Out of Soul Chat

*Shambles sneakily towards Celtic from behind, her mouth wide open exposing nice sharp teeth looking to feast upon a fresh soul.*

*JUSTICE dives to protect Celtic. Face-plants into floor several feet away*

*Puts on cowboy hat. Steps in front of Spicy with spur sounds accompanying.* You don't scare me evil spirit. Don't make me use Snake Dance. You came looking for souls? Too bad I'm a ginger mongoose.

*Smiles, showing teeth.*
AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! *Scurries down hole in ground. Returns seconds later without cupcake.* AAAA!!! AAAA!!!!

-Stands glaring at the Mongoose- 

Bad Celtic. Very bad mongoose!

Really? We're really gonna do this? *sighs* Come on, do I look like a dog to you? Newsflash kid, my life and mental stability are not connected to how much you approve or disapprove of my actions. Heck, mongooses are more closely related to cats than dogs. Get the picture now? We're better than cats, but not slaves to approval ratings like dogs. So I give no fucks if you think I'm a bad mongoose. You humans also think dark holes in the ground with bugs everywhere is bad. That's called a fucking solid-ass home ya dimwits! *Shakes head.*  Bad mongoose. HAH!
I am going to be putting some serious work into trying to breathe life back into this rp this weekend. I have a few ideas but I am not able to adequately explain them here at the moment. 

*Saunters up hill and stands sideways next to Athena with head held high, scanning the crowd of people below being inspired by the speech as the sun creates a perfect scene from the east. All being accompanied by epic music coming from who knows where.*

I've got nothing to do with this. I'm just here to look cool.

*Nods in satisfaction.*

Seriously though, post people. Post before I start digging a hole to your profile and posting AAAAA!!!! all over your wall.
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I am here! Alive.... Ish. 

I can post if wanted, though I'm still standing by waitin' on the Athena-Zenaida collab if plausible...

Also, currently buried in 150+ alerts... .... ... >.< 
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I am here! Alive.... Ish.

I can post if wanted, though I'm still standing by waitin' on the Athena-Zenaida collab....

Also, currently buried in 150+ alerts... .... ... >.< 

Oh man. Here, let me help ya with that. *Starts digging.* Whoever caused her to get buried, just seriously, what the fuck? You can get killed like that if you're not careful. Not cool. *Sighs.* People have no regard for other's property anymore.
Yes... yes... soon my goal to destroy the soul eater RP and any hope of the good guys beating me has almost completed!

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