Out of Soul Chat

I'll probably just have her stop by and try to chat a little out of curiosity, before heading off to the fitness field for a while as she's not really gonna eat. She wasn't there to hear Xander's comment about the picture day after all, and her curiosity has a habit of taking over alot.
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No! I refuse. I will not use it. This game cannot make me use White Phosphorus. I won't let it. I will keep trying to kill this entire battalion without it.
What are the odds of getting a Two-Star Miester? I'm working on a character idea, but he's older and...bah, he doesn't have a partner at the moment, and hasn't for a period of time, so it's probably been redacted. Hmmm...
Deadeyelee said:
What are the odds of getting a Two-Star Miester? I'm working on a character idea, but he's older and...bah, he doesn't have a partner at the moment, and hasn't for a period of time, so it's probably been redacted. Hmmm...
We are currently only accepting 1-Star and NOT meisters.
Chibii said:
Posted already

Now... Who did the gravy land on.
Hmm... have it hit either Daemon or Lexie... that would be my recommendation. Hitting either one of them will thereby draw more people into the fight. Hitting Daemon makes Zyra mad and hitting Lexie makes... well, Aeryn and Ren both mad most likely... Hopefully Ren shows up soon.

On another note: @Arkytior I am ready whenever you are.
Arkytior said:
I unintentionally lied. Didn't know we had to stop at the store. I should be home in like ten minutes.
That should be fine. I'm free for the rest of the night now basically so... yeah. No problems.
Keanehandiam said:
MGSV, BO3, FFX, Bloodborne, and Fallout 4
Good games you got there. Only one i have is BO3, but it has about 2 months of dust on it. Its getting traded in here shortly for preorder on The Division. To which ill play that game about as religiously as i played destiny for year one. I refuse to trade destiny in when i its only worth like 3 bucks and i put well over 150 into it and later dlcs :( . Not including the 1000 hours of play time i hate :( Bungie reeeeeally pissed me off. But oh well.

My prother would like the fact you play FFX, he's put way to many hours into that game lol.
Deadeyelee said:
I'm just gonna, check out till Friday, because otherwise I'll go insane. Buhbye.
Its a hosted project, so its not like we are going anywhere. Just be patient and you'll get in soon enough :P
DaughterofAthena said:
@Cephalo Can I just take a minute to tell you how fantastic Hotaru is?
If you want you can take more than a minute ;D

kidding of course but I just can't even with her character it's just ahhhh so precious i can't wait to get her into character-development trouble

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