Out of Soul Chat

Stallllkkkkkerrrr! *runs away*

Suppose I'll work on a post myself soon-ish, since my plans were foiled for today. ^^;;

*Chases Weasel through tunnels.* I'm envisioning a very hilarious scene right now :P

Oh no! I hope I wasn't the reason your plams were foiled. If you ever wanna collab, don't hesitate to ask.
XD It's funny because cinnamon rolls don't have arms. Get it guys? He's trying to bear arms... but he ain't got no arms to bear, son!

And a Mongoose can somehow find a cinnamon roll in an OOC of crazy, death-worshiping, roleplayers.

It's RPN, Celtic. ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE. * ^ * (Cocks Gun)
'Murica bonus intensifies 

Commies take 1d8 damage per turn when within 2 squares of dead


And a Mongoose can somehow find a cinnamon roll in an OOC of crazy, death-worshiping, roleplayers.

It's RPN, Celtic. ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE. * ^ * (Cocks Gun)

I am a Mongoose and I found a cinnamon roll. I didn't specify what cinnamon roll, and I never claimed to worship death, thank you very much.

Also, you do not want to take me to the anything is possible realm, Spicy. Trust me, you will lose that battle. 

I am a Mongoose and I found a cinnamon roll. I didn't specify what cinnamon roll, and I never claimed to worship death, thank you very much.

Also, you do not want to take me to the anything is possible realm, Spicy. Trust me, you will lose that battle. 


*Weasel points at @CelticHero37 * It is all yourrrrrr fault! It's cause of your post it threw my RL plans all out of wack! Youuuuuuuuuuuuu! *Jumps out from the vents and scurries through the halls on her little weasel legs*
*Pets the pretty kitty on my shoulder and is very distracted by adorableness.*

-Purrs and nuzzles Athena-

Kyah! *A rolling ball made up of a Mongoose and a Weasel goes rolling down the hall in a seemingly impossible and unstoppable manor*

That looks like fun. -Stops purring and nuzzling and launches self off Athena at the Mongoose-Weasel ball-
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-Purrs and nuzzles Athena-

That looks like fun. -Stops purring and nuzzling and launches self off Athena at the Mongoose-Weasel ball-

Uh oh XD

And then Jessyka, Malacai, Isaac and Adrika get to deal with that drama... oh dear...

And then Jessyka, Malacai, Isaac and Adrika get to deal with that drama... oh dear...


Should be fun.

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