Out of Soul Chat

Thats a pretty good break down of the NOT class alright. Them as EAT would be interesting to say the least.

'Kota wouldnt like to move up. Again... She was there once and it ended bad for her.

Right? I'm remembering all the characters, but I'll probably need to re-read to get a feel for them again...since taking a bit of a writing hiatus, I've stopped paying attention to the new characters and what they are doing. So, I've got a lotta reading to do...which is part of what I need to do to get my leg back into this rp.


I also feel bad about leaving Athena to do alot of work....but I don't think I'd be very good at character acceptance....since I'm very...lenient...and lack lore knowledge <.<
You can ask Professor Thomas how exciting the NOT kids are. Naia can't read a wit of English. The Golden Soul of Justice is his own lvl of weirdness. Jack bs's all of Thomas's normal NOT classes with his die (rolls for how well he does in class that day). Kalin follows Jack around...but I at least imagine he's a good-ish student...unless Jack manages to convince Kalin to follow the die.  We had a couple of twin pairs...and one of them is fairly flamboyant. Dakota's thankfully normal, but is very shy. There are more I'm sure, but those are the ones that stick out the most to me right now. I don't imagine Konoba to be normal...

And these are the NOT kids. The ones in the normal classes^^

Just imagine what would happen when/if they get promoted. Though Jack isn't particularly eager to join EAT...because he rolled NOT.    

jeez. NOT students are weirder as EAT students when y'all really think about it. 

>W> *Imagines EAT Virgo* He'd have to get gud some.
Naia can't read a wit of English.

She's learning slowly... sort of... ish... not really, but hey, she'll get it eventually. XD

Honestly, Grace and Erica could probably help with that.

Dunno. There's a lot of people who could probably help. It's more a matter of when does anybody have time for that honestly? She's good for now. If she needs to read something, she'll figure it out or ask a friend or classmate or teammate or a random stranger walking down the street. 
She's learning slowly... sort of... ish... not really, but hey, she'll get it eventually. XD

Dunno. There's a lot of people who could probably help. It's more a matter of when does anybody have time for that honestly? She's good for now. If she needs to read something, she'll figure it out or ask a friend or classmate or teammate or a random stranger walking down the street. 

I'm sure she will. Just saying that Grace and Erica would gladly be tutors. Not to be mistaken with the Tudors. Because they're Scottish. They're not about that life XD
Oh, that's right, Virgo's a NOT student. So tell me again how you thought he could defeat a highly trained, pissed off, madness ensued EAT student?

NOT fight. Run. Distract/taunt/annoy the madness ensued EAT student with weighty words of justice until help arrives. That's basically all Jack did against Xander during the concert...minus the justice part. He was fortunate his partner had a healing soul. Then again, if it weren't for his partner, Jack wouldn't have tried to hold off Xander in the first place. He's more interested in witches.

She's learning slowly... sort of... ish... not really, but hey, she'll get it eventually. XD

Dunno. There's a lot of people who could probably help. It's more a matter of when does anybody have time for that honestly? She's good for now. If she needs to read something, she'll figure it out or ask a friend or classmate or teammate or a random stranger walking down the street. 

I imagine the first person she would go to for learning is Virgo--since they formed a partnership. And one of the first English words she'd learn is J.U.S.T.I.C.E.


...something memey? T_T
NOT fight. Run. Distract/taunt/annoy the madness ensued EAT student with weighty words of justice until help arrives. That's basically all Jack did against Xander during the concert...minus the justice part. He was fortunate his partner had a healing soul. Then again, if it weren't for his partner, Jack wouldn't have tried to hold off Xander in the first place. He's more interested in witches.

I imagine the first person she would go to for learning is Virgo--since they formed a partnership. And one of the first English words she'd learn is J.U.S.T.I.C.E.


...something memey? T_T

:3 I like the sound of that fight plan. 

I also like the sound of that learning plan.
NOT fight. Run. Distract/taunt/annoy the madness ensued EAT student with weighty words of justice until help arrives. That's basically all Jack did against Xander during the concert...minus the justice part. He was fortunate his partner had a healing soul. Then again, if it weren't for his partner, Jack wouldn't have tried to hold off Xander in the first place. He's more interested in witches.

I imagine the first person she would go to for learning is Virgo--since they formed a partnership. And one of the first English words she'd learn is J.U.S.T.I.C.E.


...something memey? T_T

Stop outsmarting me! #
Re-read my concert posts. Sorry...I lied. Jack will be utterly reckless if his die tells him to. He's also a bit of a gambler <.<
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Don't tell that story to Grace or Erica.

It's kind of a hard story to keep from telling, especially if they should ever run into Alexis. Xander was her twin brother and both her brother and her dad were abusive, but she tried to find the good in her brother. In the end, he was too much trouble and he got himself killed. She was the one who absorbed his soul and now she's sad because she feels like she didn't try hard enough to save him. 

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