Out of Soul Chat

*Pokes back* 

Hi there! 

Sorry for the delay. I should have posts coming tonight and tomorrow. I had holiday stuff going on and then I got sick and I've been working and on top of that, I'm still sick. Cold medicine is helping and I'm hoping its enough to keep me up late enough to crank out some posts. 

No worries! The holidays pretty much knocked me out for the count too between retail hell and now being sick myself ><

So no rush. Just wasn't sure if you'd seen Kalin's post or what was going on
*Pokes back* 

Hi there! 

Sorry for the delay. I should have posts coming tonight and tomorrow. I had holiday stuff going on and then I got sick and I've been working and on top of that, I'm still sick. Cold medicine is helping and I'm hoping its enough to keep me up late enough to crank out some posts. 

Athena, I have a question about troublemaker, but I don't know if I should ask you or Hana. 
Athena, I have a question about troublemaker, but I don't know if I should ask you or Hana. 

Hana and I should probably discuss that thread, actually. I imagine she has a plan for it. And I had a thought. 

Since @QuirkyAngel left, I'm not sure how active @Deadeyelee intends for Kalin to be. However, if Deadeye would be alright with it, him and I could have Jayce and Felix stumble on the situation. That would keep it at an even number of members in the prompt and allow us to finish it up. I don't want to leave Deadeye with nothing to do but Kalin was tied pretty closely into Jack. 

I'm not sure if that helps answer your question or not. If not, you're welcome to ask me. I might refer you to @Hanarei if needed. 

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