Out of Soul Chat

Hana and I should probably discuss that thread, actually. I imagine she has a plan for it. And I had a thought. 

Since @QuirkyAngel left, I'm not sure how active @Deadeyelee intends for Kalin to be. However, if Deadeye would be alright with it, him and I could have Jayce and Felix stumble on the situation. That would keep it at an even number of members in the prompt and allow us to finish it up. I don't want to leave Deadeye with nothing to do but Kalin was tied pretty closely into Jack. 

I'm not sure if that helps answer your question or not. If not, you're welcome to ask me. I might refer you to @Hanarei if needed. 

That answers my question!
*Sees you*


Hi guys! 

Sorry I've been a bit absent for a while. Life got busy and then a whole bunch of things kinda slipped my mind. You can thank Spicy for reminding me this lovely project exists. I hope to have a few posts coming tonight granted I can concentrate and if not tonight, then things will be incoming tomorrow. 

@Hanarei Hi there! Are you ok with the Troublemaker plot proceeding with just two pairs? I've heard nothing from @Deadeyelee in a while because I was gonna consider throwing in Felix and Jayce. 

@CelticHero37 Are you planning on posting for the twins at all soon or is it alright for me to move that prompt along? 
So... Anyone think they can catch me up on what kind of stuff I've missed for this RP? Because I completely forgot about it all until just recently, for which I feel extremely bad about >~<

Also, I'm resuming work on characters for this RP, so I can have a completely new start to everything. Assuming there's anything for me to do should I complete those characters, that is, but if nothing's open or anything, then that's my fault and I'll just have to wait for stuffs :P
Hi guys! 

Sorry I've been a bit absent for a while. Life got busy and then a whole bunch of things kinda slipped my mind. You can thank Spicy for reminding me this lovely project exists. I hope to have a few posts coming tonight granted I can concentrate and if not tonight, then things will be incoming tomorrow. 

@Hanarei Hi there! Are you ok with the Troublemaker plot proceeding with just two pairs? I've heard nothing from @Deadeyelee in a while because I was gonna consider throwing in Felix and Jayce. 

@CelticHero37 Are you planning on posting for the twins at all soon or is it alright for me to move that prompt along? 

I have no plans to post for the twins, but I feel like I've missed something.
So... Anyone think they can catch me up on what kind of stuff I've missed for this RP? Because I completely forgot about it all until just recently, for which I feel extremely bad about >~<

Also, I'm resuming work on characters for this RP, so I can have a completely new start to everything. Assuming there's anything for me to do should I complete those characters, that is, but if nothing's open or anything, then that's my fault and I'll just have to wait for stuffs :P

I can catch you up. I'm not sure how detailed you want me to get, though, or how caught up you already are. Do you know what happened at the End of Summer Concert?
Oh, okay. So I guess I didn't miss that much. Seems everyone's been busy, huh? :P I'd say it's okay to work on the next post. If I get a chance, I might try to throw up a quick response for the twins, but if you get a post finished, you can just get it moving.
Oh, okay. So I guess I didn't miss that much. Seems everyone's been busy, huh? :P I'd say it's okay to work on the next post. If I get a chance, I might try to throw up a quick response for the twins, but if you get a post finished, you can just get it moving.

I kinda forgot this rp existed. I'm working on getting things moving again in all the different prompts and then I'm hoping to open up recruitment for new players again. We're technically always accepting but I haven't advertised in a while. 
I kinda forgot this rp existed. I'm working on getting things moving again in all the different prompts and then I'm hoping to open up recruitment for new players again. We're technically always accepting but I haven't advertised in a while. 

Alright, cool! Let me know if I can do something to help!
I can catch you up. I'm not sure how detailed you want me to get, though, or how caught up you already are. Do you know what happened at the End of Summer Concert?

I think I know what happened at the concert. That was what brought forth the State of Souls quest, right? With the spirit things loose from the box? Unless there was another concert since I last was around, in which case I've no clue.
I think I know what happened at the concert. That was what brought forth the State of Souls quest, right? With the spirit things loose from the box? Unless there was another concert since I last was around, in which case I've no clue.

You're right on that! 

As for what has happened from there, it's just a bunch of little things. One group has been sent to investigate a large magical presence and magical insomnia in Dunsmuir California (that's Sand Dunes and Nightmares). There's a serial killer in Death City (Target Acquired: Jeff the Killer). There are poltergeists that need to be rounded up which is the task in State of Souls. And there's a little gremlin causing nuisances which is what sparked Catching a Troublemaker. 

Beyond that, Death City is currently on high alert because of what happened at the concert and classes are currently cancelled until further notice. Professor Hakoda Fuller and Professor Hiro Mitsaki are available to give students private lessons if they wish, though. 

Currently, Keziah Swan, Jayce Hammerkin and Warren Langston are three of my characters present at the DWMA. All three are most likely training and are open to sparing with anyone who wishes (though sparing with Keziah is a bad idea in most cases). 

I think that covers most things. Any questions?
*Goes on a rampage of tagging everyone who hasn't said anything in a while to make sure they are all still alive and breathing.*

@Exanis @Xenoxx @Will @The One Eyed Bandit @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai @simj22 @KageYuuki @Kalin Scarlet @Deadeyelee @Cecilia @Pyosimros @AllTheFangirlThings @Rantos @Plasma @TheWeirdPhilosopher 

I know I probably missed some people. To those of you who have been tagged, please prove you are alive!!! Either by liking, commenting in the OOC, posting IC (which would be completely awesome) or something else entirely that may surprise us all while proving that you aren't dead. 

If you aren't intending on participating in this rp anymore for some silly reason, you're welcome to not prove you are alive. 

I hope most of you live!!

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