Out of Soul Chat

Damn. Emoticons will forever be my weakness.

^^' Well, I kinda thought CTT was a little awkward considering the reactions towards Virgo, Dakota and Kassana partnering up for the first time, Virgo and Naia's clear differences, everyone being a bit edgy from their stuff being stolen, and some Kalin moments. 

But after reading about old miesters meeting old weapons after certain crazy events, new weapons misunderstanding old meisters holding old weapons, a sorta irritated shopkeeper just watching it happen, and my favorite scene, Jesicka (I don't remember the name all too well)being touched, I kinda realized ctt could've been A lot worse. 
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Well, I'm glad you enjoyed Jessyka's mini mental breakdown. It was fun to write! And I really don't think you have to worry about interactions being awkward. Having awkward interactions is half the fun of roleplaying, I think. 

Anywho, I'm hoping to post for Catching a Troublemaker today (for Kassana) and I'm also thinking I might post for Alexis, Keziah and/or Warren or a combination of the three somewhere today. 

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed Jessyka's mini mental breakdown. It was fun to write! And I really don't think you have to worry about interactions being awkward. Having awkward interactions is half the fun of roleplaying, I think. 

Anywho, I'm hoping to post for Catching a Troublemaker today (for Kassana) and I'm also thinking I might post for Alexis, Keziah and/or Warren or a combination of the three somewhere today. 

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed Jessyka's mini mental breakdown. It was fun to write! And I really don't think you have to worry about interactions being awkward. Having awkward interactions is half the fun of roleplaying, I think. 

Anywho, I'm hoping to post for Catching a Troublemaker today (for Kassana) and I'm also thinking I might post for Alexis, Keziah and/or Warren or a combination of the three somewhere today. 


Just pls don't forget about my boy Jayce
I hope it's not the first one, because the second will be more treatable. And actually, I just got back from work. Just chillin' at home now! Where do you work?

Well, it is the first. It's happening in my Lymph Node. That place that takes care of infections. So either way, my immune system's shot right now.

I work at a gas station, Spicy. You know, one of those guys that everybody tells their kids not to be like because I didn't go to college and am now stuck. Which is funny because I'm actually using the money to pay for college rather than taking out loans and complaining for 'free' college.
Well, it is the first. It's happening in my Lymph Node. That place that takes care of infections. So either way, my immune system's shot right now.

I work at a gas station, Spicy. You know, one of those guys that everybody tells their kids not to be like because I didn't go to college and am now stuck. Which is funny because I'm actually using the money to pay for college rather than taking out loans and complaining for 'free' college.

We-Well, at least it still can be treated! I hope you feel better!

And I'm not exactly in college yet, but I think still think its pretty impressive you're managing to pay for a college on your own without any help. Most students would be crawling on their knees for loans from their parents or blowing their money on drugs and shit. And people just give gas stations a bad rep because they're on their high horse about their 'Perfect' Life.
We-Well, at least it still can be treated! I hope you feel better!

And I'm not exactly in college yet, but I think still think its pretty impressive you're managing to pay for a college on your own without any help. Most students would be crawling on their knees for loans from their parents or blowing their money on drugs and shit. And people just give gas stations a bad rep because they're on their high horse about their 'Perfect' Life.

We, we don't know if it can be treated yet, actually. They're only guessing right now, because it's really hard for them to tell without a full biopsy.

I mean, I do get a little help from my parents. The thing is thougb, I'm being smart about it. I'm not going to a super expensive college, I'm not wasting my money on pointless shit, and I rarely go anywhere, so gas doesn't cost too much. The thing is, even though I'm a hard working citizen, even if I do want loans, the government don't offer me squat. Then I turn around and see all these people living off mine and my parents tax dollars that are partying and buying all sorts of shit for themselves, still have a job, and then turn around and complain that college is too expensive and should bmade free. I have very little respect for those people.
We, we don't know if it can be treated yet, actually. They're only guessing right now, because it's really hard for them to tell without a full biopsy.

I mean, I do get a little help from my parents. The thing is thougb, I'm being smart about it. I'm not going to a super expensive college, I'm not wasting my money on pointless shit, and I rarely go anywhere, so gas doesn't cost too much. The thing is, even though I'm a hard working citizen, even if I do want loans, the government don't offer me squat. Then I turn around and see all these people living off mine and my parents tax dollars that are partying and buying all sorts of shit for themselves, still have a job, and then turn around and complain that college is too expensive and should bmade free. I have very little respect for those people.

I'm sure it'll be treatable. You can push through this.

And yeah, its okay to get help once in awhile. It can be pretty annoying to walk home from a crappy day at work and just see people wasting money on dumb shit without a second thought while there are times where you gotta rely on budgets and saving money for important things, meaning you can't get the things YOU need. I felt that all too many times, and even now, I can feel it. But I know that one day, their mistakes will catch up and they'll basically hit rock bottom while your smart choices will get you to new heights. You just gotta keep pushin' and find the right people to stick with! :D
I don't sugar coat things for myself.

Yeah, the thing that bothers me is, if I end up being successful after all that hard work, the people who weren't will likely be trying to get things set up in the government so that I have to pay for what they couldn't get themselves. That's why it irks me, because I look around and see so many people that are probably going to hate me because I set myself up well and actually make money. So many people in my generation just want things to be cheap and come easy. The problem is, one of the few things they actually will work hard for is taking away from those who have.
Damn. Emoticons will forever be my weakness.

^^' Well, I kinda thought CTT was a little awkward considering the reactions towards Virgo, Dakota and Kassana partnering up for the first time, Virgo and Naia's clear differences, everyone being a bit edgy from their stuff being stolen, and some Kalin moments. 

But after reading about old miesters meeting old weapons after certain crazy events, new weapons misunderstanding old meisters holding old weapons, a sorta irritated shopkeeper just watching it happen, and my favorite scene, Jesicka (I don't remember the name all too well)being touched, I kinda realized ctt could've been A lot worse. 

Lol. Virgo was asking to be responded to. As I re-call, he jumped, tripped, and fell down DWMA's staircase^^;;. Jack and Kalin were definitely a bit edgier than normal...though I giggle I at the thought of Dakota and Kassana being edgy xD

Ella does tend to get a bit dramatic. She's back at DWMA if you're curious about what happened to her. Jessyka's not good with being touched, but she's a 2-star meister and an excellent marksman, so I wouldn't underestimate her, Spicy~

I'm eager to see which group would complete their mission first and the level of success that would be achieved. State of Souls has the more experienced characters. But I think Catching a Troublemaker's characters get along better. 

Pride can be a very delicate thing, something honesty is not an option for. :P  

Pride is the mother of all sins, Hana-duck.

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