Out of Soul Chat

So what's the scoop on State of Souls? Should I make a new post? If so, could somebody fill me in a bit?

So far, you guys have left Nicolas's cafe and are now heading for the cemetery, which means, at the moment everyone is walking and kinda talking a little. Not much has been said. Jessyka's about to have a mild panic attack but beyond that, I should have some actually interesting stuff happening in my next post which should come by Friday at the latest. 
So far, you guys have left Nicolas's cafe and are now heading for the cemetery, which means, at the moment everyone is walking and kinda talking a little. Not much has been said. Jessyka's about to have a mild panic attack but beyond that, I should have some actually interesting stuff happening in my next post which should come by Friday at the latest. 

So would you recommend I wait until your next post or should I try to make something now?
So far, you guys have left Nicolas's cafe and are now heading for the cemetery, which means, at the moment everyone is walking and kinda talking a little. Not much has been said. Jessyka's about to have a mild panic attack but beyond that, I should have some actually interesting stuff happening in my next post which should come by Friday at the latest. 

A part of me wants to continue to post Ella in State of Souls, since where I left her off feels incomplete. Abandoning a mission because of personal problems doesn't seem like something she'd do...after some self reflection at least. 

Yet another part of me doesn't want to force things. Plus not being in the mission gives her room to do other things...

I am paralyzed with indecision =/
A part of me wants to continue to post Ella in State of Souls, since where I left her off feels incomplete. Abandoning a mission because of personal problems doesn't seem like something she'd do...after some self reflection at least. 

Yet another part of me doesn't want to force things. Plus not being in the mission gives her room to do other things...

I am paralyzed with indecision =/

Maybe she tried to come back after she calmed down, but the group had already left. I don't think you'd need to make another post for that in State of Souls, but if you want I could maybe have Grace and Erica come and talk to her later about what went on if you want to bring that up or something.
A part of me wants to continue to post Ella in State of Souls, since where I left her off feels incomplete. Abandoning a mission because of personal problems doesn't seem like something she'd do...after some self reflection at least. 

Yet another part of me doesn't want to force things. Plus not being in the mission gives her room to do other things...

I am paralyzed with indecision =/

I personally don't have a problem with it. 

I would recommend discussing with @Hanarei and @CelticHero37 though because if a fighting situation arises, that leaves the twins kinda on their own. I know that was the plan initially, but it would still be nice to confirm that it's still acceptable. 

There's actually a lot of rearranging that could  happen. Adrika might work well with Aiko. Jessyka would definitely be more useful with Ella. There's so many fun switch-ups that could happen. 
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I personally don't have a problem with it. 

I would recommend discussing with @Hanarei and @CelticHero37 though because if a fighting situation arrises, that leaves the twins kinda on their own. I know that was the plan initially, but it would still be nice to confirm that it's still acceptable. 

There's actually a lot of rearranging that could  happen. Adrika might work well with Aiko. Jessyka would definitely be more useful with Ella. There's so many fun switch-ups that could happen. 

Let's just hope the twins can handle all the shenanigans without going crazy and killing another faculty member :P  I wonder who would have the potential to make them death-scythes.
Let's just hope the twins can handle all the shenanigans without going crazy and killing another faculty member :P  I wonder who would have the potential to make them death-scythes.

I think Aiko could make them into death scythes if they were actually able to stick with Aiko for a while. Keziah too... maybe... 
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I think Aiko could make them into death scythes if they were actually able to stick with Aiko for a while. Keziah too... maybe... 

Yeah, Aiko definitely could. I don't know that much about Keziah, but I'm sure she could too if they could resonate well again. The one thing to worry about is that if the twins end up with Keziah, Grace will most likely suffer some major PTSD :P
Yeah, Aiko definitely could. I don't know that much about Keziah, but I'm sure she could too if they could resonate well again. The one thing to worry about is that if the twins end up with Keziah, Grace will most likely suffer some major PTSD :P

You don't want the twins to partner with Keziah for... reasons. 
I personally don't have a problem with it. 

I would recommend discussing with @Hanarei and @CelticHero37 though because if a fighting situation arises, that leaves the twins kinda on their own. I know that was the plan initially, but it would still be nice to confirm that it's still acceptable. 

There's actually a lot of rearranging that could  happen. Adrika might work well with Aiko. Jessyka would definitely be more useful with Ella. There's so many fun switch-ups that could happen. 

Hmm, Jessyka and Ella? That would make sense, since she seems to prefer ranged weapons...

All else fails, I'll work Ella as autonomous-ish weapon. Ella and Aiko haven't made up yet. But Ella doesn't want to leave the ghosties around and run away. It would look bad on her if Lord Death were watching 9_9

Let's just hope the twins can handle all the shenanigans without going crazy and killing another faculty member :P  I wonder who would have the potential to make them death-scythes.

Utility meister Aiko can with her unlimited blade works...if she ever gets around to learning how to resonate  :smile4:
Yes... suffer... endless torment! MUAHAHAHAAA

Aiko can take anyone anywhere they want to go. She is just the best! (This message is sponsored by Aiko. Actual results may vary. Consult with your doctor before you take Aiko as an ally)
Utility meister Aiko can with her unlimited blade works...if she ever gets around to learning how to resonate  :smile4:

How dare you uh... say such a thing! That's uh... blasphomy and... stuff... YEAH! She can resonate enough to at least hold someone not use any real techniques So you take back such words! 
Hmm, Jessyka and Ella? That would make sense, since she seems to prefer ranged weapons...

All else fails, I'll work Ella as autonomous-ish weapon. Ella and Aiko haven't made up yet. But Ella doesn't want to leave the ghosties around and run away. It would look bad on her if Lord Death were watching 9_9

Utility meister Aiko can with her unlimited blade works...if she ever gets around to learning how to resonate  :smile4:

How dare you uh... say such a thing! That's uh... blasphomy and... stuff... YEAH! She can resonate enough to at least hold someone not use any real techniques So you take back such words! 

Well, I mean... her and Erica were already partners, so I don't think resonating would be a challenge at this point :P

... famous last words ... 

*Flashbacks to the last time Grace and Keziah were partnered together.* ... oh
Well, I mean... her and Erica were already partners, so I don't think resonating would be a challenge at this point :P

Ella can resonate with anyone (for the most part). As a character, I'd meant for her to be a training wheel for new students. She was never intended to find another 'Kira'...at least, that was the original plan.  

Jack's first time utilizing a weapon was Ella, though the cousins never resonated, I imagine they could after Jack gets a bit more training with regards to controlling his wavelength. Though, he still prefers Kalin  :smile10:  
I personally don't have a problem with it. 

I would recommend discussing with @Hanarei and @CelticHero37 though because if a fighting situation arises, that leaves the twins kinda on their own. I know that was the plan initially, but it would still be nice to confirm that it's still acceptable. 

There's actually a lot of rearranging that could  happen. Adrika might work well with Aiko. Jessyka would definitely be more useful with Ella. There's so many fun switch-ups that could happen. 

You could pretty much stick Adrika with anyone and she wouldn't be fazed by it.
*Shakes head* Are you all trying to propagate madness? DWMA is a school teaching to fight against madness you know. *wags finger* Tsk. Tsk.

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