Out of Soul Chat

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A king of the jungle wouldn't be burdened with a double post bug. You just keep dreaming though. Dreams are good.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Good morning everyone! [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]I have a few things to comment on and a few apologies to make and a few announcements to make in general. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]First of all, I’m sorry things have slowed down so much as of late. I’m on a trimester school system and I’m approaching the end of the trimester which means my workload is increasing a lot currently as I approach my final exam week (two weeks away). I have a few classes that are simply demanding a lot of my attention and it is hard for me to keep up to date on all of my roleplays and keep up on school stuff. That being said, this roleplay is NOT going to die. I’m becoming more organized and I imagine that I’m getting to a point of being able to manage things again. Yay! [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]I have some updates on some of the prompts currently running. [/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Target Acquired: Jeff the Killer has been going well and will continue to do so. Things should get fun soon! [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The Cursed Hotel will be ending for the time being. QuirkyAngel has decided that she needs to rediscover some of her characters and her motivation of roleplaying. Because of that, there simply isn’t the capacity to run the mission prompt at the present point in time. My sincerest apologies to those in that mission. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Sand Dunes and Nightmares has lost too many members who were involved in the prompt and thus is also going to have to end. It is not a prompt that was designed to run with 2-3 people in it. I will (hopefully) be reworking this mission and rebooting it in a way that will hopefully sustain more interest. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]State of Souls is getting a few new members. Jessyka Volontari (one of my characters) will be replacing Yury Durzhavin as Adrika’s partner and there might be an opening for another character or two (depending on whether or not Hana Duck wants to keep Aiko in despite Ella’s absence). [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Catching a Troublemaker is still waiting on a collab from myself and Zenaida. I’m adding in after I finish writing this message and I’m hoping to have it finished within the week. The slowness of that post has probably been mostly related to my lack of time due to school work and terrible organization which I’m working on fixing. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]In light of all these updates and the slowness as of late, I’m also hoping to see people check in if they are still interested in being a part of this roleplay. You can either like this post or comment here in the OOC. I’ll be going through and keeping track of who is still around. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]~ DaughterofAthena[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Good morning everyone! [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]I have a few things to comment on and a few apologies to make and a few announcements to make in general. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]First of all, I’m sorry things have slowed down so much as of late. I’m on a trimester school system and I’m approaching the end of the trimester which means my workload is increasing a lot currently as I approach my final exam week (two weeks away). I have a few classes that are simply demanding a lot of my attention and it is hard for me to keep up to date on all of my roleplays and keep up on school stuff. That being said, this roleplay is NOT going to die. I’m becoming more organized and I imagine that I’m getting to a point of being able to manage things again. Yay! [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]I have some updates on some of the prompts currently running. [/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Target Acquired: Jeff the Killer has been going well and will continue to do so. Things should get fun soon! [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The Cursed Hotel will be ending for the time being. QuirkyAngel has decided that she needs to rediscover some of her characters and her motivation of roleplaying. Because of that, there simply isn’t the capacity to run the mission prompt at the present point in time. My sincerest apologies to those in that mission. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Sand Dunes and Nightmares has lost too many members who were involved in the prompt and thus is also going to have to end. It is not a prompt that was designed to run with 2-3 people in it. I will (hopefully) be reworking this mission and rebooting it in a way that will hopefully sustain more interest. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]State of Souls is getting a few new members. Jessyka Volontari (one of my characters) will be replacing Yury Durzhavin as Adrika’s partner and there might be an opening for another character or two (depending on whether or not Hana Duck wants to keep Aiko in despite Ella’s absence). [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Catching a Troublemaker is still waiting on a collab from myself and Zenaida. I’m adding in after I finish writing this message and I’m hoping to have it finished within the week. The slowness of that post has probably been mostly related to my lack of time due to school work and terrible organization which I’m working on fixing. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]In light of all these updates and the slowness as of late, I’m also hoping to see people check in if they are still interested in being a part of this roleplay. You can either like this post or comment here in the OOC. I’ll be going through and keeping track of who is still around. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]~ DaughterofAthena[/SIZE]

*Clings to leg* I'll NEVER leave.
@DaughterofAthena As I said before I went inactive, I was plotting a new character(s) to replace Kouta and Himura since I'd lost touch with them. This still alright for me to do? If not, I can return to Yasu and Kouta, though I would like to rewrite them a little bit not only because all the BBCode I had on them is nonexistent anymore, but to re-familiarize myself with them.
@DaughterofAthena As I said before I went inactive, I was plotting a new character(s) to replace Kouta and Himura since I'd lost touch with them. This still alright for me to do? If not, I can return to Yasu and Kouta, though I would like to rewrite them a little bit not only because all the BBCode I had on them is nonexistent anymore, but to re-familiarize myself with them.

You were plotting? Evil schemes aren't welcome here.
@DaughterofAthena As I said before I went inactive, I was plotting a new character(s) to replace Kouta and Himura since I'd lost touch with them. This still alright for me to do? If not, I can return to Yasu and Kouta, though I would like to rewrite them a little bit not only because all the BBCode I had on them is nonexistent anymore, but to re-familiarize myself with them.

You're welcome to make a new character / new characters. 
You were plotting? Evil schemes aren't welcome here.

Plotting isn't always evil. Plotting means planning, nothing more. It's people like you who the word as a negative >~>


  • Devise the sequence of events in (a play, novel, movie, or similar work).

Also yes, I use that specific definition because I'm a writer. Workin' on a Manga right now :P
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Plotting isn't always evil. Plotting means planning, nothing more. It's people like you who the word as a negative >~>


  • Devise the sequence of events in (a play, novel, movie, or similar work).

Also yes, I use that specific definition because I'm a writer. Workin' on a Manga right now :P

Sounds like the definition for sarcasm.
Hopefully there will be a mission opening soon.

I will be opening up Sand Dunes and Nightmares soon because the current group kinda vanished. There's still a few members left in it, but not enough. 

There also may be an opening for either a pair or a weapon in State of Souls. @Hanarei needs to let me know if she is keeping Aiko in the mission or not since Ella is going to be vanishing for a while. 
I will be opening up Sand Dunes and Nightmares soon because the current group kinda vanished. There's still a few members left in it, but not enough. 

There also may be an opening for either a pair or a weapon in State of Souls. @Hanarei needs to let me know if she is keeping Aiko in the mission or not since Ella is going to be vanishing for a while. 

I can keep Aiko in the mission. ^^
So then Aiko just needs a new partner. Correct?

Aye, she could use one. I mean its plausible if wanted she could probably wield the twins if Celtic wants if you do happen to get a Weapon/Meister pairing, otherwise she wouldn't have an issue having another weapon. ^^ I'd say another Meister if need be but it would be pretty silly with a Meister 'wielding' another Meister in combat... 


No wait, that would be AWESOME!
Aye, she could use one. I mean its plausible if wanted she could probably wield the twins if Celtic wants if you do happen to get a Weapon/Meister pairing, otherwise she wouldn't have an issue having another weapon. ^^ I'd say another Meister if need be but it would be pretty silly with a Meister 'wielding' another Meister in combat... 

No wait, that would be AWESOME!

Sign me up!
Quirky sounds to be taking a little break character wise so at least temporarily she does not. 

Well, it had been my plan to have Grace and Erica end up with one meister. They could be shared with two meisters as well, but that'd probably be a situation where one's an EAT class meister and the other's just a NOT class. So for missions and things, the twins would both go with the EAT class meister, if that makes sense. Because of their fusion form and all.
Also, they're hand-axes. So individually, they're meant to be held in one hand. Traditionally with hand-axes, people would wield two or one hand-axe and a shield. So it's not uncommon.
I know, I did talk to you way back in the day about it its why I mentioned Aiko Duel wielding since I know you intended to eventually lead to that kind of thing, specially with the merged form. ^^ 

Or perhaps.... I just know how to read your mind?


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