Out of Soul Chat

@Cecilia Hey, why are you being so suspicious? You planning something stupid? You gonna cause us trouble? Huh? If you're not trying anything, I don't see why you'd be scared of me. I mean, we're like cousins. You're a cat, I'm a Mongoose. Bark.

Don't piss me off and you'll be just fine. 
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@Cecilia Hey, why are you being so suspicious? You planning something stupid? You gonna cause us trouble? Huh? If you're not trying anything, I don't see why you'd be scared of me. I mean, we're like cousins. You're a cat, I'm a Mongoose. Bark.

Don't piss me off and you'll be just fine. 

Who knows. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. 
Who knows. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. 

I come back to find a page or two about Mongooses, Meerkats, and Honey Badgers. This occ chat is something else. 



Don't scare away too many people with your strangeness.


Virgo and I are pretty different. I don't believe in justice...at least, not to a strong extent.


Jack would be Lexie's friend if she became Kalin's friend. That's how networking works, I think. I wasn't sure how much of Lexie's past was supposed to be known, and I didn't want to give my characters knowledge they weren't supposed to know, so I took the safe route. Jack can deduce some things from what he saw of how Xander treated Lexie in their fight...but he doesn't know the full extent of their history. Ella knows what she hears of rumors, but she doesn't have much faith in gossip, and is too often absent from school (due to medical reasons) to be kept in the loop with such things anyway.

Though I do feel for Lexie--losing her bf and her brother at around the same time =(

I just want to clarify. When I say that Lexie absorbed Xander's soul, I mean that Xander died and that she absorbed his kishin egg soul... the same way that Tsubaki absorbed Masamune's soul. 

It wasn't a random sibling just absorbs a sibling's soul kind of thing. 

I'm trying to remember how Tsubaki absorbed Masamune's soul in the anime, so I can picture the scene, but I'm drawing a blank :S Lexie just eats it, right? Is there another way of absorbing a soul...?

Ah, I see. Without that clarification, they'd still have nightmares. Either way, it's still possible for one of the sisters to absorb the other's soul. When they're in fusion form, they're for all intensive purposes sharing a body, so that could happen. If it were to happen, Erica would likely be the one to get absorbed, as Grace's soul is stronger because of her confidence and perhaps something else I won't mention here, and because she was infected from the source of the madness, so that's probably how it'd go down. Not saying it would. Just exploring some devastating what if's :P

As I recall, Lord Death prohibits the consumption of non-Kishin Egg souls among the weapons/meisters of DWMA (witches are an exception). If Grace absorbs Erika, she'd be breaking DWMA regulations...and there wouldn't be anyone to testify on her behalf if she did, since the event happened within their souls. So on top of the emotional baggage of killing her sister, she'd probably be facing some serious consequences...


There's no need for Jason to feel guilty. Xander made a deal with the devil and crossed the line into Evil Human territory. Jason did a good deed.  
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Firstly, I'm absolutely loving all the OOC activity that we've had lately! It's exciting and it makes me excited for the things to come. You guys are awesome!

Secondly, I'm planning on working on a few posts and getting them up sometime this afternoon/evening. I do have some cleaning in my apartment to get done because I'm hosting a sorority movie night tonight so that might delay me a bit, but I have almost the entire day free so I don't see any potential problems at all. Some of my plans do involve posting for some of my characters who aren't presently in any missions just so that the characters wandering the DWMA have opportunities to participate.

Additionally, I might work on getting a new interest check up so that maybe we can bring more people into our wonderful roleplay world!

Sidenote: did you guys know that our rp has officially been running for over a year now!? Its exciting!

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