Out of Soul Chat

Sergeant Sass]I'm thinking about writing another post for Lexie today. Is there anyone who would want to / be free to collaborate? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20664-pariah-stark/ said:
@Pariah Stark[/URL] @Arkytior @The Succubi Queen
I could collab with others, but those are the three people who come to mind when I think of collaborating post for Lexie...
Depending on when you're free I'm up for it. I lost track of time yesterday and couldn't write for Ren
Kaine said:
Putting the next in spoilers as its regarding seriousness(nothing bad). Felt with the light nature of OOC it deserves some spoiler tags.

I understand what you mean. MY age is the same as it says on my profile, im 27. Only 3 months ago i found out i have Manic-Depressive disorder. And apparently a pretty severe case. not extreme but severe. I'm what they call a rapid cycler. I'd go between being Manic, Depressed(suicidal thoughts) and back to Manic within hours. And for me it was always normal. From what my DR and i can tell, ive had it since i was at least 10 or 11. Finally got some meds and i feel better now than i ever have. I bounce back with emotions like a regular person should and its SOOOOOOOO nice. Lol. My Therapist is amazing because she asked me questions when we talk that make me think differently about them than in a normal sense and it leads to understanding why i do certain things, and brings about change.

As for school, i was always alone. My dad went to work at 5:30. Since i was about 9, ive always had to get myself up for school, go to school, come home and do homework. My dad would get home at 5, i usually got home at 3. I never did clubs, never had but one or two friends and pretty much kept my grades at a D average so i could pass without putting forth effort. So yeah. School sucked for me. Games and online were my only reprieve from school and real life. Depressing right?

So anyways, On a lighter note, dont take school for granted. It is an important part of growing up. :P But now we got rpn so who cares! Love you all haha.

Life sucks >.>

I do yet I don't. But I get what you mean
Deadeyelee said:
so...if you happened to watch the anime....favorite intro/outro?
First intro was my favorite and my fav ending was three
[QUOTE="Sergeant Sass]When are you free? Anytime today?

I get home about 5-5:30 pm CST. Unless something happens at home, which I don't think will happen, I should be free all night
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Sergeant Sass]I'm thinking about writing another post for Lexie today. Is there anyone who would want to / be free to collaborate? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20664-pariah-stark/ said:
@Pariah Stark[/URL] @Arkytior @The Succubi Queen
I could collab with others, but those are the three people who come to mind when I think of collaborating post for Lexie...
I can but we'd have to use this cite or one that works on moble.
Deadeyelee said:
Hmmm. Do I make a Miester or hope Kalin finds one...
As much as i wanted someone to dual wield my twins, im almost thinking it might be interesting to have one meister for each one. xD Time will tell.
Deadeyelee said:
Hmmm. Do I make a Miester or hope Kalin finds one...
I'm beginning to have a feeling that Xander's going to need a new partner. The person who was controlling his partner hasn't logged on in over a week. I don't know how long any partnership with Xander would last though. He's kinda a jerk.

Kalin might actually work well, unless Xander can't tolerate a short sword. He'd fall straight into line, when it comes to following instructions. But if Xander starts being shitty to someone else he'll do his damnedest to stop it.
That's the thing though. By do his damnedest, his primary tactic is to direct ire at himself. Also, if they ever resonate, dat healing frequency will likely start taking effect.
Don't know weather I want to make a meister or weapon...

And if I make a weapon, I don't know whether I want to make a traditional blowgun (Ex) or Indian bone dagger (Ex)




Decisions, decisions....
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We'll see what happens. He was originally going to be a round shield because symbolism, but I was worried about combat effectiveness.
I think we're going stone cold b****. Pardon my French.

Then again, this year has lots of ...issues already. Hrrrrngh
Sergeant Sass]I'm thinking about writing another post for Lexie today. Is there anyone who would want to / be free to collaborate? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20664-pariah-stark/ said:
@Pariah Stark[/URL] @Arkytior @The Succubi Queen
I could collab with others, but those are the three people who come to mind when I think of collaborating post for Lexie...
I could collab sometime tomorrow afternoon~ I'm so sorry I've been afk so much, it's show week for this play I'm in and between class and rehearsal and shows I've felt basically no inspiration to write for Deryn. :< Would tomorrow from... 2-6 EST maybe work?
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]I could collab sometime tomorrow afternoon~ I'm so sorry I've been afk so much, it's show week for this play I'm in and between class and rehearsal and shows I've felt basically no inspiration to write for Deryn. :< Would tomorrow from... 2-6 EST maybe work?

I am only free for an hour within that time frame tomorrow. It would be from 5-6 for you. If you are busy, though, it can wait. I can always write with Ark or something and then you can bring Deryn in when you're not so busy.

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