Out of Soul Chat

Nature tried to give the Mongoose a handicap, but the Mongoose said no. Sure we could be more resistant to venom, but that would just be overkill. I never said Honey Badgers weren't badass, but don't you dare try to talk down a Mongoose. Especially on their own territory. Mongooses are both badass and stylin' and we exist in over half the world.

Well, I'm not a baby... so, yeah.

Mongooses are banned in the U.S. 

because they're communist, clearly
I don't know, meerkats seem pretty communist to me.

*Sighs and face palms.* First of all, bud. Meerkats are to Mongooses what a square is to a rhombus. I am not a Meerkat. I have no problem with Meerkats, but do not mistake me for one. It's like calling someone who's Asian American an African American. I know the sand pic might be confusing, but I am not from the Kalahari Desert.

Secondly, I understand how you might think that. It is very easy to confuse a Mongoose society as a communist one. However, if you observe the actual social structure and how things function, you will see that it is a Monarchy.
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*Sighs and face palms.* First of all, bud. Meerkats are to Mongooses what a square is to a rhombus. I am not a Meerkat. I have no problem with Meerkats, but do not mistake me for one. It's like calling someone who's Asian American an African American. I know the desert pic might be confusing, but I am not from the Kalahari.

Secondly, I understand how you might think that. It is very easy to confuse a Mongoose society as a communist one. However, if you observe the actual social structure and how things function, you will see that it is a Monarchy.


you just said you were a mongoose. Meerkats are mongooses. There's so many mongooses,  how am I supposed to know which one you're talking about?

there's only one honey badger

[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]While some mongoose species are solitary, most live in colonies. The average colony is made up of roughly 20 individuals, but some contain up to 50. Those who live in groups will take turns being sentinels. The sentinels stand on their hind legs on higher ground, looking all around them for danger. If they spot a potential threat, they'll let out an alarm call that lets the rest of the colony members know they should retreat to safety.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Communisim. No one Is in charge. All take turns[/COLOR]
you just said you were a mongoose. Meerkats are mongooses. There's so many mongooses,  how am I supposed to know which one you're talking about?

there's only one honey badger

I said I was a Mongoose. A Meerkat is a type of Mongoose. You could say Meerkat Mongoose, but that would just be wordy and Meerkat is sufficient to describe what they are. At the same time, a Honey Badger is simply a type of Badger. However, you can't just say Honey and have people understand what you're talking about. Therefore you have to say Honey Badger. If I just say Mongooses, the default should assume Mongooses, not a specific type of Mongoose. That logic just doesn't make sense.

[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]While some mongoose species are solitary, most live in colonies. The average colony is made up of roughly 20 individuals, but some contain up to 50. Those who live in groups will take turns being sentinels. The sentinels stand on their hind legs on higher ground, looking all around them for danger. If they spot a potential threat, they'll let out an alarm call that lets the rest of the colony members know they should retreat to safety.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Communisim. No one Is in charge. All take turns[/COLOR]

The average human colony is made up of ( ), but some contain up to ( ). Buddy, don't flash your National Geographic broad summary wisdom at me. Nature doesn't fit cleanly into numbers like that. Sure, that's a statistic, but it means nothing. That's just what works best for Mongooses at the time. Now let's get a few things straight. You don't 'take turns' being a Sentinel any more than people take turns being a soldier. If you're a soldier, you're a soldier. If you're a sentinel, you're a sentinel. Soldiers don't fight 24/7, and Sentinels don't keep watch 24/7. I mean, come on. We gotta sleep and stuff, too. However, if you're a Sentinel, you're not all of the sudden just going to go and start having kids with another Mongoose. Because you can't just switch your occupation like that. It takes work to reach a different occupation. Some Mongooses gather food. There's different jobs for Mongooses, but they are not shared. You live a certain portion of your life working one job, and if your lucky, you might get the chance to work as something else, or possibly to become one of the 'Monarchs'. Literally, that's how it work. Don't go trying to tell me what a Sentinel is. I AM a Sentinel.
I said I was a Mongoose. A Meerkat is a type of Mongoose. You could say Meerkat Mongoose, but that would just be wordy and Meerkat is sufficient to describe what they are. At the same time, a Honey Badger is simply a type of Badger. However, you can't just say Honey and have people understand what you're talking about. Therefore you have to say Honey Badger. If I just say Mongooses, the default should assume Mongooses, not a specific type of Mongoose. That logic just doesn't make sense.

The average human colony is made up of ( ), but some contain up to ( ). Buddy, don't flash your National Geographic broad summary wisdom at me. Nature doesn't fit cleanly into numbers like that. Sure, that's a statistic, but it means nothing. That's just what works best for Mongooses at the time. Now let's get a few things straight. You don't 'take turns' being a Sentinel any more than people take turns being a soldier. If you're a soldier, you're a soldier. If you're a sentinel, you're a sentinel. Soldiers don't fight 24/7, and Sentinels don't keep watch 24/7. I mean, come on. We gotta sleep and stuff, too. However, if you're a Sentinel, you're not all of the sudden just going to go and start having kids with another Mongoose. Because you can't just switch your occupation like that. It takes work to reach a different occupation. Some Mongooses gather food. There's different jobs for Mongooses, but they are not shared. You live a certain portion of your life working one job, and if your lucky, you might get the chance to work as something else, or possibly to become one of the 'Monarchs'. Literally, that's how it work. Don't go trying to tell me what a Sentinel is. I AM a Sentinel.

Honey badgers aren't related to badgers. 

At all.

There is only one honey badger.

and I'm having trouble finding documentation for monarchy but I'll take your word for it.  
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and I'm having trouble finding documentation for monarchy but I'll take your word for it.  

Okay, this statement is hilarious. Documentation that Mongooses run a monarchy. Bud, a Monarchy is a human idea! Of course you don't see documentation of Mongoose monarchies. The thing is, you brought up social structure and compared it to communism. Like I just said, it is understandable why someone who doesn't know what they're talking about might make that observation. However, I just explained to you the social workings of a Mongoose society. That is reflective of how a monarchy works. Of course it isn't an exact monarchy, but we certainly aren't communist.

So you're an Egyptian mongoose?

Proudly, yes I am.

I like this... Slowly backing away is a good plan. >.>

Continues to watch and follow making sure you leave the territory and don't try to cause any trouble.

Right. We gotta be EXTREMLY careful...

*Runs away*

*Gives chase.* If you're running, you're guilty!
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Okay, this statement is hilarious. Documentation that Mongooses run a monarchy. Bud, a Monarchy is a human idea! Of course you don't see documentation of Mongoose monarchies. The thing is, you brought up social structure and compared it to communism. Like I just said, it is understandable why someone who doesn't know what they're talking about might make that observation. However, I just explained to you the social workings of a Mongoose society. That is reflective of how a monarchy. Of course it isn't an exact monarchy, but we certainly aren't communist.

Proudly, yes I am.

Continues to watch and follow making sure you leave the territory and don't try to cause any trouble.

*Gives chase.* If you're running, you're guilty!

No, I wasn't looking for a monarchy. I was searching for the social behaviors of mongooses. I didn't go in with a preconceived notion, as I couldn't claim to know anything off hand about it. 
I never said you were looking for a monarchy. In fact, said the same thing you just did. I'll quote myself here:

The thing is, you brought up social structure and compared it to communism. Like I just said, it is understandable why someone who doesn't know what they're talking about might make that observation. However, I just explained to you the social workings of a Mongoose society. That is reflective of how a monarchy works.
Mongooses live a very simplistic, traditional life that generally stays the same between generation, but there's only two Mongooses at the center of it all and they're the ones that get to make babies. There aren't many times that call for an alpha decision, but there is a head figure.
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