Out of Soul Chat

In all seriousness though, I'm cool with bein' partners.

Last question, @DaughterofAthena. I know it says only 1-Stars, but I'd like to potentially have one of my characters be a 2-Star or 3-Star Meister. Is this possible? Completely understand if not, just part of the first of ideas on my list that I'm thinking of using for my new characters.
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So then Aiko just needs a new partner. Correct?

Aye, she could use one. I mean its plausible if wanted she could probably wield the twins if Celtic wants if you do happen to get a Weapon/Meister pairing, otherwise she wouldn't have an issue having another weapon. ^^ I'd say another Meister if need be but it would be pretty silly with a Meister 'wielding' another Meister in combat... 

Which twins are being referred to here? Because I know there's a lot of twins in this RP for whatever reason, mine included :P  (I know it's definitely not my twins, I just like keeping up with twin characters whenever I'm in a RP since I've used twins a few times myself).
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Which twins are being referred to here? Because I know there's a lot of twins in this RP for whatever reason, mine included :P  (I know it's definitely not my twins, I just like keeping up with twin characters whenever I'm in a RP since I've used twins a few times myself).

The Taghan Twins. Grace and Erica, The Axe Twins, Hallbirds, Dual Battle axes, Scottish Princesses. Those twins.
The Taghan Twins. Grace and Erica, The Axe Twins, Hallbirds, Dual Battle axes, Scottish Princesses. Those twins.

Meanwhile I sit here with a a pair of twins from China who were trained in martial arts and raised by a witch. So yeah, twins galore and of all different backgrounds xD

Although I've lost connection with those characters and so I'm not sure if I'll still be playing them after I make my new characters.
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Huh, hadn't even been aware that there was another set of twins. It would've been interesting if they were to interact with each other.
Huh, hadn't even been aware that there was another set of twins. It would've been interesting if they were to interact with each other.

There were actually two other sets of twins before, I do believe. I know there were the Spark twins or whatever they were called, me and the creator of those characters tried to plan some stuff for the four of them though never got the time to enact those plans.
There were actually two other sets of twins before, I do believe. I know there were the Spark twins or whatever they were called, me and the creator of those characters tried to plan some stuff for the four of them though never got the time to enact those plans.

Interesting. Yeah, I was one of the original members of this RP, but then I took a decent sized break. So this is the Taghan Twins' second time back.

Twin Meisters, each wielding one of the Twin Weapons! Why has this not happened yet? xD

Because that would be cool and make sense.
Twin Meisters, each wielding one of the Twin Weapons! Why has this not happened yet? xD

Well, that actually was to be a thing my twins and the Spark twins were going to do, four weapons all "wielding" one another and whatnot, as it would've been four blades able to go crazy in the hands of the other three blades.
Well, that actually was to be a thing my twins and the Spark twins were going to do, four weapons all "wielding" one another and whatnot, as it would've been four blades able to go crazy in the hands of the other three blades.

Yeah, it's an interesting idea. Although if we were following cannon, that wouldn't exactly work. For example, the Taghan twins can sort of wield each other as if the weapon were just an object, but two weapons can't resonate the same way as a meister can. So you can't really have weapons that are also meisters. The only times this really occurs is if the weapon has the ability to wield itself or if they are a Hybrid like Maka.
Although it wouldn't be beyond the realm of cannon to have two hybrid meisters that are working with the DWMA to try and find a way to unlock the surpassed weapon forms, but it wouldn't be something consistent either way, and ultimately that would be something to discuss with Athena before doing.
Yeah, it's an interesting idea. Although if we were following cannon, that wouldn't exactly work. For example, the Taghan twins can sort of wield each other as if the weapon were just an object, but two weapons can't resonate the same way as a meister can. So you can't really have weapons that are also meisters. The only times this really occurs is if the weapon has the ability to wield itself or if they are a Hybrid like Maka.

Actually, bond Meisters, sibling weapons that can wield each other because of their close bond as family. I wouldn't think it too far away to say the same could apply to childhood friends or those who get along so well they instantly become best friends. Plus, the weapons could still use each other via the weapon itself moving and more using the other as more of a surface to maneuver around and ride alongside sort of like traveling across a curved wall, except it's constantly changing from movement.
Actually, bond Meisters, sibling weapons that can wield each other because of their close bond as family. I wouldn't think it too far away to say the same could apply to childhood friends or those who get along so well they instantly become best friends. Plus, the weapons could still use each other via the weapon itself moving and more using the other as more of a surface to maneuver around and ride alongside sort of like traveling across a curved wall, except it's constantly changing from movement.

Like I said in my twin example, yes siblings can to some extent. The problem is, the way a weapon's wavelength works versus a meister's. It's like putting in two batteries both connecting at the negative end. It doesn't work.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, ferret.

Actually I sleep quite well, thank you. Not much can fit down a mongoose's hole in the ground. It's quite ingenious that way. However, I find it amusing that you're trying to arrest a talking Mongoose for word discrimination when you yourself can't utilize the correct term for my species. I believe that's called being a hypocrite. So, being the resident Mongoose justice here, I might just have to take you in for disturbing the peace and treasonous hypocrisy.
Actually I sleep quite well, thank you. Not much can fit down a mongoose's hole in the ground. It's quite ingenious that way. However, I find it amusing that you're trying to arrest a talking Mongoose for word discrimination when you yourself can't utilize the correct term for my species. I believe that's called being a hypocrite. So, being the resident Mongoose justice here, I might just have to take you in for disturbing the peace and treasonous hypocrisy.

*Slowly slithers in.* DID SOMEONE SAY JUSTICE?!

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