Out of Soul Chat

 Feel like the odd one out with a title!

I am extremely sorry for not getting around to approving your character before the update. I thought I would have time Sunday night and then they started early. At the moment, reading through code messes gives me a massive headache so I'm going to give it a few days and see if there seems to be any progress on translating bbcode into something that looks halfway decent and if not, I'll figure out a way to push through it without. 

I am extremely sorry for not getting around to approving your character before the update. I thought I would have time Sunday night and then they started early. At the moment, reading through code messes gives me a massive headache so I'm going to give it a few days and see if there seems to be any progress on translating bbcode into something that looks halfway decent and if not, I'll figure out a way to push through it without. 

It's cool. We were all kinda caught off guard! :D
I am definitely alive....

Just don't ask me to figure anything out right now. I haven't had enough coffee for this confusion yet.

Well, it is nice to know that you exist! 

Once I figure things out - which I'm working on - I am hoping I'll be able to help everyone else here figure them out too so we can get back to rping. 
Dammit, old BBCode ain't working right now... 

They don't know what will import and what won't, but apparently at least some of it should be translated within the next week so that old pages don't look like crap. I'm not sure how much will translate, but some of it is supposed to. I wouldn't recommend reworking things just yet. 
I don't know if we can rework things. Do the old posts even have the edit option?

I can edit everything here in this new location at the moment. That might be because I run the roleplay though. I don't really have any content in an rp that isn't mine that has been moved over as of yet so I can't say for sure whether you can edit your content or not. 
Anyway, since we have some people here, does anyone have any thoughts on the way I currently have our particular rp formatted? I played around with it last night for quite a while and I figured something very similar to what we had would be best. I am waiting on approval for one more subforum for Archived information. 

Also, I'm working on fixing up some of the posts that are in the missions that were running so that they're not jumbled code. Maybe we can start roleplaying in a few days again. 

Sand Dunes and Nightmares is on hold because I've noticed a bug. Keanehandiam's most recent post isn't there anymore and I'm hoping that staff can retrieve it because it says it should be there and then it isn't. I would really hate to have to ask him to rewrite it. 

And I've been trying to figure things out... 

Your post from Saturday in Sand Dunes and Nightmares isn't in the thread anymore. I'm letting you know because I have actually found it. It still exists. It is just not where it is supposed to be. I've already created a bug thread for it and if nothing else, we can copy and paste it from where I did find it. 
And I've been trying to figure things out... 

Your post from Saturday in Sand Dunes and Nightmares isn't in the thread anymore. I'm letting you know because I have actually found it. It still exists. It is just not where it is supposed to be. I've already created a bug thread for it and if nothing else, we can copy and paste it from where I did find it. 

That was more of me trying to be funny. Although the code seems to be all over the place now. As for my post, at least it's found. Thank you very much.
As for my post, at least it's found. Thank you very much.

No problem. It was really bugging me because when I have the patience, I'm planning on going in and fixing the threads that have missions so that we can hopefully start rping before the week it will take for coding to be fixed. And we can't continue Sand Dunes and Nightmares while a post is missing. 

If I need to, I'll copy it over. 

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