Out of Soul Chat

I'm still around. Strangely this is the only thread I don't hang around in OoC chat all that much. *shrugs*
I'm still around. Strangely this is the only thread I don't hang around in OoC chat all that much. *shrugs*

Yay! One person I don't have to worry about having been zombified. 

No zombie KageYuuki today. *Edits* And no zombie SpicyCinny. Good good. 

Now to wait for confirmation that the others aren't zombies. 

*Sits and waits for notifications.*
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No! You are not allowed to become a zombie. You're allowed to focus on finals for a week, but zombification is permanent and irreversible. 

Okay, okay. No death or zombifing. Got it. 
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*Is actually dead despite having posted a response back earlier, laying in the corner with the murder weapon laying beside her body.* 
No! You are not allowed to become a zombie. You're allowed to focus on finals for a week, but zombification is permanent and irreversible. 

Zombification isn't permanent, actually. It's just like becoming a vampire, there are ways to undo it. Granted there are still leftover effects from the initial state, although in general only beneficial traits in most monster-state reversals. Ex-Zombies do still have to deal with an increased discomfort at sunlight though, granted their skin won't just dry up on them. Disclaimer, some Ex-Zombies may face chronic dryness of the skin, numbness in the hands, feet, or neck, and may be more prone to dislocating their shoulder. Dezombify at your own risk.
Zombification isn't permanent, actually. It's just like becoming a vampire, there are ways to undo it. Granted there are still leftover effects from the initial state, although in general only beneficial traits in most monster-state reversals. Ex-Zombies do still have to deal with an increased discomfort at sunlight though, granted their skin won't just dry up on them. Disclaimer, some Ex-Zombies may face chronic dryness of the skin, numbness in the hands, feet, or neck, and may be more prone to dislocating their shoulder. Dezombify at your own risk.


*Attacks and goes crazy, infecting everyone with the insanity of studying for a humongous exam* 

*Attacks and goes crazy, infecting everyone with the insanity of studying for a humongous exam* 

Spoiler alert for anyone who plans on watching or reading the Monogatari Series. Bakemonogatari, Kizumonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari, Kabukimonogatari, Tsukimonogatari, Koimonogatari, etcetera... That Monogatari Series. This is a slight spoiler to that, albeit not necessarily all that big of one since there are numerous mentions of bits and pieces on this throughout the entire series.

Highlight text if and when ready to read, warning has been given and thus there is no reason in which one can be angry at me for what they themselves have chosen to obtain.

I mean... I know my stuff. I'm Shinobu, so I've only been around a couple hundred years, y'know, was a mortal who became a vampire through my own means, was reverted to the form of a mostly mortal child, etcetera etcetera... I think I know how this whole non-human to human thing works.
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16 minutes ago, Kiyoko Tomoe said:

Spoiler alert for anyone who plans on watching or reading the Monogatari Series. Bakemonogatari, Kizumonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari, Kabukimonogatari, Tsukimonogatari, Koimonogatari, etcetera... That Monogatari Series. This is a slight spoiler to that, albeit not necessarily all that big of one since there are numerous mentions of bits and pieces on this throughout the entire series.

Highlight text if and when ready to read, warning has been given and thus there is no reason in which one can be angry at me for what they themselves have chosen to obtain.

I mean... I know my stuff. I'm Shinobu, so I've only been around a couple hundred years, y'know, was a mortal who became a vampire through my own means, was reverted to the form of a mostly mortal child, etcetera etcetera... I think I know how this whole non-human to human thing works.


In other news.

Owarimonogatari S2 this year.

*Dead Mongoose is also the murder weapon...*

P.S., I know what anime your avatar is from now. *Cri :'(*

Aye! Gave it a shot, ended up liking it a lot more then I thought I would. Never thought I'd fall in love with a character dressed up as a maid until after I seen it. XD 

*Ish still totally dead, thus immune to being infected*
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By any chance are these two people twins? Because if so, I think everybody in this RP needs to take a moment to stop and question why everybody has a pair of freakin' twins xD

At the moment, Grace and Erica are the only active twins in the roleplay, actually. And Celtic was the first to make twins. 
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By any chance are these two people twins? Because if so, I think everybody in this RP needs to take a moment to stop and question why everybody has a pair of freakin' twins xD

Yes, technically Grace and Erica are twins. However, they were part of this RP before having twins was cool, so yeah.
Aye! Gave it a shot, ended up liking it a lot more then I thought I would. Never thought I'd fall in love with a character dressed up as a maid until after I seen it. XD 

*Ish still totally dead, thus immune to being infected*

Yeah, I definitely didn't expect it to tug at my emotions so much.

At the moment, Grace and Erika are the only active twins in the roleplay, actually. And Celtic was the first to make twins. 

Yeah, what she said.
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