Out of Soul Chat

Arkytior said:
Arkytior said:
Egg shells can have salmonella on them. When you crack an egg open, the germs transfer to the egg, and cookie dough usually requires 2-3 eggs. So yeah theoretically you can get salmonella from cookie dough. However that never stopped anyone from consuming it.
Kaine said:
Egg shells can have salmonella on them. When you crack an egg open, the germs transfer to the egg, and cookie dough usually requires 2-3 eggs. So yeah theoretically you can get salmonella from cookie dough. However that never stopped anyone from consuming it.
Because, *gestures to the picture*, WHOSE GOTTEN IT?
Kaine said:
Egg shells can have salmonella on them. When you crack an egg open, the germs transfer to the egg, and cookie dough usually requires 2-3 eggs. So yeah theoretically you can get salmonella from cookie dough. However that never stopped anyone from consuming it.
And in today's world, with all this fancy know-how, the risk of Salmonella from eggs has dropped considerably from way back when that old "Careful, don't eat that, you could get salmonella" thing started.
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Just saying you can. If they didnt add a warning, you could sue them. In 'Murica, we sue everyone. You looked at me strange, imma sue you. I don't like your avatar imma sue you. My body aches, Imma sue it! When it comes down to it, its all about money and has nothing to do with safety. Thats why most of us eat said cookie dough with no fucks given >:0

In the wise words of the great Weird Al ...JUST EAT IT, EAT IT, EAT IT!!!!!
Kaine said:
Just saying you can. If they didnt add a warning, you could sue them. In 'Murica, we sue everyone. You looked at me strange, imma sue you. I don't like your avatar imma sue you. My body aches, Imma sue it! When it comes down to it, its all about money and has nothing to do with safety. Thats why most of us eat said cookie dough with no fucks given >:0
In the wise words of the great Weird Al ...JUST EAT IT, EAT IT, EAT IT!!!!!
Pretty much lol

It's cause of college. My friends all plan out how they're going to get hit by a car. PAY for my college tuition xD
Arkytior said:
Pretty much lol
It's cause of college. My friends all plan out how they're going to get hit by a car. PAY for my college tuition xD
Move to Russia. Apparently its a competitive sport.
Kaine said:
Move to Russia. Apparently its a competitive sport.
Imma tell this one girl that. If she had the money, I bet she'd be on the first plane there xD

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]If you don't eat it... You ain't fat! You ain't nothin'! You ain't nothin'!!!

Pfffft xD
No joke. Have you not seen on youtube to goPRO footage from russia. Some people fake so bad its hilarious and others hurl themselves not giving a damn. All because they know insurance money is easier than working. its sad.
Yeah for us, it's just college is too much money and we ain't got enough. Sooooooo yea.
Zenaida said:
-Looks outside to see the snows finally going away-

-Checks news for weather forecast to find out that there's a freaking snow storm coming-

AH MAN! Come on, just starting to get rid of that fluffy white nuisance....
Surprisingly, where I live hasn't gotten the slightest bit of snow this year except for like a scattering of 3 days
TheWeirdPhilosopher said:
Surprisingly, where I live hasn't gotten the slightest bit of snow this year except for like a scattering of 3 days
Would you like some?

-Scoops as much as possible up and offers-

It's not like I'm gonna run out anytime soon.
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Zenaida said:
Would you like some?
-Scoops as much as possible up and offers-

It's not like I'm gonna run out anytime soon.
Oh, no, it feels like the beginning or spring here, and I'd like to keep away from the thick coats; I despise the cold.
[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]I gave up on brainwashing you >~>
The last time it snowed here was six years ago.

I wouldn't be able to last without some kind of fluffy whiteness that long. I don't despise it that much...
[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Welcome to Southeast Texas

Everytime I hear Texas I think about how my teacher got in major trouble after travelling through Texas over a parking ticket. She warned us of the ways of the Texans, and how they do not play.
@DaughterofAthena I was wondering if later on in the RP we could do a colab where Arthur is in class, and obviously paying zero attention... This colab would probably be open to anyone else who wants to be in said class. Also I can't use google docs until Wednesday, because I'm on my Nana's iPad on all days except then.
TheWeirdPhilosopher said:
Everytime I hear Texas I think about how my teacher got in major trouble after travelling through Texas over a parking ticket. She warned us of the ways of the Texans, and how they do not play.
With law no, we have the most people on death row O.o
Ariettie said:
@DaughterofAthena I was wondering if later on in the RP we could do a colab where Arthur is in class, and obviously paying zero attention... This colab would probably be open to anyone else who wants to be in said class. Also I can't use google docs until Wednesday, because I'm on my Nana's iPad on all days except then.
Well, right now, class just ended. And if Hiro's teaching the class, it would be a VERY uneventful collab because Hiro doesn't care if people pay attention or not. If you want to collab with a teacher who would get mad at Arthur for not paying attention, I recommend talking to @Arkytior .

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