Out of Soul Chat

Yes... yes... soon my goal to destroy the soul eater RP and any hope of the good guys beating me has almost completed!


Whoever said anything about good guys beating you? What about an out of control Grace and Erica?

Hello everyone, I know I've been gone for far too long. I've been sick and otherwise preoccupied with familial issues. I'm not going to go into detail unless you ask me, but again I am deeply sorry to have just dropped off of he face of the Earth like that. I know that it was an inconvenience.
Pssh your face on a mongoose, except lamer cause your a mongoose and not a ferret. 
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Pssh your face on a mongoose, except lamer cause your a mongoose and not a ferret. 

*Facepalms.* Ugh. *Grits teeth and restrains self.* Listen here human. Let, let me explain to you the comparison of the mongoose and ferret in a way your simple mind can understand. The mongoose is to the ferret, what the Irish are to the Scottish. Yes, technically a mongoose is not a ferret, and a ferret is not a mongoose. However, we're closely related, generally like the same things, both look similar, and both have the world convinced that we have outrageous accents. Literally, mongooses are just a little more feisty, just like the Irish, and the ferrets are more okay with being owned as pets, just like the Scottish. So you see?! Mongoose or Ferret, neither are lame. They're both cool, they're both awesome, they'd stand alongside each other, and they both love to be curious. Mongoose and ferret sniff together, not apart. Although Mongoose has to be king of the jungle since most ferrets are now domestic.
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*Facepalms.* Ugh. *Grits teeth and restrains self.* Listen here human. Let, let me explain to you the comparison of the mongoose and ferret in a way your simple mind can understand. The mongoose is to the ferret, what the Irish are to the Scottish. Yes, technically a mongoose is not a ferret, and a ferret is not a mongoose. However, we're closely related, generally like the same things, both look similar, and both have the world convinced that we have outrageous accents. Literally, mongooses are just a little more feisty, just like the Irish, and the ferrets are more okay with being owned as pets, just like the Scottish. So you see?! Mongoose or Ferret, neither are lame. They're both cool, they're both awesome, they'd stand alongside each other, and they both love to be curious. Mongoose and ferret sniff together, not apart. Although Mongoose has to be king of the jungle since most ferrets are no domestic.

:T Watterson-kun is better than all creatures

Watterson-kun is not the king of the jungle. Watterson-kun cannot be better than all creatures. However, that doesn't mean Watterson-kun isn't cool. Besides, cats are closely related to the mongoose. In fact, what's known as a Meerkat is actually a type of mongoose.

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