Out of Soul Chat

Jaysus this job is tedious.

You don't take over elevator sensors! We can't close them if the think something's there. *flop* Thank God we're almost done. I need food~
Just figured I'd pop in and let you guys know I'm working on a character. Solely because I'm probably going to end up stuck in my house tomorrow, alongside miss Zenaida over there, and she's convinced me that would be a good way to pass the time. Yes, I do understand it will most likely not be accepted until the weekend or whatever, dun really care. Just needed a project to do so I don't drive family crazy. :P
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@Arkytior Insecurities are fun. Another reason I see a therapist lol. I appreciate all you guys. Just kind of set back sometimes because of RL issues I have. Apparently i have a screwed up childhood from the way my therapist made it sound. =x
Deadeyelee said:
Hi! Welcome to Soul Eater: The Perfect Order! I saw you're application and I imagine you should be hearing from our admissions rep Arkytior next weekend. Until then, you're free to reed through the lore, socialize here in the Out of Soul Chat - we love talking to people. You can also start reading through some of the IC threads and familiarize yourself with some of the characters your character will eventually get to meet and interact with.

I'm free to answer any questions as well although I'm not quite sure how much longer I'll be awake.
So my friend got me Spec ops: The line

Yeah...I bothered Arkytior a whole bunch... For which I will apologize for again. I did read all the archive, classroom, and most of the character sheets...
Deadeyelee said:
Yeah...I bothered Arkytior a whole bunch... For which I will apologize for again. I did read all the archive, classroom, and most of the character sheets...
Cool beans! The archive is not quite even half complete yet. I've been working on it as I've been getting bored throughout the day starting this morning actually.
I hope the in rp day doesn't blow by too fast. I Mean, if I get accepted, (if.) I can just say he fell up the stairs on the way to class and ended up in the infirmary, but It'd be kinda sad if I missed something important
Deadeyelee said:
I hope the in rp day doesn't blow by too fast. I Mean, if I get accepted, (if.) I can just say he fell up the stairs on the way to class and ended up in the infirmary, but It'd be kinda sad if I missed something important
I will tell you that not too much important stuff is planned to happen outside the missions at least in the beginning because I'm just trying to make sure everyone's used to the new Hosted Project format before throwing too much into the mix.
Kaine said:
@Arkytior Insecurities are fun. Another reason I see a therapist lol. I appreciate all you guys. Just kind of set back sometimes because of RL issues I have. Apparently i have a screwed up childhood from the way my therapist made it sound. =x
I'm highly positive I have some social anxiety so I get what you mean. Half the time it's why I prefer the internet cause then I don't feel under pressure and have no trouble saying f you if you don't like me.

Uh. Good luck? With the therapist? Not too sure how that works so....yeah :/


Deadeyelee said:
Yeah...I bothered Arkytior a whole bunch... For which I will apologize for again. I did read all the archive, classroom, and most of the character sheets...
You did not bother me lol

You're fine

Putting the next in spoilers as its regarding seriousness(nothing bad). Felt with the light nature of OOC it deserves some spoiler tags.

I understand what you mean. MY age is the same as it says on my profile, im 27. Only 3 months ago i found out i have Manic-Depressive disorder. And apparently a pretty severe case. not extreme but severe. I'm what they call a rapid cycler. I'd go between being Manic, Depressed(suicidal thoughts) and back to Manic within hours. And for me it was always normal. From what my DR and i can tell, ive had it since i was at least 10 or 11. Finally got some meds and i feel better now than i ever have. I bounce back with emotions like a regular person should and its SOOOOOOOO nice. Lol. My Therapist is amazing because she asked me questions when we talk that make me think differently about them than in a normal sense and it leads to understanding why i do certain things, and brings about change.

As for school, i was always alone. My dad went to work at 5:30. Since i was about 9, ive always had to get myself up for school, go to school, come home and do homework. My dad would get home at 5, i usually got home at 3. I never did clubs, never had but one or two friends and pretty much kept my grades at a D average so i could pass without putting forth effort. So yeah. School sucked for me. Games and online were my only reprieve from school and real life. Depressing right?

So anyways, On a lighter note, dont take school for granted. It is an important part of growing up. :P But now we got rpn so who cares! Love you all haha.
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