the about it.
Keanehandiam said:
To put it mildly, I felt like screaming when I woke up this morning. It's gone now, but from time to time it'll flare up.
That's not a spasm. A spasm is an uncontrollable movement of a muscle group that either a) is not normal for that muscle or b) is involuntary when it should be voluntary. What your describing is mild-to-severe pain in the mornings around your neck that occurs occasionally. Completely different. If it persists, I would in fact suggest seeing a physician because that type of localized pain could be something more akin to a chronic issue. Or, you could simply be sleeping an a really poor position, likely due to weather changes. If the weather is off or different in your area currently, people have a common predisposition to sleep in a different way to make up for the pressure in the sinuses - this can even happen during sleep. This is benign and would take simple investments of attention to remedy, but that's assuming something as simple as that is the underlying issue.

:P Of course, this is an RP thread, not a place to seek medical consult. The best person in the world to ask when you need to seek help is yourself. If this isn't normal and becomes severe, no one knows better when to get help than you do. No one knows your own body better than you do. Generally, anything standard OTC anti-inflammatory medication can't solve is something that should be seen for if it doesn't go away or improve in 2-3 days, returns intermittently or at all grows worse after the first instance. Do remember, anything you "catch early" can often be treated better.
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]That's not a spasm. A spasm is an uncontrollable movement of a muscle group that either a) is not normal for that muscle or b) is involuntary when it should be voluntary. What your describing is mild-to-severe pain in the mornings around your neck that occurs occasionally. Completely different. If it persists, I would in fact suggest seeing a physician because that type of localized pain could be something more akin to a chronic issue. Or, you could simply be sleeping an a really poor position, likely due to weather changes. If the weather is off or different in your area currently, people have a common predisposition to sleep in a different way to make up for the pressure in the sinuses - this can even happen during sleep. This is benign and would take simple investments of attention to remedy, but that's assuming something as simple as that is the underlying issue.
:P Of course, this is an RP thread, not a place to seek medical consult. The best person in the world to ask when you need to seek help is yourself. If this isn't normal and becomes severe, no one knows better when to get help than you do. No one knows your own body better than you do. Generally, anything standard OTC anti-inflammatory medication can't solve is something that should be seen for if it doesn't go away or improve in 2-3 days, returns intermittently or at all grows worse after the first instance. Do remember, anything you "catch early" can often be treated better.

True enough. Thanks for the advice.

I should post soon.
@Pariah Stark

Are you a doctor? O.o


I'm gonna agree with both Pariah and Kaine. Muscle spasms are often caused by an imbalance of internal ions. If that's the case drinking water and a banana might help. If not, I suggest rest. In the meantime applying heat/ice may help with the pain. Sorry, but that's the best advice I can give. Hope you feel better.
Mainly what I have is wide spread muscular pain. I'd like to just chalk it up to stress and call it a day. Less to worry about then, but that may only be the trigger.

Lately my right shoulder has decided to be less than kind. I don't even sleep on the damn thing.
@Keanehandiam Well had this epic post typed out and deleted it. Second post ive lost in 12 hours. Thing im going to smash my PS4, then my head into a block of concrete.

Long story short, Pariah's post is very accurate in my opinion. Only thing i was going to add was that if this happens multiple times, keep notes about where it was on your body, what it felt like, before and after, what you were doing, and even what type of dream you were having. Anything elses the doctor.

I have this reacuring dream where im falling and when i hit the ground i wake up with a full body jolt, scares the shit out of me every time, and ive always had it over the course of the last 15 years. Always happens when stressed, and depressed. I always get this killer muscle cramps in my leg. Lasts anywhere form 5 seconds to a minute, and they hurt unless anything ive ever experienced. Usually end up screaming just to take my mind off the pain, cause all i can do is what for them to naturally go away. Leaves my muscle sore for 2-3 days after. Always after ive been physical, and dont eat. Usually eat a banana twice a day for a few days fixes it right up.

Anyways, moral is. Only you know what is happening to your body, and you need to be able to explain it to the doctor if you want help :P

@QuirkyAngel OMG I DIDN'T PUT IN THAT JACK ALMOST SAW LAURENS BUTT. LOL. My first post had less interaction with Jack, so i put that she stretched, and jack could barely see the bottom of her goods. but i forgot when i reposted and added the hair and tongue thing. OTL I ar failure.
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Kaine said:
That's awesome. I have a lot of people i know that are medical field, it's booming right now. At least here in Cali.
It's prolly better i didn't, it was kind of meta game cause i wanted to know how Jack would react. And it was a truly innocent flash, just with him at the desk and her stretching, didn't seem to off that with a skirt, he might of almost or barely seen her butt. xD In my current post it doesnt fit which is fine. Either way.

@Zenaida I see you liking my posts, Feel free to control Sarah in your posts so we can get to the auditorium for pictures, when ever you get around to posting. No rush.
He'll react like any teenage boy. I mean, I know he's a bit of a weirdo and all, but he's still 15 =P
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Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. Before medication (and even during testing for medication), I had full tonic-clonic seizures. While my first one had the most long-term damage to me, the one before my last one was easily the most painful. The clonic portion of the seizure resulted in me tearing most major muscle groups from jerking, a permanent bit of damage to a ligament in my left ankle and total exhaustion. I woke up in a hospital with amnesia as to how I got there. Apparently, I was responding to my grandparents while they drove me - don't remember any of it. I came to being told I was on an IV and glucose, and I was so sore. It was everywhere. I remember the first time I tried to speak - my jaw felt like someone had bashed it in with a bat. Couldn't walk for a few days - not alone - and not without agony. I ended up drinking those medical-grade protein shakes in addition to regular meals because of what my body needed to repair itself.

That was pain. I was hurting so bad, I didn't even have the time to be depressed about it. I just hurt. And even when it became bearable, it just felt like my whole body ached. It didn't seem to go away for a good six months.

Otherwise, I just have myclonic issues, mostly early-morning or late-night tremors and spasms. Gotta watch what I eat and do, take meds, exercise... nothing major. But before I was stable on meds, those seizures were terrible.
@Pariah Stark Even with all the things wrong with me, I read that and cant help but feel like a little bitch (excuse the language). I mean the worst pain i've ever been in was right after surgery when they repaired my collar bone and put in a plate. I prollay cried for 8 hours straight, but even that, was isolated to my right shoulder. I cant even begin to imagine if that pain had been my entire body =x

You are a strong person my friend.
Kaine said:
You are a strong person my friend.
You know when you say that, it's odd. Because I hate needles. Absolutely hate having my blood drawn or IV's; I panic at them. Never had a surgery or a broken bone. It's not about strength, really. I'm not a strong person. I endured full-body pain that exhausted me physically and mentally for quite some time, but that doesn't make me strong. It doesn't make me durable, either. It's willpower. It's the drive to keep pushing forward. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the comment, but there are people far stronger than I. People that actively choose to do something; that's bravery. This was forced onto me and I had to deal with it. There are people that have to deal with dread over time, looming, impending fears. Mine are abrupt and leave me with the sole option to prepare or deal with it even worse - no time to worry.

I saw a lot of stuff in just four months in the back of an ambulance. What I dealt with wasn't much in comparison to some of them. I don't really see myself as strong. More like stubborn. The really strong people are the ones that know this won't be their last time in the back of a bus. That went home sure this would happen, but wanted to be with their family or friends. The real strong ones are the family and friends that have to let go every time, or that hide some tears as they watch someone they care for get whisked away. You want real strength? The people that actually deal with it - the EMT's - the emotional and mental strain are tough on them, but some of them also work long, harsh hours. That's strength. I wasn't going to do what they did for as little pay as they do. How some of them do it is beyond me. But I saw strength all around me and in all sorts of ways, odd shapes and new forms.

Don't just look at people as strong or weak. Even yourself. You'll end up surprising yourself one day because strength can come in a lot of ways for a lot of reasons. Some you probably haven't even thought of. Just reminds me of that overused quote: "Be kind, for everyone you know is fighting a hard battle."
@Pariah Stark Yeah I agree with that. I guess it just depends individually what you consider to be strong. When I say someone's strong, which i don't do often, I think of them as being strong in what ever their situation is. Even to your quote, it can be used for many things, and doesnt show significance of one event over another.

Like I guess an example to me would be, how do you compare, a father risking his life for his family against a robber, or a police officer risking their life for their city, or a soldier risking their life for their country. Many people say a soldier is a far more courageous act. But all three could die at any time and never return to their family. I mean, not to get all religious, as im not really, but it's not really our place to decide what feat of bravery is better than another. Or how much pain you need to be in to be considered Enduring, Or even what kind of tragedy you walk away from to consider someone strong. The fact is it takes courage to do any of them. The only thing you cant do, is lay down and give up, but it takes courage to know when even enough is enough.

I can see where being forced to do something might be displeasing, especially if a person is younger and their parents have the right to choose. But i cant tell you how many time's ive seen these stories where later in life, they are proud of the choices their guardians made. It seems the only time experiences are bad, are when the parents do it for themselves, and not for the best interest of the child. Besides those rare instances. I truly believe everything happens in this world for a reason, and that while the dictionary may give up a specific description of a word, the human element clearly broadens the scope of these definitions.

Also im not trying to start an argument. I know this entire piece is my opinion and doesnt reflect others. Just thought i would share it. <3 u Pariah.
I wonder how I'm going to drop Kalin in, if I get accepted. I mean, he hates being dirty, so the food fight might yield interesting results, but I kinda need to come up with a reason for him not being in class....
Deadeyelee said:
I wonder how I'm going to drop Kalin in, if I get accepted. I mean, he hates being dirty, so the food fight might yield interesting results, but I kinda need to come up with a reason for him not being in class....
You could always say he went from class to somewhere else... I am going to try and get some things moving towards other areas of the DWMA when I have time so it really shouldn't be too hard to jump in.
DaughterofAthena said:
You could always say he went from class to somewhere else... I am going to try and get some things moving towards other areas of the DWMA when I have time so it really shouldn't be too hard to jump in.
guess we better get our pctures done asap =x
I'd make a post but I can't seem to focus on writing right now >.< Sooorrryyy
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Zenaida said:
I'd make a post but I can't seem to focus on writing right now >.< Sooorrryyy
No rush girly. Rest, get well. Do what ever it is you do :P and just post when you feel up to it.

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