Out of Soul Chat

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]So how do you feel about a dynamic duo of justice and good intentions

Pssst! Just tah let you know...

Virgo already exists here :D
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Oh, I know, that's why I wanna be the greatest meister pair that ever lived.


"JUSTICE Friends, HO!"
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Just because I'm bored...

SpicyLickiTung said:
Quick question, when we're questioning people, do we make our own neutral NPCs or does Hana and/or Athena do that biz?
That depends on who you are questioning and what kind of information you are hoping to have your character learn. If you would like to learn something that has already been revealed IC and your character just doesn't know it yet, then you're fine to make your own and control them although I'd appreciate you not go overboard. If you'd like to try to learn information that hasn't been revealed anywhere yet, then you should probably leave the NPC for myself or @Hanarei to control.
DaughterofAthena said:
That depends on who you are questioning and what kind of information you are hoping to have your character learn. If you would like to learn something that has already been revealed IC and your character just doesn't know it yet, then you're fine to make your own and control them although I'd appreciate you not go overboard. If you'd like to try to learn information that hasn't been revealed anywhere yet, then you should probably leave the NPC for myself or @Hanarei to control.
Okey Dokey :D Also...Uhm...Don't wanna rush ya, since you're probably doing IRL stuff or other important stuff, but I think its kinda been a week now. Think you can check out the new charachter I made so I can get me and bandit in that cursed hotel mission? Sorry for bothering, I just though now would be a good time to mention it before we all get swept up in the new update and stuff.
SpicyLickiTung said:
Think you can check out the new charachter I made so I can get me and bandit in that cursed hotel mission?
I should have time to look it over tomorrow sometime (as in Sunday... not Monday... it's currently past midnight for me so saying tomorrow is a bit weird).
DaughterofAthena said:
I should have time to look it over tomorrow sometime (as in Sunday... not Monday... it's currently past midnight for me so saying tomorrow is a bit weird).
Glad I'm not the only one that gets tripped up saying that near/past midnight
Whelp! Doomsday is almost here! I must prepare snacks and Fallout NV for RP withdrawal

*Shakes and falls to the floor*
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Everything is ruined. Ruined i tell u

Coding I can't fix although I have been told most of it should carry over. Apparently the update isn't even done yet. Personally, I would've preferred they waited until the whole thing was functional before letting us back in because then they could've devoted all of their time to finishing the update rather than having to divide it between answering questions and moving rps. 

Anyway, we are being moved to a new home soonish I think. 

I don't imagine I'll actually resume any roleplaying for a week at least, though. There's too much I have to figure out first. 

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