Out of Soul Chat

@CelticHero37 @Hanarei 

Are either the twins or Aiko ever going to address Nicolas? He did comment on the situation at one point and I haven't seen anyone reply to him at all. I might have missed it, though. I'm not entirely sure. 

Um, well Aiko did mention about being fine as far as a smoothie went, though she didn't really address anything else, a bit distracted on that side. She did hear him though. :P

@CelticHero37 What? Pssh! I'm a cold calculating robot, I'd never post something like that! N... never! *shifty eyes*
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@CelticHero37 @Hanarei 

Are either the twins or Aiko ever going to address Nicolas? He did comment on the situation at one point and I haven't seen anyone reply to him at all. I might have missed it, though. I'm not entirely sure. 

I think @Hanarei did briefly, and the post we're writing now that plays out in front of Nicolas is probably going to answer most of his questions.

Um, well Aiko did mention about being fine as far as a smoothie went, though she didn't really address anything else, a bit distracted on that side. She did hear him though. :P

@CelticHero37 What? Pssh! I'm a cold calculating robot, I'd never post something like that! N... never! *shifty eyes*

Of course you wouldn't, that's just how much of a crybaby I am.
>.> Crazy Wippersnappers

Whippersnappers? I've been hearing this word a lot recently. What does it actually mean?

Also, @QuirkyAngel, I didn't think about this before, but if you want to do a collab with Grace, just let me know. If not, that's fine too. I just don't want you getting stuck having to write a small post if you want them to have a conversation or something.
Whippersnappers? I've been hearing this word a lot recently. What does it actually mean?

Also, @QuirkyAngel, I didn't think about this before, but if you want to do a collab with Grace, just let me know. If not, that's fine too. I just don't want you getting stuck having to write a small post if you want them to have a conversation or something.

Young troublemakers.
Ah. It sounded like people always used it as an endearing term, but the people that they usually say it to tend to be people I find to be kinda disrespectful and irresponsible people.

*Old Spicy Voice* I remember the good ol' times back in my rp days. I was once part of somethin' called a 'Spirit Chomper'. It was hosted by The son of Zeus....I NEED MY PILLS!
Yay didn't know the new D. Grey Man Episodes... forgot how creepy it could be... then how much I love the Noah... then I wasn't expecting to be hit right in the feels. T.T lol
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>.> *Slowly takes away wall*

Yay didn't know the new D. Grey Man Episodes... forgot how creepy it could be... then how much I love the Noah... then I wasn't expecting to be hit right in the feels. T.T lol

Yay didn't know the new D. Grey Man Episodes... forgot how creepy it could be... then how much I love the Noah... then I wasn't expecting to be hit right in the feels. T.T lol

Wow. What happened in that show must've been pretty...


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